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Windows Vista


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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Hans Dietrich
This series of articles is a step-by-step guide to reading files stored in your program's resources. Along the way I will present some non-MFC classes to assist you in reading text, binary, zip, and even encrypted files that have been compiled into your program as resources.
by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.

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by Star Vega
Creating a rich OutlookBar in XP or Vista style
by Jayson Ragasa
Multi RDP Client .NET is used for managing your RDP connections. It allows you to Import/Export .RDP files, disconnect all connection at one click, and connect all your servers at one click as well.
by Steffen Ploetz
Another fully functional ownerdraw menu with minimal effort - this time based on Win32, with icons instead of bitmaps, with accelerators and tested for ReactOS and WinNT 4.0 to Windows 10
by Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Milton García Borroto
In this article, we introduce a framework in C# for fingerprint verification, we briefly explain how to perform fingerprint verification experiments and how to integrate your algorithms to the framework.

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Windows Vista 

23 Jan 2020 by Steffen Ploetz
Another fully functional ownerdraw menu with minimal effort - this time based on Win32, with icons instead of bitmaps, with accelerators and tested for ReactOS and WinNT 4.0 to Windows 10
19 May 2015 by Yohamnes Hernandez
How to free blocked files, inclusive if they are mapped in memory. Something that many tools are missing.
30 Nov 2015 by Mohammad Dayyan, VahidJafari
A library for creating .Net Serializable Expressions to send via WCF services
10 Jan 2015 by dietmar schoder
Poisson disc algorithm: fundamental C# classes and methods for the artwork production in the area of generative art.
10 Jun 2014 by Anamera
This XSLT will output an Excel worksheet containing a CSV type of record collection in a more usable XML format.
2 Jan 2015 by dietmar schoder
Image sections and images: fundamental C# classes and methods for the artwork production in the area of generative art.
28 May 2014 by Thava Rajan
Copy and insert data at any postion in your datagridview
11 Sep 2016 by Avatar2400
This is a simple class that allows you to have message box with checkbox and other small features.
1 Mar 2011 by Reto70
if you want to run the script in the folder where the script is store you can add the following code@ECHO %0 %*@pushd@cd /D "%~dp0"@cd....@pause@popdin most case %0 is the name of the script including the full path%~dp0 is only the drive and the path of the scriptcd...
15 Apr 2012 by
Includes most API functions except for graphics.
20 Sep 2012 by Sreedhar Puligundla
Simple steps to create SQL joins by using SQL Server 2008 Management Studio
11 Oct 2013 by heemanshubhalla
How to use Masked Textbox control in .NET
14 Apr 2014 by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
This tip shows you a T/SQL function to split a string concatenated by a delimiter.
15 Aug 2011 by Caner Korkmaz
How to open the Internet browser from code.
18 Aug 2011 by thatraja
Given below is code for opening the Internet browser programmatically in VB 6 and VB.NET.VB 6Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _ "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As...
17 Jul 2012 by Jake Franta
11 Sep 2013 by Niel M.Thomas
A tip to keep your text crisp and clear.
23 Oct 2014 by BrokenEvent
.NET WinForms Tray icon implemenation with Win7 and Vista features: GUID identification, large custom icons, custom UI instead of the hint, etc.
24 Jun 2015 by maratoni
This is a brief tutorial on how to sign a Windows device driver with WDK 7.1
6 Nov 2012 by PJ Arends
I needed to disable the Sleep button on my keyboard, here's how.
29 Jun 2010 by crackruckles
Days Left Timer VBS self deleting
8 Aug 2011 by Dalek Dave
Fixing a Profile Services Problem when administrator password will not allow access.
15 Aug 2011 by Kevin Marois
You're incorrect. Explorer is Windows Explorer, not Internet Explorer. Try this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer");then this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "");and this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe",...
20 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Found this Microsoft KBError message: "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded”, when logging on to Windows 7 or Windows Vista[^]From Link[^]:Method 1: Fix the User Account ProfileMethod 2: Log on to Windows and copy your data to a new accountMethod...
11 Sep 2012 by John Bhatt
How can I block some website permanently like ( and more social site on my employees computers
5 Sep 2013 by Mike Meinz
Function returns exe name and command line for the provided filename and extension.
7 Sep 2013 by Joan M
Avoid network problems due to bad network identification on both VMWare virtual adaptors
15 Mar 2014 by Michael_Davies
Handling large numbers of application settings
10 Jun 2014 by Thava Rajan
This tip is used to fix a workaround for a bug in double click on checkbox
11 Jun 2014 by Sen Jacob
This is an alternative for "A Task Scheduler Library for .NET Applications"
13 Jan 2011 by Steve Maier
To get this to work in .NET 4, you have to change the DLLImport signature.[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]private static extern IntPtr CreateFile( string lpFileName, uint dwDesiredAccess, int dwShareMode, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, ...
1 Mar 2011 by Br.Bill
First command of the file should be:PUSHD directory_you_want_to_be_inThat solves it always. No testing for anything. No need to error out, because your expected file's gonna be in the expected directory.
17 Aug 2011 by Michael B. Hansen
If I remember correctly, then I had some issues with the above method some years ago. It would not always work on some systems.I personally use the following method to get the EXE path to the system's default browser:public static string GetDefaultBrowser(){ string browser =...
5 Jul 2012 by Silver Lightning
Display number or amount with commas but no decimal places or extension displayed
6 Sep 2012 by Michael_Lu
Provides tips for exporting documents involving tables connected by relationships
7 Sep 2012 by zippy1981
This is an alternative for "ODBCTracer"
9 Oct 2013 by Matthew Taylor
How to remove Microsoft SQL Server triggers associated with a custom schema.
27 Feb 2014 by Dinesh K.S. Kushwaha
4 Mar 2014 by kanbang
Save/Load Image between buffer
30 Aug 2014 by Javad Taheri (drjackool)
How to use read only option in Vista common file dialog
14 Jun 2016 by Alex Wiese
Monitors log files and displays text as it is appended to the file
3 May 2015 by Pankaj Choudhary - C++ Devepoler
24 Aug 2013 by Hasan Habib Surzo
Basic Server/Client Example using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming
29 Jul 2014 by dietmar paul schoder
Read rows and cells from an xlsx-file: quick, dirty, effective.
22 May 2010 by DaveyM69
Now your application can update it's saved data regrdless of the account it is running under.
30 Sep 2014 by Vahid_N
Microsoft has not updated Iran's daylight saving time information since 2009. Let's find out how it works and then fix it for the next 100 years!
5 Jan 2015 by Tanna
This is WPF Gradient Control. I didn't find a suitable gradient control which will generate a linear gradient or radial gradient brush. This is a gradient control which has a color selector and gradient generator. It can generate radial or linear gradient brush.
9 Apr 2016 by NightWizzard
Handling for hex expressions and the trailing '}'
25 Dec 2011 by Yvan Rodrigues
How I discovered that Windows Vista doesn't always play nice with DHCP servers. Google is great for finding answers if you know the right question.
10 Jun 2014 by Sen Jacob
A simple task scheduler utility by which you can schedule a task to run at any time or interval
15 Aug 2011 by csanuragjain
Unlocks various control options
19 Oct 2012 by Orjan Westin
Simple function to get the text message corresponding to a system error.
23 Apr 2014 by Derell Licht
C++ class that provides a convenient wrapper for lodepng library
2 Jan 2014 by Michael_Davies
Printing To Line Printers (EPOS) Using Windows
29 Dec 2014 by dietmar schoder
Turtle graphics: fundamental C# classes and methods for the artwork production in the area of generative art.
13 Jan 2011 by DaveyM69
How to prevent a CD/DVD drive from being opened.
27 Jul 2014 by Emiliarge
How to send data to device and receive data from device through COM-port
21 Nov 2013 by sonic_youth
This tip will tell you how to add popular web maps such as Google, Nokia, OpenStreet and Yandex maps into a Webix app with just several lines of code.
13 Apr 2012 by D Y Chan
Change a directory or file name to lower case.
6 Feb 2014 by Adamanteus
Intercepting SEH exceptions in C++ program
18 Jan 2015 by dietmar schoder
Merge pixels of two images into one new pop artwork
24 Jun 2013 by Tejashwi Kalp Taru
Ever wanted to change the Windows Aero color without restarting the DWM?
10 Dec 2013 by JRINC
Connect to remote socket via System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect method with timeout controlled by System.Threading.Timer
10 Apr 2015 by El_Codero
Convert doc/docx documents to pdf with Foxit Reader Printer. Works without use of Word Interop/SharePoint.
4 May 2012 by Subha.N
Tip to create a database application using C# .NET in the shortest time possible.
8 Jun 2012 by pdoxtader
Use DeviceIoControl, QueryDosDevice and WNetOpenEnum to get information about your system.
1 Aug 2014 by Gautham Prabhu K
Perform custom disk clean up when hard disk free space goes low
26 May 2012 by arthur zamarin
Making an exe file from C# project that runs from any Windows, without must of Net Framework instaled.
3 Feb 2013 by Normz Antonino
This tip shows you how to convert numbers to words neatly.
21 Jun 2013 by Leonid Belousov
This tip shows how to find the default browser command line in registry using Visual C++.
30 Aug 2014 by Emiliarge
2 ways to read and write data to *.xls and *.xls files and display it on DataGridView.
19 Mar 2015 by Peter T. Ringering
A program that makes editing code comments and XML comments easier.
10 Oct 2012 by pavan1361
adding require blocking site in hosts file
15 Aug 2011 by kbo-mvs
I use this one in C++ (has the advantage that you can use your preferred browser ;-):ShellExecute (NULL, NULL, _T(""), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
6 Mar 2015 by Darkencrow
A multi-drawer style collapsable UI container
1 Jan 2015 by dietmar schoder
Read and analyse pixels: fundamental C# classes and methods for the artwork production in the area of generative art.
5 Jul 2015 by Tantum
How to show your forms in the current active display on dual (or more) monitors
9 Jun 2014 by Rixterz123
How to get text to show perfectly clearly on Aero glass
27 Aug 2012 by textorijum
How to SIMPLY populate TreeView from some sort of "list" variable / object / structure
4 Oct 2013 by Adam Wojnar
An easy implementation of the taskbar-independent "quick launch"
13 Jan 2014 by Antonio Lopez R
Specific implemetation for Mexico CFDI. others can use as they need
14 May 2014 by Member 10771162
AngularJS: Communication between Controllers
16 Mar 2015 by sunhui
In this paper, we will discuss some advanced skills for ATL COM development.
13 Aug 2010 by Not Active
Plagiarized from[^]
1 Mar 2011 by Indivara
Are you sure your batch file will actually do what you intended?
17 Dec 2012 by fadi_sayyed
WPF Compare two brushes IsEquals
6 May 2013 by Hernán Hegykozi
This tip explains how to calculate the Check Digit Vertical (CDV) and Horizontal (CDH) by SQL Server.
22 Apr 2010 by Nic Wilson
Many users ask how to get Vista or Windows 7 style dialog windows when they have imported an older project to Visual Studio 2010.To enable this is quite simple, follow the steps.1. With your project loaded, select the project in solution explorer.2. From the 'Project' menu choose...