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Introduction to Watin

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Introduction to Watin

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8 Feb 2012 by Member 4391175
Hi,When i clicked the Button one modal pop up dialog box will open, how to click that open button using watin test.I used below code , but it doesn't working for me. public void CheckName() { IE ie = new IE("http://localhost:4066/SampleWebSite/Default.aspx"); ...
3 Jul 2012 by Yogesh05
I have open one link,after that when i open another link it gives a popup like"Are you sure you want to leave this page"how to handle this popup in watin.
21 Jan 2013 by Member 9774813
I'm developing a basic app that will perform a Google search based on a text field value and then open a web page based on a given Google result. I have this working, but only on the first result. I can't get access to the remaining results.In firebug, I see this code for the first three...
12 Apr 2013 by rayarash
Hi All,I am using WatiN for Automated Testing in Web applications. _browser.GoToNoWait("http://localhost:51233/Cartable/InternalMembership/SignIn");_browser.TextField(Find.ById("UserName")).TypeText("admin"); In this code, when want to typetext it takes much time and i am getting...
9 Nov 2013 by Tripat Bala Singh
add target="_blank" property in you link code
3 Jun 2014 by Member 10861321
Hey,I am currently trying to change the code on this link:[^]Which I hope as an end result will end up clicking the "Save" button on Internet Explorer window after I have successfully initiated a...
25 Jul 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
If no one can tell me how to solve this with WatiN, I will have to get rid of it, and do it in the old way: foreach (SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2/*or dynamic*/ ie in shellWindows){if (ie.Document.Title.Contains("XYZl")) ie.Document.Script.execScript("doit();", "javascript");}At least it...
27 Oct 2015 by Member 11849218
I'm using watin to automate my sharepoint apps, i need to parametarize the data. So does watin supports parametarization with out the suport of wax
18 Apr 2016 by Member 11094578
Hi I'm using ruby 2.2.4-p230 and Watir WebDriver on Windows 7I got noticed that when execute my Ruby script in a Chrome WebSite always the "Remember logins for sites" is disabled even when the default profile is not.All this do not allow me to complete my script because my script must...
18 Apr 2016 by Member 11094578
As workaround , I Just did with QTP-HP, even that the QTP's Script is very basic, as: Window("Mozila Firefox").Click XXX, YYY Window("Mozila Firefox").Type stringthis works for now, until I can find a solution.
25 Sep 2013 by MinniPandey
Introduction to Watin
25 Jul 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
Hello,I have a project, where I need to automate IE (v8, but the same is valid for v11 also, thus I think it is general). The browser is started (or not) from the user, independent from my application. Thus I need to attach to it, and execute a script. That is not a problem with WatiN:IE...
4 Oct 2013 by Madhu Nair
Code given below works in FireFox but not in IE - Click Me!!!!