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by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Martin Mitáš
How to support scrolling within your controls.
by Hans Dietrich
XColorSpectrumCtrl displays a color spectrum that allows user selection, and provides APIs for color based on RGB and HSL color models.

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by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
Task Manager shows you the programs, processes, and services that are currently running on your computer. You can use Task Manager to monitor your computer’s performance or to close a program that is not responding.
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
This article is about the IntelliFile application which is a free alternative Windows version to Total Commander and uses many components that have been published on CodeProject.
by Michael Chourdakis
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
by Michael Chourdakis
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.

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4 Sep 2019 by Chris Boss
Visual Basic 6.0 just doesn’t want to disappear. Why ? Likely many have written vital applications using VB 6.0 and Visual Basic is so different that it is not a viable option.
28 Feb 2024 by Chris Boss
BASIC: A powerful language often underestimated and undervalued
10 Sep 2010 by Andrey Permamedov
Why an exception raised in timer callback function doesn't leads to process termination.
10 Dec 2011 by Sebastian Solnica
PDB files out of the debugger
28 Jun 2010 by Alexey Kurakin
This article is the second part of my series about remote threads. In this part, I describe how you can create permanently executing thread with any of your code inside address space of another process.
15 Oct 2012 by Marius Bancila
I will show how to provide keyboard input for WPF controls hosted in a Win32 applications.
18 Mar 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Learn how to create your CWinApp::OnIdle in C
18 Mar 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Learn how to create transactional vista using C# and Windows Vista (and higher) SDK.
1 Nov 2015 by Duleeka Gunatilake
Inter Process Communication: Windows NamedPipes & Java applications
13 Nov 2012 by Orjan Westin
In this article, we will write a simple multi-threaded example implementation of the Observer pattern, and show how to re-synchronise a past event to look current. Then we’ll demonstrate a technique to treat future events like they’re current, too.
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to allow only numeric input in TextBox
14 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
Following are some listings to be used as a quick reference to common Windows 7 Taskbar features using Windows API Code Pack.
28 Dec 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Learn how to marshal compound types (structures, unions, etc.) in C#.
12 Jan 2010 by Martin Hinshelwood
From time to time your website structure may change. When this happens you do not want to have to start from scratch with your Google rankings, so you need to map all of your Old URLs to new ones.
8 Jan 2012 by Aniruddha Loya
A module for compressing / decompressing files in windows using Windows shell
28 Dec 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Learn how to marshal simple types (integers, strings, etc.) in C#.
17 Jul 2011 by WebBiscuit
Microsoft has violated the holy rules of COM and broken their msado15.dll. The violation occurs after the installation of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (version 6.1.7601.17514).
14 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Make your class library COM visible using few simple steps
12 May 2010 by Sarath C
Simple method to display progressbar over taskbar button
13 Sep 2016 by Chris Boss
WIN32, the Assembler language of Windows, key to building GUI frameworks!
8 Nov 2015 by Chris Boss
The challenges of building a Visual Designer
28 Dec 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Introduction to marshaling
9 Jun 2010 by Alexey Kurakin
In this part of the tutorial, general information about remote thread is described: what are remote threads, how they can be created and used.
2 Nov 2016 by Chris Boss
One of the challenges which I have felt made the WIN32 API dfficult to learn is that it leaned heavily on C and as a long time BASIC programmer, I always felt the C language syntax was terse in nature and that it lacked the natural syntax of languages like BASIC.
18 Mar 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Convert colors to gray shades, detect Print Preview mode, and detect Black-and-White printers
12 Jul 2010 by Alexey Kurakin
Last part in my series about remote threads
26 Oct 2009 by Williarob
If you have ever looked at a media file (audio or video) in explorer on a Windows 7 PC, you may have noticed that it displays additional information about that media file that previous versions of Windows didn't seem to have access to, for example the length/duration of a Quicktime Movie Clip.
16 Nov 2013 by Debopam Pal
Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library, you can bring your data from your database against LINQ query and store them into an Excel Sheet.
7 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Some of both Documented and Undocumented Keywords that we dont use often like Check, StackAlloc, Fixed,default,@variables,Nullables, __arglist,__reftype etc are explained with simple examples
6 Apr 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Symbolic links: a) Hard Links. b) Soft (Junction) Links
18 Mar 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Which is better, to use BeginPaint/EndPaint, or to use GetDC/ReleaseDC?
10 Apr 2012 by LEADTOOLS Support
From Win32 to WinRT
18 May 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Learn how to allow your form to be draggable from its body
3 Mar 2019 by Chris Boss
I have followed stories about learning to code in education and am intrigued by what I have read.
11 May 2010 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Swap mouse button using C# and Windows API.
31 Mar 2011 by Naveen
Explains how Leakmon is able to track down all the resource leaks