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Windows Mobile


Great Reads

by Oz Solomon
Window and File Management add-in for Visual C++
by Ana Carolina Zambon
This is a demonstration of how to use the basics of Mono.Cecil by adding method calls to existing assemblies.
by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
by Davide Calabro
The reference control for MFC flat buttons with text and icons. Give your CE applications a professional look!

Latest Articles

by Radhakrishna Banavalikar
How to develop patient monitoring systems based on a WinMobile device
by Dirk Bahle
Tips & Tricks on using checkboxes within a WPF treeview.
by Ahmed Elkafrawy
Implementation of an easy, fast, and optimized (CByte, CShort, CInt) with bits access using bit field and union
by Alvin Bunk
How to dynamically format Phone field with JavaScript

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Windows Mobile 

27 Apr 2012 by Agon Avdimetaj
the HTML5 Canvas can be used as a background in websites modified as needed to design.
29 Apr 2011 by Midhunlal G
Converting HTML Color Code to System.Drawing.Color(WinMobile application)
2 Dec 2013 by Hadrich Mohamed
This article shows you how to use the Geolocation feature in Windows Phone 8.
13 Jan 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Simple way to warm boot a Windows CE device
26 Sep 2015 by Piyush Manharlal
Using integer instead of Enum for ComboBox and Radio Button in XAML
9 Sep 2013 by Praveen Maniyath
A SOAP WebService communication sample.
7 May 2012 by emranallan
Lock Device Screen ,to prevent an one working on the device
2 Dec 2013 by Hadrich Mohamed
This tip shows you how to easily retrieve your local images, playlists, and music in Windows Phone 8.
21 Apr 2015 by Bogdan Bujdea
Access Violation Crash on Windows Phone Devices
24 Sep 2015 by brain2cpu
The way x:Bind is (not) working in universal Windows applications
25 Feb 2010 by hjgode
I have been asked, how one can see, if a device has been clean booted. Here is an answer.First, there is a registry key you can check:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Performance]"Last Boot Type"=dword:00000002after a coldboot this value is 0. For warmboots the value is 2.and another...
13 May 2014 by Saad_Mahmood
Parsing XML File in WindowsPhone in NO TIME Using BLEND for VS 2013
1 Aug 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
Sending commands in a Compact Framework app via C# to a Zebra QLn220 printer
22 Mar 2010 by hjgode
I have been asked, how one can see, if a device has been clean booted. Here is an answer.First, there is a registry key you can check:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Performance]"Last Boot Type"=dword:00000002after a coldboot this value is 0. For warmboots the value is 2.and another...
28 Apr 2010 by hjgode
If you are developing for windows mobile devices and got several devices, you may not want to be asked to setup a “New Partnership” on a new connected device.To avoid partnering, you use a registry key and you will no more be asked to setup a partnership with your PocketPC or Windows CE...
24 Oct 2012 by Ramanujam Shankar
Show data in grid view control of Windows Stores App using web service or WCF
31 Jul 2013 by Erasmus Lutse
A hypothetical application that gets the company news in a specified location
10 Sep 2013 by Praveen Maniyath
web-service communication with windows mobile using SOAP
19 Jan 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
Step-by-step guide to add barcode-scanning capability to a Windows CE / Compact Framework app
7 Feb 2013 by J.F. Sebastian
9 Apr 2016 by NightWizzard
Handling for hex expressions and the trailing '}'
6 Oct 2013 by Mohhaumed Safiq
This tip discusses purely about the Windows phone OS version history and list of features available on it.
6 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Here is a simple method:System.Drawing.Color mycol = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF");or:System.Drawing.Color mycol = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("White");Further ReadingColorTranslator.FromHtml Method @ MSDN[^]
14 Feb 2022 by Radhakrishna Banavalikar
How to develop patient monitoring systems based on a WinMobile device
19 Dec 2013 by Hadrich Mohamed
This tip shows you how to use the Isolated Storage in Windows Phone 8.
16 Dec 2013 by Hadrich Mohamed
This tip enables you to discover bluetooth features and how we can use its API to develop a simple application.
27 Oct 2009 by Thiru Thirunavukarasu
Just came across this fantastic series and thought I'd share. Mark Miller is the driving force behind CodeRush. The essense of great UI (an overview)Why is great UI so hard to achieve?Great UI clarity and information relevanceGreat UIs, clarity and emphasisGreat UIs, clarity and info
15 Dec 2010 by BigManitu
Bitmap resize with .NET Compact Framework
2 May 2014 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
This is simple tricks which allows you to make your DIV on center of the screen without using Javascript.
31 May 2015 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Choose your text maximum length programmatically and show a message whenever the length = the maximum length
28 Apr 2017 by Ahmed Elkafrawy
Implementation of an easy, fast, and optimized (CByte, CShort, CInt) with bits access using bit field and union
6 Apr 2014 by LShep
Turn an Enum into a simple state machine via a generic wrapper and modular increment methods
30 Jun 2012 by Ameet Parse
This article describes How to find a Text in Stored Procedure (Checked on SQL Server 2008)
13 Aug 2010 by Not Active
Plagiarized from[^]
5 Aug 2014 by Anis Derbel
This tip will show the new way to browse photos with Windows Phone 8.1
22 Jun 2015 by Fiyaz Hasan
Building an outlook calendar app for windows phone using Live SDK
24 Jul 2013 by Norbert Eder
The article includes a sample project showing how to save the nodes of a TreeView into an XML file.
14 May 2010 by Dave5709
The Math.Round function in the Compact Framework only allows for ToEven behavior, not the AwayFromZero functionality as listed here:[^]This code will allow you to emulate the MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero functionality of...