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Great Reads

by Alex Pumpet
A simple program for comparing table data from two sources - SQL databases, Excel, CSV or XML-files
by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
by Dan Radu
The DACBuilder application provides auto-generation features from multiple database systems in multiple programming languages.
by Gavin Sinai
Using the open source Saxon library, .NET programmers can benefit from XSL 2.0 and XQuery 1.0.

Latest Articles

by Patrice T
My learnings and the problems that I encountered while making my very first Stylesheet for ToDoList
by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout
by Chris Stefano
A custom tool for Visual Studio .NET which runs an XSL transformation to generate code
by thatraja
Using XSLT version 1.0 to group XML using Multiple Columns

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20 Mar 2018 by Alex Pumpet
A simple program for comparing table data from two sources - SQL databases, Excel, CSV or XML-files
16 Aug 2013 by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
31 Mar 2006 by Dan Radu
The DACBuilder application provides auto-generation features from multiple database systems in multiple programming languages.
18 Oct 2018 by Gavin Sinai
Using the open source Saxon library, .NET programmers can benefit from XSL 2.0 and XQuery 1.0.
2 Oct 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This article talks about how we can render XML data in an ASP.NET application. We will see how this can be done using XSLT transformations.
17 Aug 2012 by dave.dolan
Example: HOWTO Move the ECB from the Filename to Title, in a DocLib, preserving all native functionality.
10 Jun 2014 by Anamera
This XSLT will output an Excel worksheet containing a CSV type of record collection in a more usable XML format.
2 Aug 2017 by Nikita D. Sinelnikov
Creating a pretty-view XML for web applications (or other needs)
19 Nov 2012 by Jim Meadors
String manipulation of XML files
5 Jul 2014 by George Jonsson
Two approaches for how to transform XML data to another format
16 Apr 2015 by kingddd
Introducing a new tool to transform trx (mstest results file) into HTML report
21 Feb 2021 by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout
9 Oct 2008 by douss
Hi,I suggest using one of these frameworks : ExtJS, Prototype, Dojo, Scriptaculous...It would make it much easier.
6 Nov 2011 by Adel Refaat
A quick example of how to do grouping in XSLT version 1.0
6 Mar 2002 by Anand Bolangadi
Number to word conversion program using XSLT
6 Jul 2008 by Mahendra Kumar Srivastava
An XSLT transform for string representation of numeric place values
24 Jan 2011 by Dalek Dave
This Link[^] should explain things easily.
17 Feb 2012 by cigwork
Outlines the construction of a simple data dictionary utility for MS-SQL using extended properties.
31 May 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
The following XSLT creates an HTML table with the respective selected item marked.The item in question can be passed as id parameter from your xslt processor - default is 677.
30 Aug 2012 by bbirajdar
Taking into account your 5 years of experience in IT, the first suggestion I want to give you is to improve your spellings. ( The correct spelling is 'career' and not 'Carrier'). Spelling mistakes create a bad impression in resumes and email communications. It shows your carelessness in your...
23 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is no such thing as "mixed nodes". I think your difficulty is related to the case where you have the node first name "in the middle of other text". In fact, there is no such thing. From the DOM standpoint, the actual hierarchy looks like this:Element: "child" Text...
2 Nov 2014 by Ullas_Krishnan
Hi Nemanja,I will explain the steps...Its better to use JSON format for data transfer, because its very readable...The database should be in a Server, which can be accessed by Web Service or WCF...1. The database should be placed in a server which can be accessed by Webservice...
1 Nov 2017 by Saurav J
Convert table from outlook email body into datatable or list using .NET C# EWS Managed API and HtmlAgilitypack
8 Oct 2008 by Mohammad Dayyan
Hi all.How can I send a Form with AJAX (Post method)?It means is there a free AJAX script about it Thank you
15 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
MVC applications does so using URL rewriting. Hope that approach is good for you. Abhishek SurMy Latest ArticlesCreate CLR objects in SQL Server 2005C# Uncommon KeywordsRead/Write Excel using OleDBDon't forget to click "Good Answer" if you like to.
26 May 2009 by adatapost
Please refere this link[^] A DATAPOST COMPUTER CENTRE (K.V Prajapati)
17 Oct 2008 by Lea Hayes
Hi,I am using an XSL file to format a document for display on my website. A content block has a title, and contains HTML content. The references section always appears at the bottom of the rendered document (regardless of its location within the...
17 Oct 2008 by Frank Horn
It's probably easy in XSLT 2, but if you're using XSLT 1 like most of us who are relying on Microsoft tools, avoiding duplicated xsl code ist hard.Using a workaround pattern I've sometimes applied in such cases it would look like this:   ...
4 Jan 2009 by tomkettering
Happy New Year,Strange one to start the year off, any help would be appreciated.I have a Winform Project calling a web service.   passing in an XML string.When I pass through my XML to the webservice, it works fine and gets inserted into the...
5 Jan 2009 by led mike
tomkettering wrote:the XML the dataset does not create correctly? "does not create correctly" means what? The following C# produces the email address as expected.string sxml = "";DataSet ds = new...
23 Jul 2009 by ashwika49
I want to write a web application (application A) containing XML file .This web application will be invoked from an HTTP request (from another application - application B) .Application A should then send the XML file to Application B and return...
23 Jul 2009 by Muhammad Mazhar
I am not clear. You are asking about creating XML but you didn't told what sort of data actually XML file will contain. I mean this is this file will be some serialized form of an object used for message passing or it could contain any data that...
19 Mar 2010 by AspDotNetDev
Since you tagged this with ASP.NET, I thought I'd mention that default.aspx acts like index.html in that you can just point to the parent directory and the default.aspx page in that directory will automatically be used.
31 Mar 2010 by Ilka Guigova
Setup: A data from one module is passed into another so that Module 1 takes a (flat) file as input and feeds an xml structure into Module 2. While Module 2 is internal, Module 1 is designed to handle different customer inputs into the system. However, it is not always possible to generate the...
3 May 2010 by Sandesh M Patil
You seem to be missing .Also, make sure you've included the AjaxControlToolkit's DLL in your project. You can also check outLink for some tips on fixing AJAX problemsHope this may help u... :)
1 Jun 2010 by Samanvay
For this you need to pass Dropdownlist value to XSL using parameter and based on param value which you have received in XSL apply xsl:sort statement. Roughly you need to do following C# CODEXslCompiledTransform tras = new XslCompiledTransform();XsltArgumentList argList = new...
3 Jul 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
I think this should do for you:For details of how to use it, look here:MSDN: ms:format-date Function [^]
17 Sep 2010 by ely_bob
// Create the XmlDocument. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("wrench"); doc.PrependChild(doc.CreateProcessingInstruction( "xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl'...
21 Nov 2010 by madhusudhan.k
Hello Friends, I am new to MVC tool,plz can anyone help me how to create a dynamic menu using C#3.0, XSLT, Javascript, linq(for ex: here in codeproject site there is a menu above like Home,Articles & so on).Dynamically have to create, edit, delete menu.RegardsMadhusudhan
21 Nov 2010 by TheyCallMeMrJames
Here are the topics you'll want to read up on:1) Master pages2) Partial views3) CSS stylingA good MVC approach to this would be creating a partial view that renders some LI elements in a UL list.The partial view will be called/rendered on your master page, thus making it...
25 Nov 2010 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Please try to use this:CheersManfred
16 Jan 2011 by E.F. Nijboer
You would need to wrap the script in a CDATA block. (importing it from a separate .js file would be even better)Good luck!
17 Jan 2011 by Bassam Abdul-Baki
A Google search on "table sort" or "table sort xml" brings up many HTML sort options some of which use an external XML source.
17 Jan 2011 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi,Please refer following linkMake all your tables sortable[^]Thanks,Imdadhusen
24 Jan 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
How would you use any condition without boolean expression to be cheched? Test is exactly it: a (required) boolean expression used to specify what to check.See[^], for example.
24 Feb 2011 by sleepy.head28
Hi,Hope someone can assist me as I'm stuck at the moment.I have this XML (shortcut/edited version): 1 1 ...
23 Apr 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Web has lots[^] of tutorials and links for the sample. Few of them:XSLT Example[^]XSL Transformations (XSLT)[^]
22 May 2011 by Dalek Dave
Within the excel code you would call something like this...Rows("10:14").Select Selection.Rows.GroupHere is a CP Archive Link[^]
22 May 2011 by Christian Graus
I would suggest your data does not match as you hope, and thus is trying to create two root elements. Why not put your SQL in a data layer, and write your own code to generate your XML ?
23 May 2011 by Hemant__Sharma
hello ehab,The solution is toreplace DataSet ds = new DataSet();with DataSet ds = new DataSet("Menus");The problem is:if you don't supply dataset a name by default it's name property will be NewDataSet and this is where your XSL is not able to find Menus root node hence below...
24 May 2011 by Hemant__Sharma
This is a seperate solution for seperate problem you've asked in my first solution. A request please add seperate question for seperate problem it helps other to easily locate answer for similar problem.Now the new problem you are facing:if you apply XSL to the XML you are getting from...
28 Jun 2011 by Jas m
Hi,You can use the following code to insert the slide element to add extra images to the album;Private Sub InsertImage(ByVal jpegURL As String, _ ByVal dURL As String, _ ByVal title As String, _ ...
13 Jul 2011 by Mel Padden
Hi all,I'm trying to format a report which accepts amounts, the following works just fine:But how do I get it to display an apostrophe for a thousand separator, as they like it here in Switzeerland? Using
6 Sep 2011 by Code Blocker
Hi All,I am stuck with a xsl implementation. I am trying to write a xsl block which would allow only a selected few ‘html’ tags. i.e. allow a tags, bold etc…but not everything like script, table…whatever…For eg: the string below : alert(123); Enter some text here...
28 Oct 2011 by Not Active
The import element is used to import another stylesheet not xml[^]You apply styles to xml you don't import into a stylesheet.
9 Nov 2011 by Prerak Patel
Generate dynamic ASP.NET pages by using XML and XSLT[^]
28 Dec 2011 by ok3n0b1
Somebody answered it in another forum. Here is the solution.The XSLT processor is doing you a favour by escaping the URL value in the href attribute of the HTML link element. This is by design, see If you really...
24 Mar 2012 by mohsen_alikhani
How to change the value of the global variable in XSLT ?
25 Mar 2012 by mohsen_alikhani
Once you have set a variable's value, you cannot change or modify that value![^]
24 Apr 2012 by RatishPillai
27122712 Table1 Generated ...
28 May 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
After you posted the data: this works for me.
25 Jun 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
1. Write the expected HTML manually.2. Write an XSLT that converts the XML into that HTMLSounds quite simple and straight forward, I think.If you struggle with writing the expected HTML, ask a respective question.If you struggle with generating the anchor name, look at the...
5 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Start from here: LMGTFY...[^]
12 Jul 2012 by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "PrettyXML (.NET Port)"
17 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Try this way:string ms:format-date(string datetime, string format [,locale])This will work for you:Refer DateFormats:[^]Have a look on example:XSLT DateTime Formatting[^]And a similar example to your question:xsl format...
31 Jul 2012 by Philip Stuyck
Maybe this article will help you :XSLT 2.0 in .NET[^]
9 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Have a look:How to run C# function in XSLT[^]Similar discussion:Alter xml file by calling a C# function in xslt[^]Calling C# code from XSLT [^]..and more similar threads here[^]
2 Dec 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
Try reading the exception message. "Could not find a part of the path 'H:\Program Files\common\tr_period.xsl'" seems to be pretty specific about what the problem is.
13 Dec 2012 by helloworld2020
Try this, it should work My CD Collection Title Artist ...
27 Mar 2013 by José Amílcar Casimiro
Documentation: starts-with Function
5 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This should tutorial even starts with the XML to HTML problem:[^].You can exercise with XSLT editor:[^].See also:[^].Pay...
30 Jun 2013 by GrahamCox
Hi all, I am attempting to filter an xml file from a .net application to produce another xml file, with little success. Sample xml below, not the proper xml, but similar:
3 Jul 2013 by ArunRajendra
Transformation is the simplest and easiest way to do it.
15 Jul 2013 by Rambabu Sapa
Create A Messages.cs Class public class Message{ [Required] public string Name { get; set; } [Required] public string Description { get; set; }} XmlNodeList xmlDescriptionNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("message");if (xmlDescriptionNodes !=...
4 Aug 2013 by Lothar Behrens
Customizing generated code to support phone number formatting
9 Oct 2013 by Pheonyx
Have a read on this:A Simple WPF XML Document Viewer Control[^]I found it was a brilliant article to create a WPF control that displays XML documents nicely.
12 Jan 2014 by Andreas Gieriet
It's not simply done by replacing the schema. The xslt transfomer engine must provide the new functions. AFAIK, it is not yet/never(?) supported by MS tools.Some very old citation from Why You Won't See XSLT 2.0 or XPath 2.0 in the Next Version of the .NET Framework[^]Quote:There are...
28 Jan 2014 by H.Brydon
If you use IE, then you simply add an xsl link within the xml file. IE will display the xml using the transform in that file. If you use any other browser, the xsl link is ignored and the file displayed as xml. :-(
3 Apr 2014 by Andrius Leonavicius
Hi,Please take look at this document:User-Defined Extension Functions in XSLT[^]
2 Oct 2014 by Richard Deeming
2 Nov 2014 by Ullas_Krishnan
Hi,Please see the below link for the JSON String to Listview[^]Create a REST FULL service in...
9 Jan 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
Here you have more possibilities depending on XSLT version:[^]Supposing following structure of the XML: 338 SureshVL...
25 Apr 2015 by Maciej Los
Add reference to xml (see second line): Now try this xsl content:
8 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, you if know XML, you probably should know HTML enough to be able to enter your code correctly. I've done it for you, without fixing your bugs. Apparently, this is no well-formed XML. Please find the typo and unclosed tags. When you ask questions, you need to copy exact code. If...
30 Mar 2016 by phil.o
Usually, you use a XSLT file to transform an XML file to another document. You don't transform XML to XSLT.You should read basic notions about usage of XSLT files:XSLT - Wikipedia[^]XSLT - W3Schools[^]If you are new, you have to learn; there is no other way :)Good luck.
8 May 2017 by Richard Deeming
The select query passed to apply-templates and for-each is relative to the current node. You are already in HOST_LIST_VM_DETECTION_OUTPUT/RESPONSE/HOST_LIST/HOST, so your apply-templates query is looking for: ...
4 Jul 2018 by Krishna P Seetharaman
Issues faced and learnings found during the generation of pipe delimited flat file generation
5 Jan 2019 by RickZeeland
Maybe you can use xmlwebpad it can be found here: CodePlex Archive[^]
29 Mar 2022 by Maciej Los
Well, you can use Linq. See: void Main() { XDocument xdoc = GetXmlData(); var result = xdoc.Descendants("rf") .GroupBy(x => new {CC = x.Value.Equals("CC"), Att = x.Value.Equals("Att")}) .ToList(); result.Dump(); } // Define other methods...
22 Jul 2023 by Graeme_Grant
Where? How? Where is the code? What is the exact error that you are seeing and which line of code? Help us help you. We can't see your screen. You need to use the green "Improve question" and post your code with you data. You need to tag your...
25 Jul 2023 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
1 Nov 2006 by Lou Franco
This article will show you how to use the Atalasoft DotImage AJAX-enabled Web Image Viewer and Web Thumbnail control to navigate multi-page TIFFs, add controls to call clean-up routines, and update the browser without a post-back.
3 Aug 2007 by sworth42
Find out how the PureCM Version Control/SCM system can help simplify your development process using Streams and SCM best practices.
7 Feb 2010 by Member 3997606
How do I use VBScript in a xslt stylesheet? In this code:
8 Feb 2010 by alex turner
I think that to do what you want you simply put the vbscript in tags in the area and put a onkeydown listener in the tag.
19 Mar 2010 by Member 4386460
A web service supplies me with XML in the form: CITY BOSTON STREET CENTRAL ST. WEST ...
19 Mar 2010 by Austin Cherry
If you could give an example of what you would like output of transforming the input XML to look like, it would be helpful.
5 May 2010 by MARROW16
So say for example your XML looks like... Some URL||Another URL|http://www.anotherurl.comIf you are using XSLT 1.0 then you'll need yo use some form of recursion (be aware, if you have too many text+link...