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Angular CLI


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by Yaseer Mumtaz
Angular 4 Client Development
by Pranay Rana
This post is about validation in Angular 2 application, which means it's about validation on client side, not about server side.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
Authentication & Authorization using Auth0 & JWT
by Sibeesh Passion
How to create a custom validator directive in Angular 5

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by Zijian
Construct Angular Reactive Forms of client data models through generated Angular TypeScript codes
by Zijian
Construct Angular Reactive Forms of client data models through generated codes
by Bhargav Technical Lead
Angular migration to version 16
by Yaseer Mumtaz
Authentication & Authorization using Auth0 & JWT

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Angular CLI 

1 May 2018 by Pranay Rana
This post is about validation in Angular 2 application, which means it's about validation on client side, not about server side.
22 Apr 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
How to create a custom validator directive in Angular 5
10 Jan 2024 by Zijian
Construct Angular Reactive Forms of client data models through generated Angular TypeScript codes
9 Jan 2024 by Zijian
Construct Angular Reactive Forms of client data models through generated codes
29 Jan 2024 by M Imran Ansari
The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issue is related to the web browser is blocking a web page from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. Ensure that your server is configured to include the appropriate...
14 Feb 2024 by OriginalGriff
The error message is pretty clear: the file cannot be opened. Read the error message carefully: it says that it is trying to read a file "C:\Archivo_Descargas\WEGMANSPRODUCTION021624.xlsx" from Javascript code and cannot access it. That's...
6 May 2017 by Hamdy Ghanem
Integrate ASp.Net Core api with Angular 2 using TypeScript
4 Aug 2017 by Brady Kelly
There is a set of templates that you install and this extends the dotnet-cli so that you can scaffold a working Angular 4 app with dotnet new angular I am looking for resources and even any official documentation on the structure and content of this scaffolded projet. What I have tried: ...
20 Aug 2017 by Yaseer Mumtaz
MEAN Stack, Development Environment Setup, Expressjs APIs Development & Testing
29 Dec 2017 by Nikola Breznjak
Intro to test automation in Angular apps, and some basic theory concepts about testing
29 Nov 2018 by Member 13582084
I'm new to angular. I have a question. localhost:4200/product working but localhost:4200/Product not working. What I have tried: I try import { DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlTree } from '@angular/router'; export class LowerCaseUrlSerializer extends DefaultUrlSerializer { parse(url:...
16 Mar 2018 by Yaseer Mumtaz
After setting up the basic development environment, let's create the master/layout and home page
9 Aug 2020 by soumyaraj
I have successfully implemented Angular 4 in to our MVC4 project using the following link and got successfully executed the angular welcome page. But when I try to create new component using ng command it says.. ng' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch...
8 Jul 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
How to create end to end tests for our Angular application
29 Nov 2018 by Member 14070740
You're on the right track. The steps to making your Url routes insensitive are as follows: 1) Create a UrlSerializer that derives from the DefaultUrlSerializer (you did that). import { DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlTree } from '@angular/router'; export class LowerCaseUrlSerializer extends...
7 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
Either update you local server to 12.2.9 or higher, or follow the instructions in the error message which tell you how to disable the warning. The "missing dependencies" list means you need to install the CDK libraries: npm install --save...
16 Jun 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Error: Unknown argument: platform You are (presumably) using incorrect options. Check the angular documentation to see what it should be.
6 Oct 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
Your question is un-answerable. You haven't said anything about what you're doing on the "front end" and why speed matters at all. Most web applications, unless you're doing large amounts of processing on data in the browser, do not care about...
2 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You can add the following to your scss file that will show a border color of red. For testing I also added a background color of red - ::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .textFieldInvalid.mat-mdc-form-field:hover .mat-mdc-text-field-wrapper...
7 Feb 2023 by priyamtheone
I'm new into Angular development and learning how to use Redux. While trying to install Redux using npm install redux @angular-redux/store --save , the terminal throws up the following error: npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to...
14 Jul 2017 by Member 12658724
Angular 4. app.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { title = 'app'; } app.component.html isFavorite: {{isFavorite}} ...
14 Jul 2017 by Richard Deeming
According to Class binding | Angular Docs[^], you need a . between "class" and the class name.
22 Aug 2017 by Rohit Singh
I'm facing a problem in which my views are n't showing the values on the main page. I am trying to create a SPA(Single Page Application) using Angular JS. I've kept the three html pages (main,about and blog).html in a separate folder named pages. Everytime I run this application the contents...
13 Sep 2017 by Member 13409057
Hi, I am trying to install angularcli in my system.But when I tried to use the below command line npm install -g @angular/cli in node.js command prompt I am facing the below issue. " There is a problem related to network security.In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network...
15 Jan 2018 by Ganesh_verma
Hi I am not able to open angular cli code into visual studio using > code . getting below error 'code' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. please help me What I have tried: > code . getting below error 'code' is not recognized as an...
15 Jan 2018 by AngularFreak
I think changing the environment variable will solve the problem, you can set path like "Path= location of bin folder of visual studio code".
10 Apr 2018 by soumyaraj
I solved myself for this problem using the below link [Solution] then use the following command for the local package folder "npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest" Now ng command is working! but when I use the create component command 'ng g c newcomponent' it says the error 'Unable to...
14 May 2018 by Torakami
Hi , I have created web api with dot net core 2.0. I have hosted that under IIS and its working fine. Now under the same api I am trying to add angular application in IIS. But I am not able to run it. When i try to run that app from the domain where api is hosted I get an HTTP Error 502.5 -...
16 May 2018 by Torakami
Hi , I am following the unit test cases from the below article. (part 1 and part2) The problem is, dom value settings from spec files by inspecting the element and checking with model values doesn't seem...
29 Jul 2018 by Member 13930677
Use node js command prompt Instead of normal command prompt. It will work.
5 Oct 2018 by Golden Mind
How we can work with multiple projects in one workspace with lazy loading router I use angualr cli to create new angular app like this ng new main-app then use angular cli to generate projects like this ng generate application app-a ng generate application app-b i need to make lazy loading...
5 Oct 2018 by sajeetharan
You cannot navigate between two separate application. what you are doing is generating two separate application and trying to navigate using lazyModule.
7 Jun 2019 by Member 13574520
Hello, I would like to ask if anyone has an idea on how to achieve the following: An angular (7.2) UMD NgModule is being loaded from a main angular application. The code that is loading the UMD module is: return SystemJS.import(`${url}`).then( (module) => return...
24 Nov 2019 by ahmed_sa
How to show loader component when when form load before data display and hide loader after data display ? I work on angular 7 app I need when page load show loader component before data display and after data display hide loader component loader component work perfect and component...
24 Nov 2019 by impuru
Install it with npm npm install ngx-progressbar --save Import NgProgressModule in the root module import { NgProgressModule } from 'ngx-progressbar'; @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... NgProgressModule ] }) In your template Add NgProgress service wherever...
11 Jan 2020 by ahmed_sa
How to access value of userPass from array of object using angular 7? I need to access Property userPass from array of object I have variable from type any his name auth auth have array of object I need to access property value from userpass auth is ...
11 Jan 2020 by Thomas Daniels
If auth is an array with only one object, this will work: let pass = auth[0].userPass; If auth has multiple objects: let passwords = => a.userPass);
17 Mar 2021 by kyclk11
I have this upload files button in my Angular app. So far my progress bar works fine but it just shows the loading bar while the file is uploading. So how do I add features to show the status of the upload % completed, also display the upload...
11 May 2021 by Member 13349578
I have created an angular application that displays a page with “Hello World” on ‘/hello’ route. URL for angular: http://localhost:4200/hello When I make request from browser to nginx on ‘/greet’: http://localhost/greet that should be redirected...
31 May 2021 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 7 project I face issue I can't display option Name when click on auto complete textbox so when click on auto complete text box it not display any thing and not show data related to option Name and that actually my issue so...
27 Jun 2021 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
27 Jul 2021 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 9 I face issue when add angular material auto complete text box error NG8003: No directive found with exportAs 'matAutocomplete'.
30 Jul 2021 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 11 I face error when build angular app ERROR in src/app/Employee-list/employee-list.component.html:22:45 - error NG8002: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'a'.
13 Aug 2021 by Brian Larson 2021
Hello, I'm running a website built on Angular with Node on the backend. I wanted to add scripts (like Google analytics) to different pages. But it appears if I want to a script to one page it will appear on all. You can use server-side rendering...
4 Oct 2021 by khaled Eisa
i tried to setup angular project with angular 8 but unfortunetly I installed v 12 and I figured it at the end of the project so I tried to downgrade so that is what happened after trying dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "~12.2.8", ...
6 Oct 2021 by smita pinky
I new to Angular.I want to install angular on my machine. 1 : Installed Node.js on my machin and check with command node -v 2: Which command shall I use for angular setup 1 : npm install -g @angular/core @angular/cli 2 : npm install ...
6 Oct 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Angular: Setting up the local environment and workspace[^]
20 Oct 2021 by Pinky Pinky
I have been assigned a task where I have to run ng serve command in folder. I have following folder structure. ProjectFolder - > ClientApp - >Src -> dist -> e2e I am running this...
4 Feb 2022 by Member 15523665
Hello, everyone! I’ve been looking for a long time and haven’t found anything like it. I want a function in typescript that when selecting a checkbox a text input appears next to it to enter numbers. So far I have this, but when selecting a...
8 Feb 2022 by Pinky Pinky
I am new to Angular. After reaching the clientapp folder of my project, I used a command called ng serve. I am getting an error. Your global Angular CLI version (12.2.9) is greater than your local version (11.2.18). The local Angular CLI version...
11 Apr 2022 by UT7
Hello everyone, I got this error org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [null] while I was trying to develop a CRUD Restful API Application using Spring Boot, Angular and...
17 Apr 2022 by ahmed_sa
I work on angular 8 i have two subscribe i need to execute first subscribe and after finish execute second subscribe but i don't know how to make it please ? first function i need to execute is getactivesession second function i need to...
5 May 2022 by DrgIonuţ
I have an Angular client app with a form. SMTP Host
5 May 2022 by Rajeev Jayaram
Try using JavaScript [^] and XML packages Angular-XML [^]. Hope it helps.
15 May 2022 by DrgIonuţ
In my client Angular project I have a component called report-viewer. Inside it I have a form, EmailSettings, which is called when a button from component is pressed. The form code is the following: EmailSettings.html Email...
30 May 2022 by DrgIonuţ
I have an Angular cli project where I want to read data from a JSON file. These data should be displayed on form's fields when the form is opened by user. What I have tried: EmailSettingsComponent.ts import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild,...
8 Jan 2023 by Member 15676890
Hello every one, I am developing an ionic application. At first my angular cli version is 9.0. When i run the command line"ionic cordova build android",it works.But now the angular cli update to 14.0.1.I try to run the command line"ionic cordova...
8 Jul 2022 by Kristers Gūtmanis
I want to implement infinite scroll. When i scroll down the page the new fetched objects just replace previous fetched objects, but i want that i can scroll down infinite and new objects appear on scroll not just replace previous objects. Should...
22 Jul 2022 by karnotavr
I have simple post request, that I use to create messages. The problem is that the function sendMessage() will work the same way forever, sending the same message into DB even after I change text. This continues until I destroy the table. Will...
22 Jul 2022 by Chris Copeland
You could use the rjxs method take() which allows you to specify a number of times the subscription should be valid for. This is a quick and easy way to automate the unsubscribe process: ...
15 Aug 2022 by Member 15737857
I am doing my project in ionic 6 with angular and a firebase database. I need a typescript function that adds the values fetched from an array that are extracted from a collection in firebase. async getGastos() { const uid = await...
12 Sep 2022 by Archana P Babu
Try these steps in order. Worked for me. 1. ionic cordova platform rm android 2. ionic cordova platform add android 3. ionic cordova build android
28 Sep 2022 by DrgIonuţ
I have an Angular cli project where I have to implement login page. The project contains 3 components (login, report-designer and report-viewer). When I run the app, the login page is displayed. On app.component.html I toggle between...
17 Oct 2022 by ahmed_sa
I work on iis i need to publish web application angular 11 and core 3.1 on iis (web api ) are there are any web site or video explain that from scratch please my app contain to web api csharp as backend with angular 11 are there are any...
17 Oct 2022 by Sandeep Mewara
Follow the following knowledgebase articles: Create an ASP.NET Core app with Angular - Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Learn[^] How to Publish Angular with ASP.NET Core - Code Maze[^] You will have to try and resolve the specific issues if...
23 Oct 2022 by DrgIonuţ
I have two components: login and home. After the user logs in, it is redirected to home-report page. I want to display on toolbar the username (usersLogin.userLogin) that has logged in. I am able to display this.testUser="bla" on toolbar. What I...
17 Nov 2022 by priyamtheone
I have an Angular application that I am trying to debug in VS Code. When I write code in a particular typescript file and put a breakpoint on a method or statement, it is bound. But when I try to debug through Run > Start Debugging, the...
30 Dec 2022 by ahmed_sa
I work on a web application with ASP.NET Core 6 and Angular 13. This application displays a list of items successfully without any issue. My issue How to Add Previous and Next buttons Pagination using Angular 13? What I have tried: What I...
30 Dec 2022 by Sandeep Mewara
Web seems to have many examples like: Angular 13 Pagination example (server side) with ngx-pagination - BezKoder[^] Above article demonstrates example using ngx-pagination provides NgxPaginationModule for displaying pagination with numbers and...
8 Jan 2023 by Member 15888030
If you run this command: ng add @ionic/cordova-builders it should add the required builders that are missing from the angular.json file generated by the Ionic CLI.
16 Jan 2023 by Soft009
When I try to run my angular project using "npm start" the following error is generated. Generating browser application bundles (phase:...
16 Jan 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
There seems to be multiple solutions online - 1. Update all packages npm install -g npm-check-updates ncu -u npm install 2. Use a different terminal or ensure your current terminal is updated. Some reckon Powershell 7 did it or going back to...
26 Jan 2023 by Agnib Pyne 2022
Hi All, I am working on a demo project using .Net Web API with C#, Angular, Entity Framework. Saving the code into Github and finally deploying the API and Angular. The purpose is to learn the end-to-end implementation of the technologies. I am...
26 Jan 2023 by Agnib Pyne 2022
Hi All, I tried below steps and I could see its working on Postman and Browser as well: 1) Added [action] on Controller [Route("api/SocialMediaLinks/[action]")] 2) Removed '/' from the calling url ...
4 Feb 2023 by Michael G. 2023
I update an old repo: The creator of this project create a tutorial wich explain how to install everything, only if you use his node distribution. My question is: how do i recreate the same node...
4 Feb 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
I think you're going to have to ask the owner of the repo those questions.
15 Feb 2023 by priyamtheone
@angular-redux/store hasn't been updated in years and doesn't specify that it supports the latest Angular 15 version, which NPM considers as an error. This can be ignored using npm install --legacy-peer-deps, but Angular's official library...
17 Feb 2023 by OriginalGriff
This is not the site to ask: if you need help with a GitHub project then ask the author, not a random website that has probably never heard of the project. And if it's that outdated, what interest do you expect in someone else learning how to use...
1 Jun 2023 by Member 16020097
i was installed all the required npm links and checked everything in app-modules & components.ts file.Still the error not rectified.Plz help me out in solving this. What I have tried: Trying to implement data tables in angular15. -----------...
5 Jun 2023 by Zijad Bećirević
Its my first time using angular and java. So Im learning from tasks. I already made a call from frontend to backend to retrieve a count number (sends number from frontend, searches the database and return the output from the query). Now I have a...
2 Jul 2023 by Member 15992206
I try in Angular 15 to change the border of mat-chip inside mat-form-field in case of invalid data to red like it was in mat-form-field without mat-chip-row My code works fine. My problem is on hover I can't fixed it out. If someone can help I...
10 Jul 2019 by User 14008390
i don't know why i am getting this error while creating the angular project node version :- v10.16.0 Angular CLI version: 8.1.0 npm WARN tar invalid entry npm WARN tar invalid entry npm WARN tar invalid entry npm WARN tar invalid entry npm WARN tar invalid entry npm WARN tar zlib:...
14 Feb 2024 by Jarlis Antonio Pereira Aguilar
Hola tengo una mi consulta con un boton que dice descargar en excel..todo bien. pero yo quiero que esa informacion me la muestre en un hoja aparte del mismo archivo... y estoy usando agular como front este es mi codigo.. Google Translate: Hello,...
13 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
As this question has been dormant for a long time, it's worth looking at how this could have been tackled to self-diagnose what the problem is. Let's take the code "as-is", and see how a little bit of rearranging the problem would simplify...
16 Sep 2017 by @sof-mckoy
Step-by-step tutorial on integrating projects created using angular-cli and dotnet-cli
1 Mar 2020 by Shenwei Liu
An Angular sample application and discussions on breadcrumbs with advanced routing strategies, navigation scenarios, practical workflow, and more (latest update with Angular 9 CLI and ASP.NET Core 3.1 website).
5 Sep 2018 by Er. Puneet Goel
This is about how we can set up proxy to make API call in Angular applications.
23 May 2018 by Arun Endapally
This article would help you in getting started from scratch with Angular 6, ASP.NET Core & Angular CLI using Visual Studio 2017.
25 Mar 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
In this post, we are going to implement Guard, which will help us to restrict users to access some pages if they haven't logged in to our application, in Angular 5.
15 Dec 2017 by O.Nasri
ASP.NET Core 2.0 & Angular 4: through this tutorial, you will learn how to build from scratch a web application for vehicles management
25 Nov 2018 by Roshan Choudhary
Component Interaction in Angular using Input Output decorator
29 Jul 2020 by Chinmoy Mohanty
Best practices and techniques to properly destroy Angular components and unsubscribe from observables
1 Oct 2017 by Iman Memarpour
How to set up your environment to use Angular CLI with your ASP.NET Core 2.0 Angular template
7 Feb 2019 by Sibeesh Passion
Easy set up Build and Release pipeline configuration of Angular app
5 Nov 2017 by invingagan
How to use SVG icon into Angular material application having Angular version 4 and above
17 May 2023 by Bhargav Technical Lead
Angular migration to version 16