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Back end


Great Reads

by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver
by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
by Wessel Beulink
IPv6 support enhances Azure Gateway, vital for efficient network management
by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.

Latest Articles

by Wessel Beulink
IPv6 support enhances Azure Gateway, vital for efficient network management
by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
by ferdrodrigues
Implementation of a folder tree in front-end and back-end
by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver

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Back end 

29 Nov 2017 by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver
14 Jun 2023 by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
12 Jan 2019 by MadMyche
Welcome aboard. There really is no set answer to the question as you have only told us that you are a "beginner programmer", but you have not said what languages you are working with. If you are going into (MS) NET Framework or Core, I would tell you to go through the tutorials over on the...
22 Mar 2024 by Wessel Beulink
IPv6 support enhances Azure Gateway, vital for efficient network management
15 May 2024 by M-Badger
Others may have different ideas, but maybe start by giving your self some basic projects and learn by doing. When you get stuck you can ask more specific questions here. You can do a lot worse than ask ChatGPT for project ideas, pick one that you...
15 May 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
There are some excellent tutorials at W3Schools Online Web Tutorials[^] and .NET Book Zero by Charles Petzold[^]. But you can probably find others as well.
15 May 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
We need to challenge some assumptions here. Are you sure that you want to go with the proposed stack? If you are looking for a career, you should be looking at the stack to see if it matches the companies in your area or the ones you would like...
28 Feb 2016 by jmProgrammer
Hello all. I developed my own project (small/medium), but I want to improve my programming skills from developed projects by developers (I will like to understand them, add modification to them,... ).Then I have some trouble: * There are a lot of folders and files, it's difficult to me...
28 Feb 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
If the projects are opensource, and here on CP or even GitHub, why dont you send a message to the owner of the project, and ask for help - Everyone's going to have a different style, so looking at someone's project and doing as much as you can beforehand will be a plus, then you can send a...
28 Feb 2016 by Patrice T
No, wrong path, Quote:Understand the structure, understand the code (but it's difficult to find relationships between them No you don't understand because data structure and code are 1 thing. You can't understand data structure and code without the relationships.opensource projects are not...
10 Jul 2017 by _m0n
Hi, how are you installing node-gyp? Have you added -g flag? npm list -g --depth=0 do you see node-gyp? Then, run cmd as Administrator and do: npm uninstall node-gyp -g then, run npm install node-gyp -g If it doesn't help, may be you need to clear npm cache or update node/npm itself? To...
30 Jan 2018 by luplup
You cannot because it come from https and so there is only the domain transmited and not the full url.
12 Jan 2019 by Grigorii Mordkovich
I am a beginner programmer and has recently gotten interested in web development. I started googling and youtubing about it as much as possible and went from having now idea of how a web application works to a solid understanding of all the basic components, however I still cannot do anything...
23 Dec 2019 by nasko bobev
I am experiencing the following error. Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables How to fix the issue? Authenticate.php
22 Dec 2019 by Patrice T
$query = "SELECT username, password, data FROM mathbglogin WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$password'"; Not necessary a solution to your question, but another problem you have. Never build an SQL query by concatenating strings. Sooner or later, you will do it with user inputs, and...
23 Dec 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
The most likely cause is that the field $data is empty, as shown in the message that you echo on line 13. So do what Patrice T has already suggested and create a proper SQL statement that is not vulnerable to SQL injection. Create a proper hashed password, instead of storing it in clear text,...
26 Jul 2021 by Hayk Baghdasaryan
Let's say we have a Car model which consists of Parts (engine, exhaust pipe, tires etc.), and then each part has SmallPart (engine has cylinders, water pump, oil filter etc). The client sends all this in an object with nested keys. In this case...
17 Aug 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
This is the Quick Answers forum. You need to do some research into the design of server platforms.
26 Dec 2021 by Member 15435322
Hi all.I started working as a junior java developer at my workplace. But I am facing some problems. The moment I worked was actually understanding what a back end developer was doing. But I couldn't understand. I finally realized something, that...
4 Jan 2022 by _Asif_
Data Dictionary in Application Database is a document usually in excel sheet that elaborates the entire schema. You need to write all tables and their columns along with their business purpose, relations, etc. You can add more details like...
9 Jul 2022 by reinch
I want to start in backend programming, i'll aprecciate books and languages that a could use to start, maybe some ideas of how this work, what is the common outline of a project What I have tried: Some articles with many languages, the...
It is much simpler to start with the procedural language of the DB rather than (first) trying to connect through C/Java/Php etc. and pass SQL statements to the DB. I will recommend PostgreSql and its procedural language plpgsql.
25 Feb 2023 by Kanishka.R ``` from django.urls import path from .views import user,login,bill,index,add_items,admin,pay urlpatterns=[ path('',index,name="index"), path('user/', user, name='user'), path('login/',login,name="login"), ...
25 Feb 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
You are trying to access a URL that ends in /user/login, which does not exist. You have only defined /login.
19 Oct 2023 by 10. Gunawan.Widya.Nugraha XI RPL 2
I'm facing a problem in my Flutter project where I'm trying to generate the $initGetIt function using Injectable, but it's not being generated as expected. Here are the details of the issue: I've checked my pubspec.yaml, and the dependencies...
20 Nov 2023 by wseng
You need to run flutter packages pub run build_runner build after flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
17 May 2016 by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.
5 Oct 2016 by Vladyslav Chernysh
Simple library that parses a string according to custom patterns.
28 Mar 2017 by DotNetCraft
This article describes one of the easiest ways to read configurations from the App.config.
10 Feb 2022 by ferdrodrigues
Implementation of a folder tree in front-end and back-end
18 Aug 2021 by Member 15328448
Make sure your web application tier follows The Twelve-Factor App[^] practices which will allow you to horizontally scale your web application. This is quite easy to do once you understand the basic principles. The hard part is scaling the...
18 Aug 2021 by Ngo Tuong Dan
Hello I have a plan to develop a mobile application that can serve 50,000 requests at the same time Can you please give me an advice how can I design the "backend system" for it? Thank you for your help What I have tried: Backend design for...
19 Dec 2023 by Aayushi Vaghasiya
I'm currently working on a project that involves a booking system. However, I've encountered an issue related to oversold bookings. Specifically, when two users attempt to book the same tickets simultaneously, the system sometimes ends up selling...
9 Jan 2024 by Member 14760154
I have a query like this var db, err = sql.Open("mssql", connString) if err != nil { log.Println("Open connection failed:", err) } err = db.Ping() if err != nil { log.Println("Cannot connect: ", err) } defer db.Close() if err != nil...
15 May 2024 by niksirat2030
Hi everyone, My goal is to learn the C# language for web design. A friend of mine, who has been a programmer for many years, said I should learn the following in order: Front: 1- HTML and CSS 2- Bootstrap 3- JavaScript 4- JQuery Back: 1- C# 2-...
10 Jul 2017 by fowwest
I uninstalled and reinstalled node-gyp, and when I go to the directory: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\ , there is no \node-gyp\ directory. I've also checked to see if node-gyp even exists by using the npm ls command in this directory: C:\Program Files\nodejs\ It says that it...
28 Jan 2018 by Luca Le
I've researched but not found a solution for this situation, please advise! I want to track where exactly click come from a youtube video. What I have tried: A PHP file named "trackid.php" with following code: $actual_link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';...
4 Jan 2022 by harsha lohana
Hello, this is my first project in IT.i start with analysis but in database i want to create data project is about online pharmacy ,where user can order medicine online. What I have tried: i tried to analys my website but...
20 Sep 2022 by MSameer Asif
hi i was trying to convert code from ruby to PHP slim and want to send data from PHP slim with help of to Json $app->get('/order-info', function (Request $request, Response $response) { $session =...
5 Dec 2022 by salam_verdim_alana_panyatkasi_olana
I am strong junior java developer and I want to create web application using a ready database for example mysql of sakila database and there are many tables as you know. I have all knowledge in order to create web application on back end...