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by tugrulGtx
A walkthrough for a grid implementation of "particle in cell" problem to improve performance of axis-aligned bounding-box (AABB) collision checking in various scenarios
by ipavlu
The Cross-Platform Object-Oriented approach to Synchronization Primitives for .NET and .NET Core based on one shared pattern between two interfaces for General Threading and Async/Await.
by Ryan Scott White
A fast, possibly the fastest, square root function for Big Integers and Floats in C# and Java.
by matt warren
Adventures in Benchmarking - Memory Allocations

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by Dev Leader
Learn how to use BenchmarkDotNet to effectively create and run benchmarks on your C# code. Dig into where you have opportunities to optimize your C# code!
by Ryan Scott White
A fast, possibly the fastest, square root function for Big Integers and Floats in C# and Java.
by Dev Leader
This article is follow up content to previous articles I've written about iterators and collections, but the benchmark results were NOT what I expected!
by tugrulGtx
A walkthrough for a grid implementation of "particle in cell" problem to improve performance of axis-aligned bounding-box (AABB) collision checking in various scenarios

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16 Apr 2022 by tugrulGtx
A walkthrough for a grid implementation of "particle in cell" problem to improve performance of axis-aligned bounding-box (AABB) collision checking in various scenarios
24 Mar 2019 by ipavlu
The Cross-Platform Object-Oriented approach to Synchronization Primitives for .NET and .NET Core based on one shared pattern between two interfaces for General Threading and Async/Await.
1 Jul 2023 by Ryan Scott White
A fast, possibly the fastest, square root function for Big Integers and Floats in C# and Java.
29 Sep 2021 by tugrulGtx
CLOCK caching (LRU approximation) with O(1) cache hit, up to N asynchronous O(1) cache misses
29 Oct 2021 by tugrulGtx
Direct mapped cache in front, LRU approximation behind, any LLC on back-end.
14 Aug 2015 by DrABELL
This is an alternative for "Fastest method to trim all whitespace from Strings in .NET"
6 May 2021 by ipavlu
The goal of the Unified Concurrency is to unify access to different synchronization primitives in object-oriented fashion with one pattern and two interfaces for general and async/await methods.
21 Jan 2021 by ipavlu
The goal of the Unified Concurrency is to unify access to different synchronization primitives in object-oriented fashion with one pattern and two interfaces for general and async/await methods.