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Great Reads

by Jon McKee
Analyzing and improving existing class diagramming paradigms
by Bankey Sharma
Some general guidelines to make application source agnostic and business adaptive
by Clemens Pfauser
Implementation of an IoC Container to be able to use Dependency Injection in Unity3d
by Priyank Modi
In Depth Look: Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI), Open/Closed principle (OCP) and Loose Coupling vs Tight Coupling

Latest Articles

by Jon McKee
Analyzing and improving existing class diagramming paradigms
by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the bad design practice using STUPID and good design practice using SOLID. Detailed explanation for Single Single Responsibility Principle, Open and Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Dependency Inversion (DI) Principle.
by Priyank Modi
In Depth Look: Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI), Open/Closed principle (OCP) and Loose Coupling vs Tight Coupling
by Bankey Sharma
Some general guidelines to make application source agnostic and business adaptive

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