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Great Reads

by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how you can deploy your application using ClickOnce and Windows Installer technology.
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
by Monjurul Habib
How to: ASP.NET 4.0 Routing and Ext.NET.
by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages

Latest Articles

by Christian Specht
After years of executing a “build and upload per FTP” batch on my machine, I now have a GitHub Pages-like experience when updating this site..
by Christian Specht
How to build and deploy a Jekyll site via GitHub actions
by Ruslan Shkarin
A step-by-step guide on how to easily perform code quality checks with AWS CodeBuild.
by ToughDev
How to install Microsoft Web Deploy on Win7

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18 Dec 2015 by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how you can deploy your application using ClickOnce and Windows Installer technology.
5 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
8 Feb 2020 by Aram Tchekrekjian
How to create and deploy your first ASP.NET Core Web API on IIS
18 Mar 2016 by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Learn how to implement provisioning script for your Ruby application
13 Jan 2024 by Ruslan Shkarin
A step-by-step guide on how to easily perform code quality checks with AWS CodeBuild.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Deployment continues to get easier, but there's still a few gotchas here and there. Check out these choice articles for you deployment
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
There's a number of different ways to get your application up to your Hosting Provider, depending on what kind of access they've given
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Here's a few good places to start with MSBUILD, the new XML-based makefile system built into .NET. Basic Introduction to MSBUILD  MSBUILD MSDN
6 Apr 2016 by Zahid Khan Kakar
Deploy your Windows Application in Online Mode
19 Mar 2016 by Tushar Tale
A decisive view whether we should adopt continuous integration
24 Oct 2014 by Shivprasad koirala, Marla Sukesh
This is the part 3 of the series Learn MSBI step by step
7 Oct 2014 by Yamin Khakhu
The article presents CI for Application using CruiseControl.Net.
3 Feb 2013 by TheCodeKing
This article provides a solution for deploying multiple applications to a single AWS instance when using AWSDeploy.
2 Feb 2014 by TheCodeKing
This article focuses on an alternative way to deploy and update .NET applications running on AWS EC2 instances, and mitigates the shortcomings of the AWSDeploy standalone tool.
8 Apr 2019 by Muhammad Usama Khan
What is the concept of DevOps? How does DevOps affect our daily life work. What are the different DevOps tools?
19 Jan 2014 by Andrey Chaschev
A Bear deployment example of a Petclinic Grails demo from
30 Dec 2016 by Mayur S Joshi
This article provides the step-by-step points on customising manual installation of RabbitMQ on Windows.
6 May 2018 by Majdi Saibi
Automating code deployment with Github and Azure
3 Dec 2015 by Gaurav K Rastogi
This is the article which basically is the comparison between three most popular DIs in .NET.
31 Dec 2016 by Swapna Patnaik
Azure Environment Config. using ARM and PowerShell
28 Mar 2018 by Manjunath Matathamana
Angular framework is useful for building Single Page Apps and Progressive Web Apps. This article covers everything you need to know about deploying an Angular application in under 2 minutes.