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by Maxim Kartavenkov
Make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter in C# using AMF SDK API from AMD
by WernfriedD
How to set NLS_LANG value for Oracle to support all special characters you need in your language/application.
by ASP.NET Community
HTML encoding and decoding is used daily by web developers. ASP.NET provide us with build-in server-side functions to perform this job. This article
by John Jiyang Hou
A Base62 encoding algorithm with a special prefixed code for utilizing Base64 schema in Java

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities in web applications. It occurs when an attacker injects malicious scripts into content that users can view on a web page. These scripts can steal data, hijack user sessions, or perform other harmful actions.
by Jason Sultana
Understanding and preventing Newline Injection
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter in C# using AMF SDK API from AMD
by ToughDev
How to restore text from PDF files Encoded using custom CID fonts

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