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File system


Great Reads

by Marijan Nikic
A utility for automatization of moving files from partition A to partition B and vice versa
by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
by dviljoen
You might be interested in SlickRun is a general purpose launcher for opening folders or web sites, starting apps, etc. The user creates "magic words" and associates them with folders, urls, launching apps, opening documents, etc.
by TomQuinn
A simple function used to determine if a file path refers to a network drive and if it does convert it to use the UNC path

Latest Articles

by Brian C Hart
This is a guide, written at an intermediate level, to performing high-speed search and replace operations across thousands of files in C# using advanced techniques such as memory-mapped files, asynchronous processing, and user-friendly interfaces with modal progress dialogs.
by ToughDev
How to integrate FatFs FAT filesystem module with CH375/CH376 USB controller
by Marijan Nikic
A utility for automatization of moving files from partition A to partition B and vice versa
by FrostedSyntax
How to create batch files that make navigating the filesystem in the command prompt a breeze.

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File system 

8 May 2024 by Brian C Hart
This is a guide, written at an intermediate level, to performing high-speed search and replace operations across thousands of files in C# using advanced techniques such as memory-mapped files, asynchronous processing, and user-friendly interfaces with modal progress dialogs.