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by Evoluteur
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
by Espen Harlinn
Use WMI to retrieve information about your system and genrate classes for easy WMI development.
by Simeon Sheye
Beyond basic unit tests, how do you choose your tests and when are you done?
by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++

Latest Articles

by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by Member 4206974
A PHP class that uses PDO for creating a table from JSON Objects
by matalan44
Generation of POJO Classes is explained in this article
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Presenting one kind of the exotic spiral, i.e., using big round dots, twisting polygons and, possibly, your own photo. Offering web-page used to illustrate different aspects of it.

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11 Jun 2010 by Evoluteur
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
22 Feb 2013 by Espen Harlinn
Use WMI to retrieve information about your system and genrate classes for easy WMI development.
21 Jan 2013 by Simeon Sheye
Beyond basic unit tests, how do you choose your tests and when are you done?
28 May 2024 by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
24 May 2012 by Espen Harlinn
I guess you are looking for bool next_permutation[^]Call it i times and you'll have the i-th permutation. (or the i-1 combination)Best regardsEspen Harlinn
5 Feb 2012 by Roliking
Hi All, I am using iText sharp pdf generation method and trying to apply page numbers to the pdf document that i generate. While doing so i am calling the pageendevent class once before adding the table to the document, here i notice that the page number is being applied only to the first...
3 Jan 2013 by AshishChaudha
Please find solved example in following linkExport Gridview Data to Excel in ASP.NET[^]Thanks
4 Jan 2013 by salamkudru
Try This,public void ExportToExcel(){this.EnableViewState = false;Response.Charset = string.Empty;BindDataGrid(false); //Function for Binding Grid,false indicates allopaging is false Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=CategoryList_" +...
8 Dec 2014 by alliswell7
you can use iTextsharp pdf creator. just download the library ie itextsharp dll and add it to your references from sourceforge and use this codenote u have to edit where not applicable like connection strings, tablenames, variables, namespace, classnames. also note this code was implemented...
8 Dec 2014 by George Jonsson
If you have the possibility to first generate an XML document, you could then use XSLT to transform the data into various other formats, such as HTML, PDF, Word, plain text and into another XML format.It is a bit of a threshold to learn XSLT so it depends on your time frame, but it might be...
27 Apr 2019 by matalan44
Generation of POJO Classes is explained in this article
10 Aug 2021 by Richard Deeming
Quote: for (int i = 0; i btnTestClick(this, e); counter++; control.Add(btnM); foreach (var b in control) ...
24 Nov 2011 by Shivprasad koirala
During testing phase you would like to generate range of test data so that you can test your application properly. Most of the times testers end up doing monkey testing or exploratory testing.
16 Mar 2012 by CPallini
Have you had a look at Grammatica[^]?
18 Apr 2012 by Jackie00100
I've found for some ago something called "GNF-Compiler" that i found on MSDN and that works fine Link:[^]
24 May 2012 by Clifford Nelson
First I would figure out if there is someway to sort the array so that it can be determined if the combination required if above or below the a selected combination they you can basically check if the match is above or below the center point, then above or below the center of either the top or...
20 Sep 2012 by Cardon Fry
Any time I make any changes to the GUI I get the following error:[^]A long with that all the items on my toolbar (only the toolbar is affected) disappear when I run the program, it doesn't matter where I change the GUI.I am using the C# code from the following article:...
20 Sep 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The bitmap is a strange way to provide the error information. Anyway, this is what it is: you might not reference the assembly in question. Find out what is it and where it comes from.I would suggest you address the author of the article you used. Load the article text, locate the section...
20 Sep 2012 by Cardon Fry
For anyone who is intersted I found out the the problem seems to be with having the toolbar and the the Provider, remove one and the problem is fine, add one and the issue is there. I don't know why.However I found a workaround for the issue. You can get around it by doing the...
7 Oct 2012 by Sabaat Ahmad
I want to create an application preferably using .NET to generate thumbnails for a custom file type (actually a .zip file). I want that the image i choose should become the thumbnail image in explorer. Can someone please help me?Thnx
7 Oct 2012 by JF2015
See the answer here that provides a VB.NET snippet (should be easily convertible to C#) that does exactly that.[^]
19 Nov 2012 by Tim Corey
This is a fairly open-ended question. Code generation can take on a number of different forms depending on how much you want done. For simple things, T4 templates are usually good enough. In your case, I would assume you want more. Here are a couple of options for you to look...
6 Jan 2013 by Ali_100
public static void ProcessDirectory(string targetDirectory) { // string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.jpg"); var fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.jpg"); //if (photos.Count() == 0) //{ // ...
6 Jan 2013 by Christian Graus
This has not changed in how it works for a long time. I don't see how there could be anything new in ASP.NET 4, I did this in 1.1. You create a HTTP handler and on the URL that handler processes, you pass an id. That id tells you what image to look up in your DB. You write those bytes to the...
5 Jul 2013 by hirosht
Please be kind enough to not to say this as a silly question. Honestly asking after refering to several links on google.I am in need of a API which generates MIDI tone/tune in C#. Currently I'm implementing a "Basic Optical Music Recogntion and Interpreting Application" without any OMR API...
6 Jul 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Take a look at C# MIDI Toolkit[^].
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This is simple and effective method for generation of a random password Public Function GeneratePassword(ByVal PwdLength As Integer) As String   
8 Dec 2014 by Josip Jurić
Hi!I'm working on small project and one of the things that application needs to do, is to generate one document which would need to contain lot's of text, also some graphs, couple of images and some tables.Main concern is that application can save that document in PDF and in some other...
9 Dec 2014 by Josip Jurić
Thank you both on answers. You gave me materials to study and make an final conclusion.
16 Jan 2015 by Emiliano Musso
Definitions and examples of a genetic algorithm; Visual Basic sample for an icon generation through a model and a random initial range of solutions.
31 Mar 2015 by shaliniraji
Hi everyone , I want to export datagridview to PDF file,After generating the pdf I'm not able to open that file..when i try to open it shows file corrupted error message and also not getting "Pdf Generation successfully " Message.Here is my code :private void...
31 Mar 2015 by Member 9005169
Export PDF file from grid view in using c#.go to this link ,it will help full for you.full source code available here with demo
3 Jul 2016 by 7045Jeegnesh
1 ) it'sEnum With descriptionPublic Enum ActionDrug_list Drug_withdrawn = 1 Drug_reduced = 2 Drug_increased = 3 Dose_not_changed...
31 Mar 2023 by Member 4206974
A PHP class that uses PDO for creating a table from JSON Objects
9 Apr 2014 by Nowaki
Matrix, Quaternion and three Vector structures with IL generated at runtime to provide support for all number types.
3 Apr 2013 by Eric Reynolds
Quickly churn out repetitive C++, C#, or Java code from any data that Python can read.
22 Sep 2013 by Simbey
The CNativeInvoke class generates x86 function calling code at runtime and executes it.
30 Mar 2013 by Espen Harlinn
A first take on code generation for WMI, and a bit of magic for the WPF DataGrid
8 Jun 2010 by Evoluteur
Looking at the possibility of using CRUD applications to manage other CRUD applications inside a web browser and without any hand-coding. Also, presenting a step wizard deriving the database structure from the UI rather than the opposite.
3 Jan 2013 by Muhammad Talha Baig
i want to download data of datatable in excel. in VS 2005i tried many method but its no use now i am using following approach.public void ExportToExcel(DataTable dt) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Clear(); string...
30 Jan 2018 by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Presenting one kind of the exotic spiral, i.e., using big round dots, twisting polygons and, possibly, your own photo. Offering web-page used to illustrate different aspects of it.
16 Mar 2012 by Jackie00100
Hi everyonei wanna make a programming languages in C# but i'm kinda lost where i should start looking. I've been looking a bit at these video here:[^] and got an base idea how to make it but it seems very low level and i wanna have it some what...
24 May 2012 by Duc Huy Nguyen
Hi,The problem is that I am given an array in the first combination and I have to find i-th combination of this array. (0
13 Jun 2012 by elidrissi.amine1
I want to allow an administrator of my web site to download the script of the database after clicking a link in an aspx page.I have found a Class SqlScriptGenerator but how could i specify option the file name and path where the user will download the script.
29 Aug 2012 by chitharankryptos
for(int p=1; p{textbox.Text=writer.CurrentPageNumber.ToString();}
18 Nov 2012 by saradev
HelloI am looking for a code generation tool with ready template in and want to use this tool to create my by basic DAL and all objects and pages on an existing database.I will appreciate any adviceRegardssara
10 Aug 2021 by Beji_
Hey guys I am now trying generate button in WPF but I have problem foreach (var b in control) { this.GenerateFGridPanel.Children.Add(b); } In stackflow I find I must use it "Childen" for WPF instead of Control which I use it in Winforms....