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by Illya Reznykov
Creating Regional Web ACL with CloudFormation
by Illya Reznykov
The post describes PowerShell script which creates WAF resources for the scenario when Application Load Balancer is used to serve content for a public website, but to block requests from attackers and to protect from OWASP Top 10 security risks.
by OwenDavies
Installing a desktop environment and setting up RDP to allow us to connect to our Virtual Machine
by Leif Simon Goodwin
WPF docking window manager library

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by Illya Reznykov
The post describes PowerShell script which creates WAF resources for the scenario when Application Load Balancer is used to serve content for a public website, but to block requests from attackers and to protect from OWASP Top 10 security risks.
by Illya Reznykov
Creating Regional Web ACL with CloudFormation
by OwenDavies
Installing a desktop environment and setting up RDP to allow us to connect to our Virtual Machine
by Leif Simon Goodwin
WPF docking window manager library

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16 Jul 2013 by Joezer BH
You can set Account Expiration on an Active Directory Account.See:~ MSND article on the Account-Expires attribute[^]~ Set-ADAccountExpirationSets - Sets the expiration date for an Active Directory account.[^]Good luck, Edo
17 Jan 2015 by Wendelius
Haven't actually tested this but perhaps something like this:select start.unixtimestamp, stop.unixtimestampfrom table1 start, table1 stopwhere start.speed = 0and stop.vehicleid = start.vehicleidand stop.unixtimestamp > start.unixtimestampand stop.speed ...
16 Apr 2018 by CPallini
The GregorianCalendar class[^] should do the trick (have a look at the get method with the WEEK_OF_YEAR field).
21 Feb 2022 by Illya Reznykov
Creating Regional Web ACL with CloudFormation
4 Sep 2012 by Kumar, Ravikant
How I can work on GroupPolicy in C#? Using some COM Dlls (Like GPMGMTLib, GPOADMINLib etc) are the only way in C#, or is there any other way...?
4 Sep 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
A simple search...
19 Sep 2012 by Gittum
Hi,I have a listview with some entries where I have to create/delete groups(Expend/collapsible) and add/remove the existing entries to/from the group. All this tasks must be done runtime. After a bit exploration about grouping in Listview I found the solutions where groupings are done...
6 Nov 2012 by Adarsh Chaurasia
I have below table structure:User(UserID, Name, Address, Phone, CustomFieldValue)Group(GroupID, GroupName, ApplyGroupRuleString)UserGroup(UserID, GroupID)Example of data:User(210111, 'Mohit', 'Delhi', '99999999', '(
14 Dec 2012 by unscathed18
Hi, the question is that I've been given a task(practice) where I need to allow both the Admin group in ubuntu and a new group that I'll will call "Network manager group role" that they will be in charge of controlling and managing the network commands,options, parameters. So I'd like to create...
26 Feb 2013 by Dave Calkins
I was curious about the group feature and so tried creating a group. I wasn't sure what the Email field was, though. I tried using my existing code project login Email and it said that Email was already in use. What am I supposed to use for the Email to create a group? Is that implying I...
29 Mar 2013 by jagdish123061
I have 3 tables1) TM_Company (compID,CompName)2) tm_Customer(custId,CName,CompID)3) tm_booking(bID,Amount,CustID,CompID)data in table 1) tm_Company1, abc2, def3, xyz2) tm_customer1, jagdish,12, ghi, 13, jkl, 14, iuy, 25, lkj, 26,...
29 Mar 2013 by Dnyaneshwar Kondbale
You write one query which is retriving data for you likeselect Co.CompanyID,Co.CompanyName,Cu.CustId,Cu.CName,B.bID,B.Amount fromTM_Company Co inner join TM_Customer Cu on Co.CompID=Cu.CompID inner join Tm_Booking on cu.Custid=B.CustId and Co.CompID = b.CompIDwhere co.CompID='Selected...
25 May 2013 by vishal deb
Hi AllI have 6 GroupBox named as gBox1,gBox2,gBox3,gBox4,gBox5,gBox6 AND each gBox contain 21 ComboBox named as slot1,slot2,slot3,slot4,slot5.... so on out of which I want to select only 7 comboBoxes for operation.For eaxmple if user enter 2 in textbox then from...
25 May 2013 by Abhinav S
Try a simple loop like this -foreach (Control c in this.Controls){ if(c is GroupBox) { // Do stuff here ; }}
17 Jul 2013 by H.Brydon
Have them access the system/server through a specific network connection. Most network boxes can allow access from certain interfaces on a daily schedule.This might sound awkward but I think it is more robust and easy to manage/monitor/log than trying to control on a Windows machine.
6 Dec 2013 by OriginalGriff
Try:var items = from fi in (from f in files select new FileInfo(f)) select new string[] { fi.Name, // Name fi.FullName, // Directory fi.CreationTime.ToString(), // Date Modified ...
3 Jul 2014 by PatientCarePro
Hi there,We run a standard medical center and I we're planning to improve our Voip based telephone system in order to build a more effective way of communication between nurses and patients. We have a Cisco Unified CM PBX and we'd like to add some new features into that. The most...
18 Nov 2014 by Member 10414137
Hallo, I like to overlay to images, but one has to be transperant in some parts. So the idea is to see the most of the time image1 and at some parts image2. I thought that I can solve this with a DrawingGroup with - member1 = image1 and - member2 = another DrawingGroup which includes...
20 Nov 2014 by Member 9129971
I am using mvc 5,entity frmework 5, linqi have following tables:order: 1. orderid customerid 1 2 2 3 3 1orderDetail: orderid productname quantity 1 A ...
20 Nov 2014 by /\jmot
6 Jan 2015 by Khiem Dev
I cannot return my query when I group data. Please check my issuepublic IQueryable GetAll() { List listCategories = new List { new Category {Id = 1, CateName = "SmartPhone", Description = "aaaaaa"}, ...
7 Jan 2015 by George Swan
The result of your query is of type IGrouping where the Key is the string. You can use simple foreach loops to extract the data you require. List groupModels= new List(); foreach (IGrouping groupings in query) ...
17 Jan 2015 by Mohd Arshad Malik
I've vehicle tracking data, I want to create Vehicle stoppage report. Help me to write sql query for that. Actual Data and resultant data are like Table1 and Table2 respectively.TABLE 1VehicleId UnixTimeStamp Speed1 17-01-2015 12:00:05 121 ...
1 Feb 2015 by Member 11318198
hello am tired try to making code to post all facebook groups using windows desktop application can any one help me i write this code but it not send to any group my class public static bool Postfr(string AccessToken, string Friendwall, string groupId, string Link = "") ...
9 Jun 2015 by chichujn
I was writing a small tool (HTA) with Javascript for reading data from Excel, showing in an HTML table.The Excel data may be grouped, and more than 10,000 rows.When reading all data row by row, it will be extremely slow, so better to hide all grouped rows when "open" the file and expand...
28 Jun 2015 by Member 11799697
I am trying to add read-only-permissions to a specific group called "Students" for a list I have created called "Quiz". I have to use PowerShell CSOM, and in every other tutorial I've been through, .NET server types have been used.Code: $ListName = "Quiz" $PermissionLevel = "Read...
7 Jan 2016 by Andy Lanng
Hi,I have an array of Products, a custom POCO. Some of these products refer to the same item. Some will have the TariffUnrestricted price and another will have the StandingChargePenceDay . I need to merge these together.I am trying to group the products together, then select out the...
7 Jan 2016 by OriginalGriff
Why are you trying to group by a new product? All that will do is attempt to group by the reference value itself, won't it? Which would explain the 1:1 correlation between groups and products. :laugh:Don't you want something like:var groups = products.GroupBy(p => p.TariffDescription);or...
13 Apr 2016 by Richard Deeming
What you're trying to do is not possible. Active Directory doesn't store the passwords; it stores password hashes. There is no way to retrieve the password, and there is no way to log in with just the password hash.Even if it was possible, this would be a major security risk, as Ryan pointed...
29 Jul 2017 by Member 10376393
First- Last- ID Exit_Date Jan Klaas 5656 1-1-1900 Jan Klaas 5656 1-1-1900 Jan Klaas 5656 25-12-2017 Peter Jobs 1223 1-1-1900 Mark Mulder 4456 24-6-2017 Taylor Mulder 1235 30-11-2017 Big Al 4567 1-1-2017 Big Al 4567 30-10-2017 big Al 4567 5-1-2017 Mike Mulder 1232 30-8-2017 I want to have...
29 Jul 2017 by David_Wimbley
I may not be understanding but it sounds like, if any person has a date of 1/1/1900 you don't want them, which should eliminate Jan Klass correct? For the sake of this example, I'm ignoring the ID column since it appears to not matter in the example you've put forth. DECLARE @ExitTable TABLE (...
27 Oct 2017 by lakshjoshi
finally i got solution to read nested group. 'On Error Resume Next 'Set objADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") 'strUser = objADSysInfo.UserName 'Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser) 'For Each strGroup in objUser.memberOf ' Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & strGroup) ' ...
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
public void Autostid() { DBaccess c = new DBaccess(); c.connect(); Autostid = c.Autonumber("stid", "tblstudent", ""); c.disconnect(); } What I have tried: am create code in dblayer then display Error: cannot assign to 'Autostid' because it is a...
28 Dec 2017 by Thomas Daniels
Your method name is Autostid, and you're trying to assign something to Autostid. That isn't going to work. Give your variable a different name, and don't forget to either specify the type or put var in front of it: var result = c.Autonumber("stid", "tblstudent", ""); [Edit] If Autonumber is...
28 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
Without seeing your code in its entirety, we can;t be sure. But ... from taht fragment, I'd suspect that your countstid method is declared as: void countdtid() { ... } As it's the only "int to possible void" comparison in that fragment.
28 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
Try this: txtstid.Text = s.Autostid.ToString();
28 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
You are asking a lot of the same question: please start to think about your code instead of just going "I'll post it here and they will fix it for me" - you will learn a lot more, and be able to fix trivial problems like these quicker by yourself than we will! This is the same problem you have...
28 Dec 2017 by ZurdoDev
I have no idea what s is; however, the compiler thinks you meant to call s.Autostid() as a method since it is not a valid string property.
28 Dec 2017 by ZurdoDev
You are trying to assign a value to countstid but you cannot. You have declared countstid as a method with no return value (void). I suggest you go through some C# tutorials and get a good basic understanding first.
16 Apr 2018 by Member 13782756
I need help on how to write this in JAVA My input will be bunch of dates Ex 1-10-2018, 1-15-2018 .. etc I need to group them by week What I have tried: I need help on how to write this in JAVA My input will be bunch of dates Ex 1-10-2018, 1-15-2018 .. etc I need to group them by week
9 May 2018 by Liam Bourke
I want to create a group policy that will apply only to windows 2008 servers and windows 2012 servers in Active Directory.they are in different organisational units throughout active directory.Is this possible to do with only one group policy or do i need to create a group policy for windows...
18 Nov 2019 by Malikdanish
Hi I have an application in which i have User , Roles and USer&Roles Tables My User table is just like below USER (UserId,NAme) Roles(RoleId,RoleName) User&Roles(tableid,UserId,RoleId) Although I have other columns as well but for simplicity i am taking only the required ones . I have records...
18 Nov 2019 by Richard Deeming
Change your view so that it accepts a list of users instead of a list of user roles: @model IEnumerable @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout2.cshtml"; } Index @Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")
6 Jan 2020 by Malikdanish
Hi I have a web application in mvc in which i have teacher and courses , as well as teacherVsCourses Table , in teachervscourses table i am saving assigned courses to each teacher , right now I have a teacher for which i have assigned five courses to him and in db i have five rows , I want it to...
28 Aug 2021 by dejf111
Hello, I have problem with my two groups of radiobuttons(first group have 4 radiobuttons, second have 2 radiobuttons). I would like not to label any of the radiobuttons to pop up a messagebox. For example firstgroupname(level) when not marked...
28 Aug 2021 by #realJSOP
Instead of doing that, use WPF data binding. That way, there is no need for endless and complicated "if/then/else" statements. 0) Create an int property that indicates a radio groups current selection. Set it to 0 as a default (indicating no...
24 Sep 2022 by Illya Reznykov
The post describes PowerShell script which creates WAF resources for the scenario when Application Load Balancer is used to serve content for a public website, but to block requests from attackers and to protect from OWASP Top 10 security risks.
8 Aug 2020 by OwenDavies
Installing a desktop environment and setting up RDP to allow us to connect to our Virtual Machine
21 Jun 2020 by Leif Simon Goodwin
WPF docking window manager library
6 Dec 2013 by dabbourabd
Hi every one I wrote program in c# get details about files to compare them laterI have Listview control with 6 columnI an using the following code to add items to listviewbut I need to group items according to column 6 valuesvar items = from f in Files_pathes_hash_Dup ...
16 Jul 2013 by lmaycock
We have a requirement to limit the access to a set of applications for a fixed period of time (e.g. 24 hours) - is there a way to automate the removal of users from a group after a set time has elapsed?
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { assignvalues(); x = s.insert("inserttblstudent"); if (x > 0) { Response.Write("Successfully Saved"); txtstid.Text = s.Autostid; ...
16 Jul 2013 by lmaycock
Thanks but I don't want the account to expire, I just want them to be removed from the particular group.
9 Mar 2014 by Aman Yadav
Basically i also want ans of this. Now i am using this trick to share to all group- Demo here
17 Jan 2015 by Mohd Arshad Malik
I tried this...declare @t as table (vehicleid INT, unixtimestamp DATETIME, speed int)INSERT INTO @t VALUES(1, '2015-01-17 12:00:05', 12)INSERT INTO @t VALUES(1, '2015-01-17 12:00:06', 0)INSERT INTO @t VALUES(1, '2015-01-17 12:00:07', 0)INSERT INTO @t VALUES(1, '2015-01-17...
13 Apr 2016 by Abdulmateen50
I have a case where i have to login to the computer using active directory logon name only. The user will enter only active directory logon name on the main login screen of windows and click on OK button then the domain computer should fetch the password from AD and login to the computer...
25 Oct 2017 by lakshjoshi
i am using vbscript to read user belongs to which group: strUsers = inputbox("Enter user name") '************************************************************************** '***** DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS POINT *****...
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
public void countstid() { DBaccess c = new DBaccess(); c.connect(); countstid = c.membercount("tblstudent", ("stid==" + _stid + "")); c.disconnect(); } What I have tried: public void countstid() { DBaccess c = new DBaccess(); ...
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
string x; protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { assignvalues(); x = s.insert("inserttblstudent"); if (x > 0) { Response.Write("Successfully Saved"); txtstid.Text = s.Autostid; ...
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
public int update(string SP_Name) { c = new DBaccess(); int a; c.connect(); c.cmd = new SqlCommand(SP_Name, c.con); c.cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; c.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@stid", _stid); ...
28 Dec 2017 by suganyaarya
public void Autostid() { DBaccess c = new DBaccess(); c.connect(); var result = c.Autonumber("stid", "tblstudent", ""); c.disconnect(); } What I have tried: public void Autostid() { DBaccess c = new DBaccess(); c.connect(); ...
6 Jan 2020 by Christian Graus
This will return grouped data. How you use it is up to you. There's no rule you HAVE to use LINQ, you can write views or stored procs and call those if you prefer