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Everything / Log4net



Great Reads

by Stefano12777606
How-to setup log4net logging tool, create different objects configured to store their own logs in their own log directory and zip older logs
by Rahul Jain (.Net Developer)
In this article, we will learn to setup log4net in our application for the very first time.
by Ryszard Dżegan
How to prepare log4net or other custom, XML-based configuration file for particular build or environment
by ChRi$m0rG@N
A tool for filtering and merging large text files.

Latest Articles

by Lee P Richardson
How to automatically add current user info to logs in ASP.NET Core
by Toby Patke
Clearcove.Logging is a very simple logging library designed to meet most logging needs with straight-forward licensing terms.
by Saineshwar Bageri
In this article, we are going to learn how to implement the best Logging libraries available in the market for an ASP.NET MVC application.
by Ivan Yakimov
Here, I'll describe how you can set the separate log level for each request to a Web application.

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18 Jul 2014 by Ryszard Dżegan
How to prepare log4net or other custom, XML-based configuration file for particular build or environment
4 Jun 2014 by Thang Believe
A solution for performance logging
12 Jul 2012 by Prabu ram
This article will explain how to create a general log4net logging framework which can be used by various types of applications of Microsoft NET Framework
5 Dec 2017 by Jeff Bramlett
Solution to show how to "wrap" Log4Net to make it concurrent (as a worker thread)
21 Dec 2012 by RijuKK
Simplest implementation of log4net
8 Jun 2012 by CodingLover
Learn how to manage multiple log files in a single application using log4net.