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Great Reads

by Stefano12777606
How-to setup log4net logging tool, create different objects configured to store their own logs in their own log directory and zip older logs
by Rahul Jain (.Net Developer)
In this article, we will learn to setup log4net in our application for the very first time.
by Ryszard Dżegan
How to prepare log4net or other custom, XML-based configuration file for particular build or environment
by ChRi$m0rG@N
A tool for filtering and merging large text files.

Latest Articles

by Lee P Richardson
How to automatically add current user info to logs in ASP.NET Core
by Toby Patke
Clearcove.Logging is a very simple logging library designed to meet most logging needs with straight-forward licensing terms.
by Saineshwar Bageri
In this article, we are going to learn how to implement the best Logging libraries available in the market for an ASP.NET MVC application.
by Ivan Yakimov
Here, I'll describe how you can set the separate log level for each request to a Web application.

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7 Oct 2016 by Stefano12777606
How-to setup log4net logging tool, create different objects configured to store their own logs in their own log directory and zip older logs
20 Oct 2018 by Rahul Jain (.Net Developer)
In this article, we will learn to setup log4net in our application for the very first time.
18 Jul 2014 by Ryszard Dżegan
How to prepare log4net or other custom, XML-based configuration file for particular build or environment
1 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
You would want to create a RollingFileAppender and then change the file based upon the date. Here is my tutorial on log4net, which includes the specified appender: log4net Tutorial[^]You would just need to change it to use date instead of size for changing the file. Here is an example of...
3 Apr 2012 by sjelen
Check if your application has write permissions on destination folder for log file.
13 Mar 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
No, it doesn't. The problem is probably buffering. The ADO.NET appender will not, by default, write each and every log item to the database as it gets them. It will buffer them and write them to the database in batches.Read further down that article, under the FAQ section, and you'll...
20 Jan 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Your "constructor" has a try catch block and re-throws the exception if one was caught. So where do you think the mistake is? What would you have expected instead?Please explain!Modification:If the configuration of log4net fails, it will write output about that failure to the console....
16 Mar 2011 by #realJSOP
Check this link out:RollingFileAppender tips[^]BTW, google is pretty handy...
5 Dec 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
If you're doing the configuration from within your code this is definitely not advisable. You can have all you configurations within one log4net configuration file. All you have to agree on is a naming scheme for your configurations that will avoid collisions. One way to achieve this is to have...
16 Mar 2012 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
If you have successfully tried it in a webform application there's nothing keeping you from using it in a webservice. What problems are you having? Just add a log4net configuration section to your webconfig file the same as you would do with your application config file.Regards,Manfred
20 Mar 2012 by Steve Maier
The property for IsErrorEnabled checks your app.config file to see if you have that level of logging turned on. You can turn on the logging like this to have error logging on. You would also have to have an appender installed named EventLogAppender. But the level can be changed to just WARN...
1 May 2012 by Vincent026
This works:[^]Be sure that the mentioned Initialize method is called after log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure() is called. This is not mentioned in the article but can be...
1 Jun 2012 by Oleksandr Kulchytskyi
Hi guys , i encountered with such problem:i need to store in some folder logs file for appropriate day.Maybe anyone knows hot to configure log4net, in such way, that he can creates a single log file for a day???It's very important for me.Thanks.
6 Jun 2012 by Pankaj Chamria
I want to be able to specify multiple smtp server host addresses and implement a logic whereby if email using one smtp server fails, it tries to send using the next smtp server address. Is it possible using log4net. Can we override some functions of log4net and implement our own logic in it to...
31 Mar 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
Markand, you may want to try using the minimal locking model.
1 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
Markand,Try this.For INFO FOR Error Log.
7 Jun 2014 by Francis S Michael
Hi, Just remove it from the dll from your project and then try to build the project. Since you don't need that one. In case you want to include that dll, you should check that, the application pool you are using is compatible with the assembly. I have encountered these kind of...
7 Jan 2015 by Peter Leow
Read this CP article: log4net Tutorial[^]
21 Jul 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Why not trying Google search prior to post such questions here?Check these articles-How to store log in database using log4net[^]Save Log Information in Database with log4net and NHibernate[^]Hope, it helps :)
21 Jul 2015 by SonuKSingh
Check your log4net config. You have to use appender for MS Sql Server. Below is the example. Change Database connection string and Table Name as per yours and also make sure you have created table in database. ...
2 Oct 2015 by ChRi$m0rG@N
A tool for filtering and merging large text files.
21 Jul 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
You can change your code to use the latest version (surely that won't be hard? it's only logging). Or if the assemblies are compatible you can use assembly redirection to have your code load the 1.2.13 assembly even though it is referencing an older versionRedirecting Assembly...
19 Dec 2016 by Member 11242733
You have to add a threshold value to your appender
2 Jul 2021 by Lee P Richardson
How to automatically add current user info to logs in ASP.NET Core
20 Jan 2011 by Nish Nishant
[Adding to Manfred's response.]If your problem is that log4net logs errors to the console before you get a chance to handle any exceptions, then check to see if it has any means to disable console error logging. It would be quite surprising if it won't let you do that. And isn't it open...
8 Mar 2011 by Member 4179480
Hi all I need to customized log4net for two type of appender one is file and other is adoNet.We will log to file if we there is problem with connection with sql other wise it will log to database in the log table.Please help me if somebody work in similar concept.Thanks.
8 Mar 2011 by Jules VDV
What you are looking for doesn't currently exist in log4net, but it has been entered as a feature to be implemented. See here for more info.Another way you could do this is by taking the source of the AdoNetAppender and FileAppender and merge them into a custom appender type. Creating...
15 Mar 2011 by vagabond86
I have downloaded log4net and found that it contains dll only for compact framework 1.0.I would like to know if this dll can be used for a compact framerok 3.5 project.
15 Mar 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
I guess not. Look here for .NET Framework supported by log4Net:Summary of .NET frameworks supported by log4net[^]It says: log4net now builds on 6 frameworks:1. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 (1.0.3705) 2. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (1.1.4322) 3. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0...
16 Mar 2011 by #realJSOP
The argument fileName can't be null or an empty string. Look in your C# code. Try running your code under the debugger. It will stop at (or near) the point of failure.
17 Mar 2011 by vagabond86
do we have event viewer in device applications where we can log the exceptions as it is done in event viewer in desktop applications.I am using log4net as a logging tool for my device.In my project Visual Studio 2008, Windows Mobile 6 professional SDK as target platform and .Net Compact...
14 Jul 2011 by adulapuramrajesh
Scenario: A web application was deployed on remote IIS and is configured to log into oracle database.Log table has these columns:Login_ID,Log_message,Querystring,ipaddress. So the deployed url was browsed from different systems using different login_idsProblem: When the application...
27 Jul 2011 by Prerak Patel
You need to create multiple loggers. Check all the answers in SO post.[^][^]
27 Jul 2011 by viswadattu
i have two rolling file appenders for two seperate logs the first RollingLogFileAppender should store the logs in the catch block ie exceptions and seond Elaspsedtimeappender should store the logs in the finally block the RollingLogFileAppender has path to c drive and Elaspsedtimeappender...
4 Aug 2011 by pete422
Hi,I have written a service and have established logging throughout my code (using log4net). I am having an issue (bug) and when this bug arises my log files donot get generated, are there any suggestions and adivces to as what mistake I have done.RegardsPete[Answer moved to...
4 Aug 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
Debug your code. Use unit tests to block test the log writer creation and confirm that the log writing code is valid. Without seeing your configuration for the logging that is about all I could suggest.[Update]You may need to revisit all the instances in your application where you attempt...
5 Dec 2011 by CGN007
Hi, I'm using log4net to log in my WPF MVVM application.I've different type of log like application,network etc that logs in different folders using different log4net Config files.Each time when the application tries to log I'm configuring the log4net(Both file appender and mail).Is it a...
12 Mar 2020 by CodingLover
Hi all,I want to log some data into multiple log files using the log4net. My App.cofing looks like this.
29 Jan 2012 by Rajesh Anuhya
See this CP article, this may helps youUse Multiple log4net Outputs from One Application[^]Thanks--RA
14 Feb 2012 by PankajSaha
Hi, I have an site. I have configured the log4net for the logging. I am using only two provider File and SMTP. I want to log all type of level in the File, but email should be send only for the the Error level. Do not want to send an email for the ERROR, INFO, WARN and FATAL. I have...
15 Feb 2012 by BillW33
I am not a log4net expert, but I believe your problem is due to you having set threshold value="ALL". Try setting threshold value="ERROR". Also take a look at this article:[^]
16 Mar 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Can I use log4net in my web service? If so can I have a sample? I have successfully tried it with a web form application (.Net 3.5).
18 Mar 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
I have just added log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(); in the Application_Start event of global.asax.Thanks
20 Mar 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Hello all,I have used the following URL to implement log4net,[code_project], Can anyone please help me to understand step 6? if (log.IsErrorEnabled){ log.Error("Page Load failed : " + ex.Message);}I don't understand how if (log.IsErrorEnabled) works...Regards
20 Mar 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Yes Steve, I still have doubt..I have added the following code in my web.config file type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> And added...
30 Mar 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Hello,How we can save the log4net log file to a relative path. The code I have is as follows... ...
1 Apr 2019 by Sebastian T Xavier
I am unable to find the reason why log4net is not writing anything to log file. the below is the configuration I have used.
17 May 2012 by gowthammanju
HiI have configure log4net with a console application successfully .But after building and taking the dll with supportive files of log4net and app.config file and place it in a new project if i run that new project log is not working but the other concept in that dll works fine i...
18 May 2012 by Tim Corey
If I understand you correctly, you tested everything out in one application and then put the config and the dll into a new application and now nothing works. It sounds to me like you might not have done all of the work in your code that you need to do. For example, did you set up your...
18 May 2012 by Tim Corey
I do not believe there is one. Probably your best bet would be to create a simple viewer yourself. Storing the data in a mobile database or even writing it to an HTML file that you could then view might be an easy option.
30 May 2012 by Tim Corey
I'm afraid I can't give you a great solution, but at least a servicable one will hopefully do. Here is a post with the answer on how to modify the HttpContext to do your bidding:[^]
6 Jun 2012 by SASS_Shooter
One approach you can take -- though there are many solutions -- is to implement Common.Logging 2.0. This will give you pretty much the basic logging interface without any logging implementation. Then through Common.Logging configuration you can tell it what to use.Via this mechanism you...
16 Jul 2012 by StianSandberg
use rollingStyle and datePattern.
24 Aug 2012 by
Hi,I've a RollingFileAppender that appears to be loosing files at some point.For example: I have the following log files in my log folderapplog.log.220applog.log.221applog.log.222applog.log.224applog.log.225For some reason, applog.log.223 is missing. When I look at the last log...
25 Aug 2012 by jschell
Presuming that you are not using AppDomains or multiple processes to write to the same file then it is is a problem in Log4net. And unfortunately last time I checked no one really seemed to be supporting that logger. So you might have to fix it yourself. Or switch to a different logger.
10 Sep 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
No log4net is not process safe in the sense that you cannot save to a unified log file from different processes as the log files are locked for exclusive writing..
18 Dec 2012 by Dominique Krug
HelloI provided a C# application, which to log messages over a TCP/IP connection to a CONSOLE (a TXT file would also go) to transfer and indicate is. Unfortunately this does not function and I didn't know which changes is necessarily thereby the messages over the TCP/IP connection can be...
19 Dec 2012 by Jibesh
Read about .Net Remoting herea-simple-remoting-example-in-c/[^]dotnetremoting[^]
23 Apr 2013 by Manikandan Sekar
Hi guys, I need the log info for each and every session created in the web application in the log file must be rollback by size 5I am using the following code. For each time the log file created i need to specify the logger configuration in the log file, after that I need to create...
30 Apr 2013 by LeVar H.
Is there a log4net appender similar to the RemoteSyslogAppender that is capable of transmitting logs over TCP versus UDP?
7 May 2013 by Mehdi Gholam
You can also take a look at my article : Mini Drop-in Replacement for log4net[^]
31 May 2013 by ASLAM SYED
Hi allcan anyone help me out how to write the "fatal" information of "fileappender" and "debug" information of "rollingfileappender" to two different file using "log4net"thank you in advance
3 Jun 2013 by ASLAM SYED
HiAllhow to create multiple log files using file appender or rolling file apender for different level values in log4netThank you in advance
3 Jun 2013 by SudhirKankal
Hope below link resolves your queryconfigure-log4net-to-write-to-multiple-files
11 Jun 2013 by alfrdo
I have Web App and I want send my logs (with Log4Net) (Error-Info-Warning) with query string into Specific url OR Send logs to the web service that I created it before?
11 Jun 2013 by tumbledDown2earth
Here is a project doing something similar:LOG4NET WebServiceAppender[^]
11 Jun 2013 by alfrdo
public class TwitterAppender : AppenderSkeleton { #region Private Members private const string REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; private const string REQUEST_METHOD = "POST"; // The source attribute has been removed from the...
11 Jun 2013 by alfrdo
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Net;using System.Text;using System.Web;using log4net.Appender;using log4net.Core;namespace TwitterAppender{ public class TwitterAppender : AppenderSkeleton { #region Private...
18 Jun 2013 by sharmarun
hi i am not able to add this line of code it shows error after log4net.configlog4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure()
2 Jul 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is explained in Apache documentation. In particular, take a look at this simple configuration sample, locate "SmtpAppender" section:[^].—SA
16 Jul 2013 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi Friends,I am using N-Tier architecture in my application.That consists of MVC web application, proxy project, WCF service project, business layer project, data layer project.I am logging the application activity through Log4Net framework.Now logging is working for MVC Web...
16 Jul 2013 by praks_1
Hi,see this link:[^]And u don't have to copy .xml file to all project u can do other way round also.
18 Jul 2013 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi Friends, I solved this by creating separate project called log4netwrapper to log the application.I designed a class to read the log4net config file then, i wrote a class for different debug levels.Now I referenced the log4netwrapper dll to all the layer and I added configuration to...
25 Jul 2013 by TapasU
Hi All,I am working on a web service to WCF migration project. In my old web service, I have few logger statements like below.using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["ClientIP"].Push(Context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { using...
29 Aug 2013 by Member 10241903
Hello,I'm using log4net with visual studio 2010 version 4.My problem is that I am not getting any error but output is not correct.My text file is empty and output on console is not correct.The code I have written is as follows:For app.config:
27 Nov 2013 by sam3440
I have implemented log4net in wcf service and using eventlogappender, its all working good in development region, when I deploy to test environment, eventlogappender is not working, but smtp appender is working fine in test environment. I searched online for solution and came across permission...
4 Dec 2013 by sam3440
Solved, I created a console application to create event source and ran it as an administrator, it created event source and then I restarted IIS to have to changes. It worked. So it needs an installer to do all these.
4 Dec 2013 by sam3440
Our Wcf service uses log4net to write all message to Event viewer, right now I am using Thread id to group messages from one call. But when number of user increases it will be hard to group messages which belongs to one thread id or some time same thread id will be used again.Is there any...
24 Feb 2014 by Member 10621073
I have created a sample program and every time I run this program, it is creating a dummy entry in the event log as below. How to avoid without creating a logger?2014-02-24 18:04:53,557 [8] ERROR Log4NetSample.Program [(null)] - Error messageMy Code:using log4net;using...
25 Feb 2014 by JCPoirier
I have used using log4net successfully on many projects. This time I am stumped. I have a web app and log4net will only log to my local db. When I configure it to use the remote db nothing gets logged. The only difference in the config is Data Source=localhost; vs Data Source= machineName;...
30 Mar 2014 by markand911
I have two loggers to log errors. One logger writes log into a file which is put in to a shared drive. The other logger shoots email of error.Email logger works very fine. But the log file doesnt reflect every error log.I think the problem is because its being shared between many users....
31 Mar 2014 by markand911
18 May 2014 by dnibbo
Hi, I have a application and I would like to use Log4Net for logging.I have found loads of examples of it in use but can't find anything that explains of the basics. What I need to know is where does the default config file need to be and what should it be called. I am sure this is...
28 May 2014 by Coddddder
Hi,I am using log4net to log different info in my windows project. It works fine when creating setup in "Debug" mode. But when created setup in "Release" mode, it stops working. I am using AdoNetAppender.Any help will be appreciated.ThanksVijay
28 May 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
Make sure the configuration file for log4net exists and is accessible to the release build (is in the release folder).
29 May 2014 by Coddddder
Here is my log4net config type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
4 Jun 2014 by Thang Believe
A solution for performance logging
7 Jun 2014 by ali_1
Hello All,I am gettinG a error that is "Could not load file or assembly 'log4net' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.".Some body used the project before.We are not using a log4net.dll there in the bin folder in our application.but...
24 Jun 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
Use the RollingFileAppender[^]. More[^].
15 Jul 2014 by Member 10872485
I don't know how to open the file log.config ?I read that need to add below line in our AssemblyInfo.cs file : [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile="Web.config", Watch=true)]but it doesn't work ! I have version for log4net.I want to open this file to...
15 Jul 2014 by CHill60
Try these CodeProject articles:log4net Tutorial[^]Configure Log4Net for Desktop and Web Applications[^]Configure Log4Net in ASP.NET 2.0[^]
31 Jul 2014 by Member 10872485
Hello,I use the framework log4net for write the logFile for my application C#.I want to set manually the path and the size of the file.log in log.config.My log.config file is :
31 Jul 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
Read this :[^]or try using my article here : Mini Drop-in Replacement for log4net[^]
15 Oct 2014 by jgauffin
How to make exception reporting in log4net awesome
5 Jan 2015 by sridharan.N
Am used the log4net to log the exception. when the logging is performed but the logs are entered two times in logfiles (LoggerFile.log)web.config ...
7 Jan 2015 by sridharan.N
How to stored the logs using log4net in Sql server?
7 Jan 2015 by sridharan.N
In a web.config file two times given the file appender. so thats only a logs are...
15 Jun 2015 by arunkx
Below is my code for a C# console application in DotNet Framework 4.0. It shows no error but the message is not being written to log file. Please help me hereApp.Config:-