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Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
Azure Service Fabric Demo + IOC, logging, encryption
by V.
Second article on creating a reusable framework
by Mark Pelf
In this article, we build a practical reusable Logging Proxy in C#
by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!

Latest Articles

by Lance Ford
A walkthrough to enable request/response logging to an ASP.NET web application (or web service) by using an IIS module.
by Ivan Yakimov
A look at the issue of growing log volume in production systems by introducing the concept of a block of log entries
by Illya Reznykov
The post describes PowerShell script which creates WAF resources for the scenario when Application Load Balancer is used to serve content for a public website, but to block requests from attackers and to protect from OWASP Top 10 security risks.
by MSBassSinger
Description of a simple, versatile, and scalable logger

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29 Nov 2017 by Sacha Barber
Azure Service Fabric Demo + IOC, logging, encryption
1 Apr 2014 by V.
Second article on creating a reusable framework
9 May 2022 by Mark Pelf
In this article, we build a practical reusable Logging Proxy in C#
10 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
No breakpoints or drooling all over the console!
7 Oct 2016 by Stefano12777606
How-to setup log4net logging tool, create different objects configured to store their own logs in their own log directory and zip older logs
4 Oct 2020 by Zijian
How to use Trace and TraceSource in .NET Core Logging
21 Aug 2022 by MSBassSinger
Description of a simple, versatile, and scalable logger
29 Jul 2022 by DiponRoy
Generate and store logs using middleware
11 Jun 2018 by Member 10481957
Chronological Expressions is a RegEx inspired Pattern Matching Library and Specification for query event logs
21 Aug 2021 by freedeveloper
Use the logger system as other Microservices in your eco-system
25 Jun 2020 by Code Artist
A reusable Windows Form text box control for capturing DEBUG and TRACE output
28 Dec 2023 by Ivan Yakimov
A look at the issue of growing log volume in production systems by introducing the concept of a block of log entries
7 Jan 2013 by Plantronics
How to Enable Detailed Spokes Logging.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This article presents a way to log and mail the errors from any web page.It logs following details -Control on which the error is raisedPage
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Global.asax, is the global file in the web application, which offers application level events to be registered. There are many of the events in this
16 Jun 2013 by Amit Bezalel
Using the power of regex to parse your logs
16 Apr 2018 by Valerii Tereshchenko
Example of implementing logging using Aspect Oriented approach with DispatchProxy class
12 Dec 2017 by Valerii Tereshchenko
Example of implementing logging using RealProxy class
7 Mar 2016 by John Torjo
You can easily apply Pretty Formatting to your logs. Make the information that's relevant to you easily stand out!
6 Oct 2014 by _Noctis_
This will let you start logging quickly with VS2013 and NLog.
20 Oct 2015 by Andy Feng
Serilog is a portable and structured logging framework to record diagnostic logs into files, console and SQL/NoSQL databases.
23 May 2020 by Toby Patke
Clearcove.Logging is a very simple logging library designed to meet most logging needs with straight-forward licensing terms.
22 Nov 2013 by omeecode
Simple, flexible and extensible C# and .Net based Data Acquisition Library which can handle multiple hardware devices and data rate more than 10 mbps
15 Jan 2020 by VulfL
Rules of thumb to write useful and readable logs in software system
18 May 2015 by Sergey Podobry
Pretty powerful log in less than 1000 lines of code.
1 Apr 2017 by Daniele Fontani, keggyy
In this article, we explain how to build a simple and easy to use log platform, keeping in mind performance ad security.
30 Mar 2013 by Neil_lu
A powerful, easy-use, cross-platform C++ log utility.
25 Sep 2014 by Mathew Soji
Logging is a method of tracking/monitoring what is going on when an application is in progress/running.
2 Dec 2013 by Borja Prado
WinRT Apps exception logging with WinrtErrLog and Google Spreadsheets.
1 Nov 2015 by John Torjo
Meet the Log Viewer that makes monitoring log files a joy!
14 Jul 2013 by Santhosh G_
Optimized method to log Enter and Leave information of functions.
6 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the concept of the adapter pattern & how to implement logger using log4net. It will also cover what’s adapter pattern, why need, where & when to use; what’s Log4Net, implementation of logger using adapter pattern, how to implement and add custom SMTP appender & configuration.
21 Jan 2016 by John Torjo
You can do advanced searching through your Windows Event Logs. Even regex searching and filtering. No expert skills required.
16 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
Exception log with request detail in ASP.NET MVC
20 May 2015 by Saurabh.Garg
SLogLib is an easy to use, fully customizable and extensible, cross-platform logging library.
6 Jul 2016 by mcondon013
Message Logging Code Library routines allow you to output messages from your application to a text window, a text file or a Windows Event Log.
26 Nov 2017 by Juan G. Carmona
Proper logging in .NET Core 2 Console App
3 Jul 2018 by Ivan Yakimov
When you write messages to your logs, sometimes it may be useful to add context information. For example, if you write information about some error, you could also include input data in some form, to be able to reproduce the problem easily. Here, I'll show how to gather this additional information.
1 Feb 2019 by Ivan Yakimov
Here, I'll describe how you can set the separate log level for each request to a Web application.
20 Nov 2013 by Sebastian Solnica
How to configure ASP.NET authentication log
25 Feb 2019 by shayshabshay
In this tutorial, we will see an example of JSON format logging with Microsoft Enterprise logging, sending the logs to elasticsearch with Filebeat and use Kibana to view our logs.
10 Apr 2016 by Mane Priyanka
Enterprise Library Logging in Azure Database
12 Jan 2021 by Alexander Schichmanter
Concept, Motivation and Implementation of Dynamic Logging - a valuable aid to the C++ programmer
9 Jan 2017 by Sem Shekhovtsov
This article describes how to integrate simple error logger for .Net Core MVC 1.0 web project.
28 Nov 2018 by Shai Cohen
By utilizing some fairly mundane features of .NET, we can log errors at the point where the exception occurred; preserving vital debug information while avoiding repetitive error logging.