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by Rahul Sabharwal
This article details the migration steps from Webpack 3 to Webpack 4.
by Herman.Instance
Migrations does not apply to T-SQL rules for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN
by dineshiam
This tip will give an overview to Sitecore developer about how to migrate data using Sitecore PowerShell scripts.

Latest Articles

by Mohammad Elsheimy
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.
by Bhargav Technical Lead
Angular migration to version 16
by Herman.Instance
Migrations does not apply to T-SQL rules for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN
by Vedran Cindric
An honest review of the migration process to a serverless architecture using Laravel, AWS and Laravel Vapor

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26 Feb 2019 by Rahul Sabharwal
This article details the migration steps from Webpack 3 to Webpack 4.
20 Sep 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Quote:"Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'table name' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."straight forward issue.Id is an identity column, you cannot explicity insert identity value to the table directly,You will have to set the IDENTITY_INSERT to ON to insert...
2 Nov 2021 by Herman<T>.Instance
Migrations does not apply to T-SQL rules for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN
19 Dec 2015 by dineshiam
This tip will give an overview to Sitecore developer about how to migrate data using Sitecore PowerShell scripts.
22 Jan 2019 by Richard Deeming
That code is reading the contents of a file which you have previously opened. You will presumably have a previous line that looks something like: Open EncryptedFilePath For Input As #EncryptedFileNumber File IO is much easier in .NET - the System.IO namespace[^] gives you all the tools you...
6 Apr 2021 by Satya Karki
This article describes the options to restore and backup database in SQL Server and explains how to Export BACPAC from SQL Server Management Studio.
18 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
See here: Using Unmanaged (VB6) Code in .NET[^]
19 Sep 2018 by AbhishekDotNet
Hi,I have a created two separate C# web application using EF6 (one with Database First and other with Code First approach). everything is going on smoothly but after sometime it is required to merge both.After merging , Database is same for Code First Approach.Initial I was using...
17 Jul 2017 by Sidharth R123
i have an XML sheet in which it have data as well as table which i have to migrate to MySQL . After migrating how would i be able to test if all the information/data is exported successfully to MySQL. is there any tool or Query for that ?? have huge amount of data so wont be able to test...
18 Jul 2017 by Mehdi Gholam
The general answer is it depends on how your application is written and what it uses. The only one who can answer is you, so try and see.
7 Feb 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
You're comparing two completely different technologies that support completely different objects. .net is far more mature than classic ASP so it's natural that its inbuilt XML handling is going to be better. ASP classic can only do things by using COM objects which is what MSXML2.DOMDocument...
29 Apr 2018 by Wendelius
A simple way would be to use INSERT INTO...SELECT FROM query to copy the relevant data from database A to database B. After a successful copy, just delete the source rows. In order to avoid identity problems use SET IDENTITY_INSERT (Transact-SQL) | Microsoft Docs[^] Also you probably need to...
17 Aug 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
This is just a guess but it seems like your site code is compiled to target "AnyCPU". The hint I'm using is that you're using a 32-bit Oracle client and you moved the code to a 64-bit server. Go into the Project Properties, Build tab, and change the platform target from AnyCPU to x86. Recompile...
13 Sep 2021 by RickZeeland
As it says here: The Complete Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration Guide: Move and convert Schema, Application & Data[^] Quote: PostgreSQL does not have packages but using schema architecture, functions and procedures can be grouped. Use the “orafce”...
13 Sep 2021 by Wendelius
PostgreSQL does not have a similar object type as a package in Oracle so you need to break the package into separate procedures and functions. What comes to the naming, I don't see any specific reason to retain the name of the package as a prefix...
4 Nov 2013 by HariGeek
I am using entity framework DB first approach and wants to know how can I manage migrations in DB first approach. We're doing changes in database schema manually. Is there any way by which Entity Framework can apply the changes accordingly to the project.
17 Sep 2017 by HariGeek
I guess I got confused between the code first with existing database and database first with model. What I understood is, after searching in different forums, Migrations are allowed only in code first approach. Code first assumes that you will never make any changes manually to the database. All...
22 Nov 2013 by Er Bhargav Dudani
i have to convert mysql database tables data to mssql for this i am using Migrate MySQL to Microsoft SQL Server[^]migration tutorial from code projectthere is so many null value in my data base so i am not able to run the script it gives me errorso is there any way to migrating data...
9 Feb 2014 by Mike Hankey
I've got an application that I've converted from using db4o.Linq to SQLite and I'm trying to write a data migration application to migrate existing data from db4o DB to a new SQLite DB.I've basically copied over all my Model and Business Logic/Access tiers to the new migration application...
13 Feb 2014 by lotus notes migration to office 365
We are transitioning from existing company to office 365 cloud domain and simply want to migrate data from Lotus Notes into Office 365 user accounts. Any suggestions for a non-disruptive data migration, so as to move emails and other data to Microsoft cloud based platform? What are required...
26 Feb 2014 by Member 10627647
HI,I have a website, where urlreferer is returning the correct page in IE 7. But the same piece of code is not returning the same value in IE 9. It is returning a different value other than what is expected.I am new to the software world, and do not know much about the urlreferer.Did...
19 Mar 2014 by Member 10682680
Our aplication is currently using Exchange Server 2007 to send out messages. The application is using 2 microsft exchange DLLs:-1.MSMAPI32.DLL2.Cdosys.dllWe are going to upgrade the Exchange Server from 2007 to 2010. What changes do we need to do in our application with respect to...
19 Mar 2014 by phil.o
Normally you should not need to update MAPI CDO.If the server asked for that after migration, though, you just have to search for 'MAPI CDO' on google and find the download on Microsoft's site. But this should not be needed.
29 May 2014 by samadhan_kshirsagar
Hi, I want to migrate a share point document library with its all versions from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013 programmatically. Right now I have created one console application for downloading documents with its version. But I have an issue regrading that I have got current time...
28 Jun 2014 by Elia Conchione
Moving from old SharePoint server? Something to import inside SharePoint 2013?
17 Jun 2014 by Member 10211328
Hi Friends,I am looking for a help regarding the migration of Firebird to SQL Server 2008 using delphi 6. I have a database "Inventory" in firebird and the same I have created in SQL also. For eg: I want to migrate the data from "Inventory" database (firebird to sql). The table name is...
25 Jun 2014 by Member 10211328
Hi all,I got the solution. If u guys want to take a look. I am giving it here. Thanks.procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);//var //iRecCnt:integer;beginSQLQuery1.Close;SQLQuery1.SQL.Clear;SQLQuery1.SQL.Add('Select count(*) as val from...
27 Aug 2014 by thimesth thasmat
Hi all, For the first time, I'm trying to move a big project(5 sub projects + big Data Base on sql Server 2008 R2) from vs 2008 to vs 2010, I know that opening the projet with vs 2010 is enough to make the conversion with visual studio conversion wizard. So before beginning any conversion...
27 Aug 2014 by PhilLenoir
I agree with _duDE_, convert the whole solution at once. Make sure you have backed-up your solution first (always best practice - never trust software!) VS will ask you if you want to backup the solution before conversion, but my preference is to do it myself in a structure (source control...
29 Nov 2014 by l6it896
I have task where i need to move data from one table1 to table2, i have source columns and destination columns but before i move data is it possible to find out is there any data in source column doesn't not fit destination column because of destination field type difference or field length is...
29 Nov 2014 by Maciej Los
Have a look here: On Error Resume Next SQL Server 2005[^]But you should know that there is no something like "the golden rule" for this kind of functionality. There is only one person who can write it: YOU! So, write validation rules depending on your needs.Here is an idea for CHAR(1) to...
18 Mar 2015 by vipulnegi
Hi,I have VB dll which is compiled and build correctly.I have register this dll using "regsvr32" and gave the reference to it in my application and try to call an Initialise method.It throwing and exception. Does anybody have idea, what am missing here...
24 Mar 2015 by Sara_vanan_M
Set of Major Web Applications has to be migrated from legacy Microsoft technologies to latest .Net 4.5 Framework.Class ASP (VB Script), Asp.Net 1.1 Framework applications has to be migrated to 4.5 Framework (Applications includes Website project type and Web application project types)...
11 May 2015 by Grant Weatherston
I'm wanting to add a new migration in which i have removed a property of boolean 'IsRunIndividual" and added a property of int 'Type'.In theory , I would like to run the code first migration , and when I do replace all true values with '1' and false with 0.I know what you're thinking...
15 Jun 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
I googled "connect to db2 from .net" for you and this was the first resultConnect to DB2 from Microsoft .NET[^]
15 Jun 2015 by CHill60
This is quite a common architecture, often used to give a more "modern" frontend to legacy mainframe "green-screen" applications, with improved validation, appearance etc.If the VB5 programs are just running DB2 queries then see solution 1.However, you have mentioned Quote:Lot of...
29 Jul 2015 by Mahesh Pachbhai
I was using server A where all the services are deployed on IIS 7. now the server is not accessible through Remote desktop connection.But the physical path of those files is accessible. I need to get these files and add these services on server B. All the services should work on server B with...
29 Jul 2015 by himanshu agarwal
As Suvendu suggests, there should not be a problem.Since, physical path is accessible, just do a copy from server A to server B and host them on server B.
25 Nov 2015 by pratap420
Hi From past one week I have been facing with a strange issue.I did lot more analysis and I come up with few findings.But those were went on top of my head.So I am posting here for suggestions / help.We are migrating from 2000 to 2012 sql server database.In one of the procedure ,we have...
21 Dec 2015 by CHill60
MSDN[^] has a whole section of migrating projects to the later versions
19 Jan 2016 by Rohit Panwar
Hi All,I'm looking for some migration tools that can help to move powerbuilder application (client/server thick) to some n-tier thin client Java applications. I've came across SoftSol but its not free. I'm looking for some tools which I can use on my own and can modify code wherever...
12 May 2016 by Member 12387639
I need to transform between two different database schemas the same data. For example i have one table in old schema looking like this:OLD EMPLOYEE TABLEUSER_ID - NUMBER (PRIMARY KEY)FIRST_NAME - VARCHAR(50), (NOT NULL)LAST_NAME - VARCHAR(50), (NOT NULL)CITY - VARCHAR(50), (NOT...
12 Mar 2016 by RickZeeland
A trick you could use is something like:SELECT * INTO Schema2.NewTable FROM Schema1.OldTableBut I think you already have the tools to migrate data between two schema's, take a look at the Bulk Copy utility (BCP) that's included with SQL Server.With BCP you can export and import the...
21 Mar 2016 by Member 12407410
I have Sharepoint2010 Enterprise, and SQL2008 on Windows Server2008R2.I'm new to sharepoint Platform, im trying to move sharepoint 2010 from old server to new server.On existing Sharepoint2010(Old Server) I have One Site collection on a Web app, lets say ABC on Sharepoint-80 Webapp.I...
2 May 2016 by Member 12497576
I'm trying to publish a MVC6 EF7 project to Azure using VS2015. The project contains 2 DB Contexts: ApplicationDbContext (containing Identity info) and BaseDbContext (containing my project specific schema). I've used the dnx ef migrations tool to enable data scripting. Package Manager Console...
12 May 2016 by SMerrill88
Start the SQL Server Import and Export WizardIn your start menu SQL Server section you have a program which makes connections to both schemas and transfers the data between them with a wizard. Easy!
22 Jun 2016 by user 3008
I first added a migration in visual studio and my code to call in migration isnamespace Tms.Entities.Migrations{ using Scripts; using System; using System.Data.Entity.Migrations; public partial class UpdateLocalisationForPortuguese : DbMigration { ...
20 Sep 2016 by wa.war
public override void Up() { Sql("INSERT INTO Workouts (Id, Name, Description) VALUES (1, 'HIIT', 'High-Intensity Interval Training​')"); Sql("INSERT INTO Workouts (Id, Name, Description) VALUES (2, 'Yoga', 'Flexibility, relaxation, less stress')"); }What I have...
27 Dec 2016 by RDBurmon
This is because, you are trying to add the value in the record in incorrect orderthink, you have different order in DB and that is not matching with the parameter type which you are passing through this code
18 Jul 2017 by prabhashankar pandey
Currently We are working on a .NET 3.5 web application, and all development activities are carried out using Visual studio 2010. Why we want to migrate? Reduce server cost and to work on latest technology The web application and SQL database is hosted on single server. Plan is to have more than...
14 Jan 2018 by Ahmed Dabas
I add a new migration to my solution , and when trying to update database using this command (Update-Database) , there is an error message shown 'There is already an object named 'Currency' in the database. ', i'm using entity framework core 2.0 What I have tried: Add-Migration NewMigration...
14 Jan 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
Read the error message. There's already some table, probably, called Currency in your database. You can't have two tables, or any other object for that matter, with the same name. Also, Currency might be a reserved word in the database engine you're using. You'll have to call your table, or...
7 Feb 2018 by Member 12613458
C# XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlData); XMLNode x = doc.SelectNodes(xpath) ASP Page Getting x in classic asp page 1)How to loop through the items with out using MSXML2 references?? 2)XMLNode object cannot be accumulated to a same sort type object in classic asp. I miss...
25 Apr 2018 by Amirsalgar1
Hello Guys , I am new to SSIS , i got a task where i have to load the XML file to the SQL server the XML file has more than 200 XML records in it as below example , Gambardella, Matthew XML1 ...
29 Apr 2018 by Christopher Fernandes
I have a database named CommonApps in SQL Server 2008 EXPRESS Advanced. Currently, two apps store their data in this DB. I did this because I did not want to create 2 profiles for all users for accessing these 2 apps. Now it has become hectic to troubleshoot any issues as both apps go offline in...
4 Jul 2018 by Jinto Jacob
I am using Entity framework and code first approach in my project. I have done some Migrations to my server database and it was working fine. now I added a few more tables and try to create a migration by `add-migration` command to the database on server. The command runs with no error and...
26 Jun 2018 by Amirsalgar1
Hello Guys , I am new to SSIS , i have got the task where i have to get the xml response from the below URL and process the data to the SQL tables . . i am using XML source(kingwayssoft) as source and getting the xml response...
27 Jun 2018 by #realJSOP
Create a user variable that is set from the command line. If you're running the ssis package from a SQL agent, you have to modify the command line to include the value to set to the package variable. If you're running the ssis package from the DOS command line, you have to use the appropriate...
17 Aug 2018 by istudent
I have old web application which is moved from windows server 2003 ( i beleieve ) to 64 bit windows server 2008 r2. My application was built in .NEt 2.0 Every time i tried to run the application it throws error like 'ould not load file or assembly 'Oracle.Web, Version=,...
2 Sep 2018 by Member 13933681
i have several property in my class that after adding a new property and doing code first migration , the new added fields have null value in Previous records in database , does anybody have any idea about how to set value to them ??? What I have tried: ...
12 Sep 2018 by xXxRevolutionxXx
Hello! I am creating an ASP.NET Core 2.0 property to ApplicationUser. I already have done that in the past, but now it does not seem to allow me to do it. My ApplicationUser class is this: public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser { [Required] public string...
11 Sep 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Read: Unable to create an object of type ApplicationDbContext. Add an implementation of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory[^]
11 Sep 2018 by Richard Deeming
Looks like you're trying to seed the data in the wrong place. You're calling CreateModerator from your Configure method. That won't work - the EF Core tools need to run that method in order to initialize the DbContext to discover what changes need to be added to the migration. Microsoft's...
19 Sep 2018 by Hakan Bayrak
You can look here also: Update an Existing Database using Code First Migrations with ASP.NET and Entity Framework[^]
22 Jan 2019 by Dinesh Kumar Dora
Hello friends i recently converted my VB6 project to I am getting the following errors in the converted project: 'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constant vbUnicode was not upgraded. Click for more:...
1 Dec 2021 by Eliza Maria
Hi, I am using VSCode and I am struggling to migrate my database with ef as I have already installed the necessary dotnet packages.My problem is that every time i am trying to do " sudo dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate " it will not...
21 Feb 2020 by Eliza Maria
Ok,now i know why it didn't work.One of the packages i installed in the previous project was not in the new one: Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework Apparently without this one, the migration will fail.
24 Oct 2020 by sasko1
I have been working on project for some time now and I was able to add migrations without problem but week or two ago i transitioned from using onconfiguring optionsbuilder.useSqlServer to connect to sql server from my context class to using...
22 Jun 2021 by Szkaradek-Przemyslaw
I want to deploy an application to a server using Web Deploy. The main component uses .NET5 while the other two use the 4.8 framework. I can only see one migration in the configurator. How to add remaining migrations to the WebDeploy...
7 Sep 2021 by Richard Deeming
Either find a better tool, or migrate the stored procedures manually: MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 13.1.17 CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Statements[^]
20 Dec 2021 by Tinsae Teku
update-database after adding migration on package manager console of Visual studio 2022 brings the following error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or...
20 Dec 2021 by CHill60
OP has confirmed that they have never been able to connect to this database, so the addition of the package manager is not related. The connection string being used to attempt to connect to the database is incorrect. See SQL Server connection...
25 Apr 2022 by stackprogramer
For my express.js project, I use the migrate package to manage the Models of my Mongo database. I defined database object in db.js file.Then I used it in migrate file. //db.js file const mongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const...
28 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Look at the error message: System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' So you need to use the debugger to stop at the line that throws the exception and examine which variable is null and why.
8 Nov 2022 by Richard Deeming
Deleting the migration files won't be enough. You also need to delete the "model snapshot" that's used to compute the difference between the last migration generated and the current model. The simplest option would probably be to delete the...
21 Nov 2022 by DerekT-P
Some years ago I wrote a LoB application for a client. It uses ASP.Net Framework 4.x with WebForms. It's feature-rich, robust, and the client is now reliant on it. It's a multi-layer app with separate Data Access, Business, and Presentation...
20 Nov 2022 by Graeme_Grant
There is no easy bullet to migration, but there is plenty of advice on the internet. Here is a google search: webform to mvc migration - Google Search[^] Here are a couple of results from that search: * ASP.NET - Migrating ASP.NET Web Forms to...
21 Nov 2022 by Richard Deeming
Microsoft is working on a tool to assist with incremental migration from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core: Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio[^] However, WebForms is currently not "supported". I haven't tried the tool, so I don't...
30 Apr 2023 by Member 8101499
Hi, I am working on migrating my back-end database from MS access to SQL server. My access application is multi-user and multi-language based. The front end adapts the language of the forms and reports based on a parameter set via an ini file...
23 Feb 2024 by Mohammad Elsheimy
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.
27 Sep 2021 by Vedran Cindric
An honest review of the migration process to a serverless architecture using Laravel, AWS and Laravel Vapor
6 Apr 2021 by Satya Karki
How to import or restore BACPAC file using SSMS
30 May 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
You have to write new SQL Scripts to support MySQL. Microsoft uses a version of SQL called TSQL. The two SQL dialects are not the same and are not interchangeable. No, there is no conversion tool.
2 Sep 2014 by Rohan Kishor Garud
RoundhousE (RH) is a database migrations engine that uses plain old SQL Scripts to transition a database from one version to another.
24 Mar 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
To be honest you're going to have to just rewrite this from scratch; you're trying to convert an apple into a vacuum cleaner. If you are using any databases then you can keep those and simply connect to them as before, but pretty much everything else is going to change.To preempt your next...
5 Nov 2013 by Ziee-M
Just open your Model( model) and right click your design then press : Update model from DataBase. if it dosent work, delete all your entities from the model and try again.
29 May 2023 by jekin77
ask prof. Google. SQL Syntax differences between MSSQL and MySQL[^]
17 May 2023 by Bhargav Technical Lead
Angular migration to version 16
30 Mar 2020 by RickZeeland
I'm not a user of Entity Framework, but maybe this answer will help: c# - Postgresql and Entity Framework - Stack Overflow[^] Could be that you need: ...
27 Feb 2018 by Sudhir Dehade
I am stuck in the middle of a project. I am having an issue with adding the data source in "Entity Data Model Wizard" Navigation Path::::: Solution Explorer : Models(Folder): Add : New Item : ADO.NET Entity Data Model : EF Designer From Database : New Connection Now here in "New Connection" I...
30 May 2023 by Member 15418280
we want to convert our ms sql script to my sql because we want to support our application in my sql as well. how can we migrate entire ms sql script file so we can direct open in my sql and run without error. What I have tried: we tried to...
16 Feb 2014 by jameswatsone
Yes, we totally understand your anxiety and worked hard to help developers. We systematically explore things and went to a conclusion for Lotus Notes data migration over cloud platform. The app for Lotus Notes data migration to Office 365 ensures a non-disruptive data relocation, does batch...
13 Sep 2021 by tijojoseph1989
What is the best way to migrate Oracle Package to PostgreSQL What I have tried: Thinking of creating procedures with package name as prefix.
25 Feb 2014 by memd24
Hello. I have a problem with the migration of a project, I have more than a week trying to solve this problem but I have not solved it. I'm a little desperate. Therefore I ask teamviewer help to resolve this. I'm migrating a web project winform to the problem is a dll that I believe...
15 Jun 2015 by Nibin22
Hi Friends,There is a windows application developed in VB.It is using the data base DB2.Application is communicating with DB2 by means "MainFrame Programs".Here an interface is used to convert the VB calls to "MainFrame Calls".Frontend:Windows developed in VB...
15 Dec 2015 by trinadh velchuri
Hi my one of the project is developed on 2.0 and we got the requirement to migrate my project into 4.5 can anyone please help me what are the major changes and risk levels i can able to face by this migration and also suggest me what is best approach to follow the migration.
27 Dec 2016 by Sarah Mohammed77
I'm using code first and fluent api this is my modelspublic Admin() { this.course = new HashSet(); } [Key] public int ID { get; set; } public string LoginName { get; set; } public virtual ICollection course { get;...
7 Sep 2021 by Fahim ullah
Hi developer I want to migrate the SQL database to MySQL with store procedure but I can't please anybody help me in this case What I have tried: I have to use the Mysql Migration tool but the only tables are migrated and store procedure and...