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by Richard J. Algarve
Emgu CV - Select ROI (Region of interest) with the mouse in images that do not have the same measurements. This tip was prepared using the framework Emgu CV and C # .NET language.
by AmrDeveloper
How to create a simple bot creator in Kotlin using only 33 lines of code
by seyyed hamed monem
Move and resize controls on a form at runtime (with mouse)
by Christ Kennedy
In this article, you will learn about a word-processor that makes use of multiple dictionaries, pop-up definitions and an interactive multi-button picturebox expedited with a swift Sweep And Prune algorithm.

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by Dwain Snickles
Add Cropping to any control with image or backgroundimage
by Christ Kennedy
In this article, you will learn about a word-processor that makes use of multiple dictionaries, pop-up definitions and an interactive multi-button picturebox expedited with a swift Sweep And Prune algorithm.
by AmrDeveloper
How to create a simple bot creator in Kotlin using only 33 lines of code
by Robert Gustafson
A UserControl that allows rich-text applications to have a ruler with support for margins, indents, and tabs

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8 Apr 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Outside mouse events might be dispatched to some other application, so they might not logically exist for a regular .NET application. My first response would be this: you don't really need it. The behavior you want would contradict the accepted UI model of the OS; it would also drives your...
24 Jun 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The solution is simple: stop abusing PictireBox. This simple control class which could help you in simplest cases, not helping you here, only creates unwanted intermediate layer to eat up extra resources and waste extra development time giving nothing in return, compared to using a custom...
29 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question makes no sense: "mouse down" is something the user does with the physical mouse device, it cannot be disabled. And if you could disable moving the mouse pointer to any area of the screen, it would greatly damage the usability of the whole system. It would be hard to invent more...
28 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
With jQuery, this is really easy. One of the ways would be hiding by color.Suppose you need to play this trick on some HTML element, such as div:Create some CSS style to hide the content, such as:.hiddenText { background-color:yellow;...
3 Jan 2015 by Richard J. Algarve
Emgu CV - Select ROI (Region of interest) with the mouse in images that do not have the same measurements. This tip was prepared using the framework Emgu CV and C # .NET language.
13 Feb 2012 by Christian Graus
I don't see any code here to set the visibility. I don't see any triggers to catch events. I see no code at all to do what you want. I would use events and write code to set the visibility at first, that's easier to debug and follow than triggers. The Visibility property works just fine.
15 Feb 2012 by Shahin Khorshidnia
Hello,I think this can help:private bool isPictureReadyToDrag;private void SetPosition(){ MyPictureBox.Location = new Point(MousePosition.X - this.Left - MyPictureBox.Width / 2, MousePosition.Y - this.Top - MyPictureBox.Height);}private void...
6 May 2012 by Keith Barrow
This solution is better for Win7 (and probably Vista - I can't check on this)As I said in my original answer, finding the button control is brittle as it relies on the class name. Each time the application being targeted is run, the class name changes in Window7. Luckily I re-ran the code and...
5 Jun 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's always bad to use platform-specific features. Besides, I cannot see how your code could work. Please see my comments to the question.One way of doing such things is this: you could move mouse with System.Windows.Forms using the class System.Windows.Forms.Cursor. Please...
24 Jun 2012 by vlad781
On my form, I have a picture box that contains an image. This image, however, is too large for the box itself. I need a way where I can click and drag to pan the image, and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. I have searched through many posts but could not find a direct and efficient way...
18 Oct 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to capture all such events, because I think, Windows Hook API does not give you other options. But, in handling of this event, you need to discriminate the further action by the coordinates of the click. Just do nothing if the click goes out of the clipping area of your notification...
26 Mar 2023 by Graeme_Grant
If you want to pass the event from the UserControl to a parent container, like a Form, then you need to: 1. expose either a Method to a delegate (a method or function to call from within the UserControl) or 2. add a public Event property to the...
5 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is absolutely impossible, for example, because there is no a way to disable Ctrl+Alt+Delete — the system won't let it no matter what you do.I'm not sure that global disable of anything else is possible, but you should not try to disrupt OS that much. The whole idea is...
15 Feb 2012 by fixthebugg
msdn resources:
5 May 2012 by Member 8697687
Hi,Im on Windows7 and I need to simulate a mouse click( without moving the cursor ) in a window that is minimized or hidden Is this possible ? And if so, then how can I do this( what APIs should I use, and will work in all windowses ) ? OBS: I need only the code scheme in general, not...
15 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Just one advice: mouse_event was superseded with newer function SendInput:[^].Use it.If works; wheel events can be used, which is described...
13 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
Here is a basic article that will help you figure out how to draw these shapes:[^]To draw them using the mouse, just start the drawing on mouse down at the coordinates of the mouse pointer (set that as one corner of the object being...
24 Jun 2012 by Muhtar Qong
Another solution is:Make your custom control as SA suggested. If you do not have time to do it, please go to Google and search for "free imaging sdk". You can find several free imaging SDKs including ThumbnailViewer, ImageViewer and DocumentViewer. This is convinient.You can also find...
22 Oct 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The "focus" always means "keyboard focus" and nothing else. You need to make your control focusable. Please see:[^].You should not use PictureBox for your purpose. More exactly, in principle, this is...
11 Nov 2012 by OriginalGriff
First off, you don't want four locations - they will not necessarily describe a rectangle, or even a parallelogram. Two points define a rectangle: either TLHC and BRHC or TRHC and BLHC is sufficient.Exactly how you pick up the mouse locations will depend on where you are drawing your bitmap:...
28 Mar 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Use global hook: Global Mouse and Keyboard Library[^]
21 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sending Windows messages does not solve the problem in all cases. You could use a very different approach: simulation of mouse input on a low level. This can be done using Windows API SendInput:[^].As you...
13 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's wonderful how many different people come to the same idea again and again. I'm pretty much sure: this is possible, but this is a really a dead-end approach, making no practical sense. Picture boxes won't help you at all.Please see my past answer: Drawing Lines between mdi child...
13 Mar 2014 by Jochen Arndt
The WM_MOUSEMOVE message is posted to the window beneath the mouse cursor when the mouse is not captured. So the message is posted to the control window and not the dialog window when the mouse is over a control.The solution is to capture the mouse in the dialog window. Then all mouse...
24 Jul 2014 by Gihan Liyanage
Here is an Example using CSSHere is an example, hopefully it helps.You Can test using Following link$(document).ready(function(){ $('#content').hover(function() { $("#content").addClass('transition'); }, function() { ...
30 Apr 2015 by Chetan Saini
Working Environment I working on automobile feedback project which work on dual monitor in extended mode. Screen 1(Non Touch) - Customer Care Executive working screen Screen 2(Touch) - Customer feedback software running on this screen, which work only on touch no keyboard input.Problem When...
20 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
You can't run any code in an INF file - it's a human readable settings file (and pretty outdated as well) which contains no executable elements. All you can do with it is process the INF file within other applications, you cannot open an application from within an INF file itself.
29 Jan 2012 by mike_mike
Hi All,I am new to Wpf and I have problem with the Tunneling and Bubbling technique. I have a grid with a textblock inside it. The textblock inherits the routed mouse events for the grid. And i have my own double click event implemented for the grid. My problem is when i have my double...
30 Jan 2012 by Shmuel Zang
In order to mark a RoutedEvent as handled, you can set the Handled property of the RoutedEventArgs class.You can see an example and more explanation in the MSDN topic about the RoutedEventArgs.Handled property.
5 Feb 2012 by Ed Nutting
Hi Safi,Assuming that you are trying to do this for your application only, why not just have a bool in your code that is something like AcceptInput. Then, detect the F11 key and set AcceptInput to false. If you detect the F10 key, set it to true. Finally, wrap all your other keyboard/mouse...
6 Feb 2012 by NeptuneHACK!
None of these are the solution I seek, I wish to lock my keyboard keys globally, I have a GlobalHook that listens to my keystrokes, and I want to make a (IF) block that activates when a certain keyUp event happens, and deactivate when another keyUp event accords, it's really important, and I...
15 Feb 2012 by MR. AngelMendez
Hi, I am making a simple 2D map maker for games. Simply the user clicks on a button that will show a openfiledialog. The user chooses a file and is loaded in a PictureBox. Then if the user wants to add it to the game world(panel) he/she clicks on the add button and the panel will load the...
11 Mar 2012 by Member 8249120
i a working on a touch pad mouse.i have already done it with arduino,and now it want to make it WITHOUT an arduino,i mean, i want to make it a real device,and as cheap as possible.what micro controller should i use,considering that it would at most need 4 inputs?also,what about the drivers?can i...
19 Mar 2012 by Anirudh sundar
I am trying to find a way to do mouse actions in java.Can someone pls tell me how to move the mouse to a particular point on the screen using c++.I found a class named "Robot" of the awt package in java that serves my purpose..but the problem is that my project is in c++ and so i need a way...
19 Mar 2012 by TorstenH.
What is this? you are trying to move the cursor using C++ code in Java application?WHY?Only Idea I can come up with is to trigger the Java Application and let that one do the cursor move: Google on "Java moving cursor"[^]
19 Mar 2012 by Otto Lehmann
Hi, You can use SetCursorPos function for positioning mouse.and mouse_event function can be used for mouse event.
28 Mar 2012 by Not Active
Ok, so read the documentation[^]
14 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
No, you don't really need to move a cursor outside of the screen. Possible or not does not matter. If the cursor is "outside the screen" (what should it mean, by the way?), you should not use its location, so it does not matter if it's possible or not.However, if you think that you can...
15 May 2012 by bEGI23
I cant bring my idea to work, please take 2 minutes and answer my question.Here's the code;Public Class Form1 Public Declare Auto Function SetCursorPos Lib "User32.dll" (ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Auto Function GetCursorPos Lib "User32.dll"...
25 May 2012 by Makbg
Hello everyone,I'm developing a software to move the mouse based on certain coordinates which i get from a depth image from kinect. but I have 30 frames/second(images/second) and those coordinates changes with every frame so the mouse keeps moving. My question is,Is there a way to smooth the...
1 Jun 2012 by Makbg
Hi everyone,I'm doing an internship and I've created an application to control the mouse cursor using the kinect. Now my supervisor wants me to test this application and compare it to the real mouse. I want to use fitt's law for that so does anyone know about a software for testing the mouse...
1 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
Fitts' law talks about the time it takes to get from one item to another (gross simplification). Here is a reference:[^]For testing the Kinect version versus the mouse, I would recommend developing a test...
1 Jun 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
Given the very verticle nature of what you're doing, it's VERY unblikely you're ever going to find code to do this. I think you're going to have to write these tests from scratch.
4 Jun 2012 by FehnrirX
So far, my program manage to receive values from my sensor and put it in variables. now i want to control mouse movement using that data. the variable consist x1 and y1 for mouse position, click which is 0 = none, 1 = left click, 2 = right click. I've tried to modified Johnny Lee wiiWhiteboard...
12 Jun 2012 by Michael_Jacsi
Try this link[^]
17 Jul 2012 by lakshman udayakantha
In my application I want to write a function that capture the mouse cursor image and return it as a buffered image(I hope to use that buffered image to receive from a java application via jni to construct the image for later use). I used below code snippet to get the mouse cursor image. bmi...
17 Jul 2012 by E.F. Nijboer
The following should give you hex values:cout
23 Aug 2012 by Karl Sanford
You could use the skeletal smoothing, and that should help a bit. The best way I've found is with a moving average of your desired target (in your case, the mouse location). So instead of simply moving the cursor every time you have a movement in your fingertip point, use a queue to store the...
23 Aug 2012 by Karl Sanford
I answered this here: kinect smoothing mouse movement[^]
29 Aug 2012 by ICube 2
In Silverlight I've created a panel that derives from standard Panel class and have overridden the InvalidateMeasure() and InvalidateArrange() methods. The Panel uses an own Attached Property "Position" of type Point to specify the position of objects. Whenever the attached property is changed,...
11 Sep 2012 by Itz.Irshad
I want to get the arguments from PaintEvent (OnPaint) in the Leave Event (OnLeave). Any idea how to access/get them.
25 Sep 2012 by Member 4650365
I think your problem is caused by the system sending the following stream of messages for each 'double click' (check 'WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK' on msdn).WM_LBUTTONDOWN WM_LBUTTONUP WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK -- Second WM_LBUTTONDOWN replacedWM_LBUTTONUP
25 Sep 2012 by Chunmei Hu
I searched MSDN for e.ClickCount, and it provieds the following eg.:and the code behind: public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); ...
18 Oct 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
So you want your application to "eat" the mouse click so it doesn't go to the next hook in the chain. In that library, there should be a call to a function called CallNextHookEx. That function call has to be skipped if you want your app to "eat" the mouse click so the system doesn't see it.
2 Nov 2012 by Jacques Loubser
HiYou can try using DirectX. Run a Service or invisible program(one that never reaches the end of the Load Event) that uses DirectX to take sole control over the keyboard & mouse. I don't know if Windows will allow this, but it is supposed to work, especially with joysticks etc.Jacques
4 Nov 2012 by JohanNoob
Thank you so much for the post!!!So I change it so it work for mouse. I have 5 mouses in my comp, but only want to use one as primary and the rest just as "usb input device" for the buttons. I taped shut the optical and physically disable the third button. I want the 'event trigger' of left...
12 Nov 2012 by Jacques Loubser
Okay Here it IsFirst, you must download ht Windows SDK (it has the Direct X SDK included) You will also want to download a redirstrabutable Direct X as you will your application will require it.Second here are the Import statements:Imports Microsoft.DirectXImports...
17 Dec 2012 by AHSAN111
Please read the link How can I block keyboard and mouse input in C#?[^].This will help.
17 Dec 2012 by sisir patro
Hi,Refer this link...disable mouse click event system wide using C#?this may help you.Thanks
22 Jan 2013 by Mycroft Holmes
Does the richtextbox have an enabled property or a readonly property these are the usual way of freezing the content.
22 Jan 2013 by lukeer
Use the RichTextBox to render your output. Just don't let it draw to the scree, but to an image instead. Then display that image instead of an actual control.This functionality can be built into something derived from UserControl, Control, Panel or whatever seems more practical for you.
9 Feb 2013 by dachazz
HiI am making a program for my mouse driver on a console in I have the driver extracting from the program and into where it needs to go. But what i found out was that in order for the changes to take place the driver has to be disabled and then re-enabled. I found this out by going...
9 Feb 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
I think you're wasting your time. What are you doing that is screwing up the mouse that you have to disable the driver and reenable it?Wouldn't your efforts be better used fixing the problem instead of working around it?
28 Feb 2013 by Kaizen202
I have created a custom combo box(Text box, button and List View).While typing in the text box, cursor disappears. How can I disable "Hiding cursor while typing" in my application.I goggled and found that it is the system behavior called SPI_SETMOUSEVANISH. It can be turned off but it...
5 Mar 2013 by Kaizen202
There is a solution.If we set ListView.Capture=true; we can keep the mouse pointer without hiding. While setting Capture property of ListView as true, It will capture the mouse events and mouse pointer wont be disappeared while typing in TextBox.Another Problem.I am using...
18 Mar 2013 by gouravkaila
Hi,I am trying to resize my frames on run time using mouse drag like the same is possible in Div.Is there any way for that or any link?
28 Mar 2013 by Member 9927463
Greetings,I am currently working on a project in which I have to track the mouse cursor on the screen and then get the coordinates of where I left click. I have currently gotten the mouse hook to work which shows the coordinates of where the mouse cursor is within the window but I can't get...
3 Apr 2013 by Raveneye
Hi,Here's what i want to do: i have a software that only has a manual export function. It exports in cvs form some temperature values.I need to automate this process. The export function is pretty simple, it only requires a few buttons clicked, and maybe a date written into a textbox....
4 Apr 2013 by Maciej Los
Please, read this: How do I simulate a mouse click in an inactive window[^] - Crazypennie's answer - and follow the instructions. I belive it will help you to solve your problem ;)
8 Apr 2013 by Mohsen Fatoorechi
Hi, I am a beginner to programming specially for mobile phones. I have been looking at writing app for phones. what I am interested in is having remote access to my PC through an app (I know there are tons of them out there but I would like to learn how they work without obviously...
10 Apr 2013 by Member 9522119
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e){ MouseEventArgs m=e as MouseEventArgs; if (m.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { MessageBox.Show("dfgdf"); }}It dont work How can I do it ?
10 Apr 2013 by OriginalGriff
No, it won't work.The EventArgs class is not an example of a MouseEventArrgs class, rather the other way round: MouseEventArgs derives from EventArgs. So you can cast a MouseEventArgs ro an EventArgs, but you can't go the other way because the computer cannot invent the required information....
10 Apr 2013 by vasantha kumar S
I want to have a image below a cursor when I drag and drop icons from a wxListctrl to a wxPanel.But when I try doing it i am not getting the image.Please help me out.Thank you.wxImageList* n1=ListCtrl1->GetImageList(wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);wxBitmapDataObject...
10 Apr 2013 by vasantha kumar S
I am Developing a windows application. IDE: CODEBLOCKSIn codeblocks there is no "mouseover event" to capture the mouse event.please help me out.Thank you
10 Apr 2013 by CPallini
Quote:In codeblocks there is no "mouseover event"Sure, but Windows API do provide the functionality. Just have a look at the documentation[^].
16 Apr 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
It looks like you need to track the Mouse Over state yourself by counting wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW and wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW events per Window.You'll probably be OK to set the initial flag state to false in all cases as you'll likely get an enter event on Window creation if the mouse is already over...
23 Apr 2013 by Prashant Kore
I am using MsChart control for a charting application. In that, i am using MouseMove event to display the x-axis dynamic data on graph. Code snippet is as below -try { //if(EventChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.PixelPositionToValue(e.Location.X) == EventChart.Series[0].ChartArea) if (e.Location.X...
29 Jul 2013 by Eran SMS
Hello All,I am looking for simple code in VB.NET where implementing drag & drop including changing the mouse icon when dragging and dropping.I know there are many articles and examples , but i am kind of lost between them ...just need a direction where should apply the icon change...
29 Jul 2013 by syed shanu
Hi,To change the mouse Pointer in vb.netMe.Cursor = Cursors.HandCheck this link, Hope so it will help you while Drag and Drop.[^]Custom Mouse Cursors (VB.NET)[^]
6 Aug 2013 by ManiInAction
Hi All, I am developing a site in which youtube video’s will be added to page using the HTML code given at site. When I run the program, in the web page youtube video is displayed. But the strange thing is when I move mouse over the video display area the page...
23 Oct 2013 by BillWoodruff
You don't share the code in MethodX, but it seems clear you want to move your Custom Control (a UserControl ?) around, and keep it within the boundaries of the Control/Form it is contained within.There is nothing wrong with using += and -= in your code to install, and uninstall,...
5 Dec 2013 by ansgar.feist
Hallo,in my application the users should move their mice two inch and then an specific action takes place. I do not have the opportunity to instruct the users to move their mice exactly this distance and I do not know which mice they use. Is there any chance to detect the dpi of a mouse...
13 Mar 2014 by AmissU
hello.I added wm_mousemove event in dlgClass.When I moved mouse point on ListCtrl, ButtonCtrl, Combobox, editCtrls in Dialog, it didn't enter MouseMove Event.why didn't enter to enter wm_mousemove event regardless of ctrls.
16 Mar 2014 by Rixterz123
Hello, I have a code that blocks mouse input from the user by hooking mouse events, but I want to be able to move the mouse programmatically, eg. using:Cursor.Position = New Point(500,500)The mouse won't move because that event is being hooked. Would I have to disable the mouse itself?If...
28 May 2014 by hansoctantan
Hello everyoneCan someone please show me how to change the mouse icon. I have 2 PNG files 1 is for dragging (OnMouseDown Handler) and the other is the default pointer.Found this and it has an error, don't know how to fix thisDim memory_stream As New...
29 May 2014 by Cpajoe2001
I'm working on an app to automate some input into another application. And i'm running into a problem. Below is the function code i'm usingpublic class MouseClick{ [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static...
28 May 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First thing I can see is the absurd use of mouse_event: setting left down and left up at the same time. No, it does not mean emulating click. It might work somehow, but only by some assumed fool-proof behavior of the system, but I would not guarantee anything. To emulate click, you would need to...
29 May 2014 by kaushik_code
I have founds some resource dealing with the subject of attaining multiple cursors on windows for more than one mouse attached to the system. My requirement is a little simpler but I need some inputs on it.1) What I want is to invoke an application (lets say IE) and do mouse...
29 May 2014 by Cpajoe2001
So after just frustration I decided to run the app outside of Visual Studio's debug mode which resulted in the same result nothing. However I decided to run the app "As Administrator" even through I have UAC turned all the down and to my surprise the application properly moved the mouse,...
24 Jul 2014 by tnkarthi
window.onkeypress = keypress; function keypress(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { HideDiv(); } } function LoadDiv(url) { ...
27 Jul 2014 by Gihan Liyanage
hi KarthiPlease see the example below, If you are using image as a button this may help you $(document).ready(function(){ $('#imgSmile').width(200); $('#imgSmile').mouseover(function() { ...
30 Jul 2014 by bling
Two ideas ...1. create a serial mouse. Most micro-controllers can be made to use RS232. If Windows will accept a serial mouse connected to a USB/serial adapter, then an Arduino should also work.[^]2. Use the same Atmel processor as the...
29 Aug 2014 by ADemontis
I have an app where i add images programmatically to simulate the desktop shortcuts.... the idea is that i can drag the images around and click on them to start a process.The app creates the mouse events via addHandler in order to drag the image uses 1)mousedown: it sets a...
29 Aug 2014 by OriginalGriff
Your best bet is to add another bool: ignoreClick.Set it to true in the MouseUp handler if it was doing a drag and check it in the Click handler.Reset it in two places: at the end of the Click handler, and in the MouseDown event just to be on the safe side.I got the order of execution...
30 Aug 2014 by ADemontis
I have found out that the Button object is not viable for this particular issue, in no way there is a method to implement the MouseClick or the MouseDoubleClick in the same object defining the mousedown and mouseup event programmatically.I had to change the newbutton type to Picturebox and now...
3 Sep 2014 by HuggableAlien
Hello,I am trying to make a program similar to Moraware's CounterGo, and one of the best features in it is the way you can draw a polygon by simply dragging the mouse around a canvas.Is there a way to recreate this in Javascript? I have tried SVG-Edit, but there are too many tools, and I...
3 Sep 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If SVG-Edit is too much for you, it's possible that you want too much. :-)Well, you can try also this:[^].(But, generally, it's hard to find what you want, because — who would do it for you? It's clear that you can just take SVG standard and Javascript and...
13 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
What would you expect? In your method FindPosition, you are not even trying to do anything related to the mouse.You can get mouse coordinates from the event argument of the event itself. The most convenient way of doing it would be using jQuery:[^].If you...
31 Dec 2014 by dthepok
Hello all,I'm working on a project to move the mouse cursor using righthand which is tracked by kinect using Depth Image. I am controlling mouse movement from right hand palm joint. I'm able to do the tracking but when i am keeping the hand stationary the mouse jumps from one place to another....