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by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use React and hardhat typescript to build a NFT contract web3 application from scratch
by optiklab1
Exploring world of NFTs and blockchain while prototyping wallet CLI application with efficient data structures using C# and .NET Core

Latest Articles

by optiklab1
Exploring world of NFTs and blockchain while prototyping wallet CLI application with efficient data structures using C# and .NET Core
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use React and hardhat typescript to build a NFT contract web3 application from scratch

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13 Sep 2022 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use React and hardhat typescript to build a NFT contract web3 application from scratch
2 Jan 2022 by raddevus
Keep in mind that JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. That means that any valid JSON is the stringified (or serialized) version of the JavaScript object. That means we can simply create an in memory object directly from the JSON string...
2 Jan 2022 by andrew rew
I would like to extract some data from a json file and insert it into another json file like this: { "name": "File", "artist": "Andrew", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Black" ...
29 Jan 2024 by optiklab1
Exploring world of NFTs and blockchain while prototyping wallet CLI application with efficient data structures using C# and .NET Core
22 Nov 2022 by Member 15839774