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Everything / Polymorphism



Great Reads

by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
by Borislav Stanimirov
A new take on polymorphism in an object-oriented setting
by Shun Huang
Introduce Python's way to support polymorphism and duck typing from the concept of C++ polymorphism
by Faye Williams
Polymorphism and overloading in C++

Latest Articles

by Shun Huang
Introduce Python's way to support polymorphism and duck typing from the concept of C++ polymorphism
by Greg Utas
Registering and efficiently accessing polymorphic objects
by Borislav Stanimirov
A new take on polymorphism in an object-oriented setting
by Satprem Pamudurthy
This article describes a C++ technique called type erasure and shows that it can be used to write generic algorithms on runtime types. It then examines the relationship between type erasure and other forms of polymorphism through the notion of type compatibility.

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