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by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
This article will take a dive into one of the reasons why code sometimes sands over.
by Grasshopper.iics
Easy Image Inpainting using Local Binary Pattern
by Jochen Haar
Class to manage the content of Comma Separated Value Files or to deal with Structured Tables in memory
by Rick Lunglhofer
Details the Implementation and use of a C Language Interpreter with a browser Interface running on an ESP32

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by Intel
Take Advantage of On-Chip Acceleration of Data Transformation in 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
by Jochen Haar
Class to manage the content of Comma Separated Value Files or to deal with Structured Tables in memory
A very simple method to resampling points from a digital image and drawing it as antique mosaics, dots (stippling) and Voronoi cells
by Rick Lunglhofer
Details the Implementation and use of a C Language Interpreter with a browser Interface running on an ESP32

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21 Sep 2015 by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
This article will take a dive into one of the reasons why code sometimes sands over.
25 Sep 2012 by Grasshopper.iics
Easy Image Inpainting using Local Binary Pattern
31 May 2022 by Jochen Haar
Class to manage the content of Comma Separated Value Files or to deal with Structured Tables in memory
31 May 2019 by Rick Lunglhofer
Details the Implementation and use of a C Language Interpreter with a browser Interface running on an ESP32
14 Oct 2013 by blitzkrieged
This is a demonstration of splicing an animated GIF (or any image) frame by frame without having to write to the disc.
22 Apr 2022 by ADMGNS
A very simple method to resampling points from a digital image and drawing it as antique mosaics, dots (stippling) and Voronoi cells
16 Apr 2011 by Albin Abel
You may use different spatial filters for different directions. If you give weights on the vertical for 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 kernel it masks everything but only shows the vertical lines i.e computation of moments will weighted for only one direction. Same way for horizontal, diagonal etc., assign...
14 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Obviously, your bug is using inputString.Contains. It checks up is one string is a sub-string of another one, but your logic requires checking up is a single character is one of the vowels. Moreover, the calculation of the variable vow is completely pointless, and your call of Contains is just...
3 Jan 2015 by Richard J. Algarve
Emgu CV - Select ROI (Region of interest) with the mouse in images that do not have the same measurements. This tip was prepared using the framework Emgu CV and C # .NET language.
13 Nov 2016 by Jack Vanlightly
In this article we'll look at common patterns in batch processing and how the Taskling libraries provide a simple and reliable way of using those patterns in your C# batch jobs.
14 Jun 2010 by «_Superman_»
What information about each process do you need.There are several functions that give you different attributes of the process.To get a list of all running processes, use EnumProcesses.
3 Jun 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
Without setting processor affinity, you can't.It's also a bad idea unless you have VERY SPECIFIC reasons for doing so and know the pitsfalls.One such pitfall is that you limit your code to running on single core even if the core is also busy doing other things and other cores are idle. ...
15 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is a plain wrong question, "how differ"? Just learn how this color space works:[^].Most questions about "difference" are inherently invalid. If you didn't get it yet, try to tell use the "difference" between apple and Apple. :-)—SA
13 Apr 2010 by Martin Jarvis
Well, without actually writing this for you you can change your algorithm:Select all "channel/item" elementsLoop through the elementsprint out the title, Description and pubDate child elementsI've not tested it but the solution should look something like this:XMLElement[]...
5 Jun 2010 by Henry Minute
This article Camera Vision - video surveillance on C#[^] might give you some ideas.And here[^] is a Webcam class which you may find useful.
22 Jan 2011 by JOAT-MON
You can get a Graphics reference to the image by using the Graphics.FromImage() function. Then I would use the function in the Graphics class called DrawEllipse[^]. It has an overload that allows you to pass a Pen (i.e. Pens.Red) and a Rectangle. The rectangle will define the location and the...
21 Jan 2011 by Henry Minute
The circle will be drawn wherever you tell it to. The way that you tell it is by the Location and Size properties of the Rectangle. Try changing the Location that you use. If it is currently at top left then that is 0, 0, try changing that to 10, 10 or something else (remember to keep the...
26 Jul 2011 by Kim Togo
All 32-bit versions of Windows 7 can support up to 32 processor cores, while 64‑bit versions can support up to 256 processor cores.[^]
2 Aug 2011 by OriginalGriff
No. Since you seem to claim you had one 5 minutes before you posted this[^], I can only assume you are some kind of idiot.Voted: 1.
18 Sep 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is quite possible but not quite trivial. EMF file is not exactly a container of vector graphical primitive. It is rather a sequence of events and can be "played", much like a video, to get displayed. You can find the EMF's elements by using the method...
23 Nov 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, I must say I'm shocked: once again, we face an example of human collective idiocy, a paralysis of social structures embedded in the technology.Somewhere, in the internals of the MDI embedded machine, the MDI image recognition algorithm builds a model of a part of human body,...
25 Jan 2012 by Tarakeshwar Reddy
It is your project and you would have to do it. If time is not enough, go to your prof and ask an extension of time. If you do not know the technology, I would suggest taking something simpler which you understand and implement. Taking a complex project will not help you get good grades. A...
4 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, please see these CodeProject articles by Andrew Kirillov:Image Processing Lab in C#[^],AForge.NET open source framework[^].Andrey it the author of well-known Open Source AForge.NET library. Please...
26 Feb 2012 by BupeChombaDerrick
Trying checking out this article[^]But be specific, what you are trying to do is not even a well understood problem, so you must do most of the research yourself.
8 May 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Basically, this is how it looks: if one wave a non-sinusoidal wave, it is already composed of several sinusoidal waves, most typically -- infinite number of those. If the signal is non-periodic, you have not a countable infinite number of components, but continuum of those. In brief, the idea is...
16 Jul 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
As I can see, you manipulate the bitmap and then completely forget the result, replacing it with a brand new instance of a bitmap (a line of code with new Bitmap(&hellip)).Besides, the name "m_PicBoxes" suggests that you use the class System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox, which is not a very good...
9 Dec 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is no such thing as "force" to run something to "run on a single process". Processes are totally under your control. If you don't create a process, it is not created by anything by itself. And using GC is not recommended.Your "without going too much into assemblies and stuff like that"...
3 Jan 2013 by Shailesh vora
Hi,I have created one website with the following code/* Following code will just access - open Ip with specific credential and allow to access file --- START */using (System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process()) { ...
23 Apr 2013 by CPallini
In priciple you can, but that's 'the recipe to disaster' according to Multiple processes write to the same file (C)[^].
6 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First part of my answer may come at surprise, because it's not even discussed in the Open CV documentation: strict background subtraction, even based on referenced background image (called background model), is theoretically impossible. This is because even two images provides incomplete...
15 Sep 2015 by User 11060979
First try to understand what CIELAB means. Than you will find that your "so called" Lab* Values are the components of a Lab* Vector in the Lab* ColorspaceIn very short:Lab* is a (three dimensinal) colour space. The "*" Comes from history to make a clear difference between the CIE-LAB space...
17 Nov 2016 by OriginalGriff
It doesn't quite work like that.We do not do your work for you.If you want someone to write your code, you have to pay - I suggest you go to and ask there.But be aware: you get what you pay for. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.The idea of "development" is as the word...
31 Aug 2018 by Member 13968996
I'm using Processing 3.0.2, and I'm trying to run a function I defined in a class from an ArrayList. Processing says "The function dis() does not exist." when it obviously does. What I have tried: I have an ArrayList called "cs," and it contains "Circle" objects. "Circle" is a class that I...
8 Nov 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Multithreading is not guaranteed to make a great difference, and will depend on what your code is doing. The first thing to look at is where the slow processing actually occurs. Is the delay due to the speed of getting the data off disk, or in processing it once it's in memory?
8 Nov 2019 by OriginalGriff
The problem is that when you zoom an image, you don't affect the underlying Bitmap - you just cause the Paint event to "compress" or "expand" the image before drawing it on the user's screen - which means that the "pixel under the cursor" has no direct relationship with the original image, as it...
N 9 Sep 2024 by OriginalGriff
You are better off asking in a Windows specific (or your lappy manufacturers) website: we are more software development oriented than OS/ hardware support. But when you do, tell 'em while make and model of lappy, which OS, and which version ......
Hi,While trying to use the procedure am getting the error as "PROC CLUSTER NOT FOUND". Pls confirm why am I getting this error.Regards,SRINIVAS NP
10 Apr 2010 by Pete O'Hanlon
So what, exactly, is your question? You have only specified part of your problem, and given no indication what problem you are having. Without putting more information, nobody will be able to help you.
21 Apr 2010 by omer erakman
Hi, i would like to create a system which will be a licence plate recognition.I am searching which technology should i use for this system.Java or c++ or whatever? If in this topic experienced people will make some advice i will appreciate.Thanks.
21 Apr 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
I don't think that choice of language is the issue for this subject. The problem is how to process images and figure out what characters are on the licence plate. You may want to do some research on image recognition first to see if there are any existing libraries that will help you, and what...
21 Apr 2010 by Michel Godfroid
The language does not matter that much. It's the quality of your algorithms that will make all the difference. As this should involve a lot of computation, and lots of opportunities for parallelism, I would suggest F#.Remember to post an Article when you've finished it!
21 Apr 2010 by omer erakman
Sure i have searched for libraries. There are many libraries for nearly all of the programming languages c++, c#, java.... But there must be one of them is dominant in this industry.I want to learn what most of the people use?
19 May 2010 by kiway
hi, im getting the same error, if you have fixed that problem please tell me how u did.Thnx
21 Jun 2010 by talisman.anant
hello....i wanted a little help on how to read an pre-existing image in the form of a pixel RGB matrix in java. i tried on the net bt couldnt gt anything conclusive.
21 Jun 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
talisman.anant wrote:i tried on the net bt couldnt gt anything conclusive.What about all these[^]?
21 Jun 2010 by Fredrik Bornander
You can get the Raster out of an image and then get the pixels out of that.Here's an (unoptimized) example:package sandbox;import java.awt.Image;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.awt.image.Raster;import;import;import...
24 Jun 2010 by vuhong
I have read this pager "Neural network in natural language processing.pdf"I want to build program with that pager but I do not understand the Neural network that pager used :(. Anyone can help me? Thank so much!
24 Jun 2010 by Ankur\m/
AI : Neural Network for beginners (Part 1 of 3)[^]I am not very sure if this is exactly what you need. The "neural network" in the subject made me remember this article and I thought I will post it.See if it helps. Also, let me know if it is irrelevant, I will remove the answer.
10 Aug 2010 by OriginalGriff
Don't cross post - either post in the C# forum, or the Q&A - posting in both just duplicates effort and annoys people.
12 Aug 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Avoid cross-post[^]. Pick one forum and stick to it. It's considered rude if you post at multiple forums.
9 Jan 2011 by nomani
can u suggest me how to compare two audio files orhow can i get the time series values of audio filelike the values of samples of audio file(mp3 format)???how can i get them , using c# or any other languagemy email id is knomix@gmail.comwaiting for your kind reply thanks :doh:
9 Jan 2011 by Kasson
Hope This[^] will give an idea.
14 Apr 2011 by Xibal
I am using a Windows XP system,We developed a program (Foobar) that makes a call to CreateProcess and then exits resulting in an non-terminating orphan process (Orphan). The issue is that when we attempt to move, copy, delete, etc. Foobar or its folder, Windows displays a...
14 Apr 2011 by #realJSOP
It's because your "orphaned" process is still open, and hasn't released the filesystem resources that you're trying to access. What you need to do is change the scope of the process object so that when your app closes, the process in question can also be terminated.
22 Apr 2011 by Xibal
We've discovered the solution. The orphan process is inheriting and holding onto resources from its grandparent process, which prevents the grandparent process from running again. Our main application needs this grandparent process in order to function correctly so all it took was to set...
3 May 2011 by NuttingCDEF
See[^] - there are a couple of links in the top 3 that talk about the Box2D javascript port / how to use it to do this.
3 Jun 2011 by jiji2663
helloi want to set a thread or task to one core's of cpu and manage it in c#?of corse whitout Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity please F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1 !!!!!!!!!!!thnx
7 Jun 2011 by Ruard
Please take a look at this article:Watermarker: Embedding image and text watermarks[^]
20 Jul 2011 by YvesDaoust
I am afraid you didn't describe your problem. What do you mean by "we were confused with the results" ???You are indeed computing the orientation of the ellipse of inertia. This makes sense if the image is binary (white object over a black background) or close to that.Your formulas look...
26 Jul 2011 by PrafullaVedante
Hi,This question might be very basic. But i want to know How many processors does Windows 7 support.Any link to Microsoft site will be appreciated.Regards,Prafulla Vedante
2 Aug 2011 by TheyCallMeMrJames
You don't have a lot of options here.Much like YouTube pre-processes the video to allow for fast time-seeking, you're going to have to 'index' the frames of the video first.I can guarantee that the system compresses video, so each of your frame sizes is going to be different. That means...
2 Aug 2011 by OriginalGriff
And what does this have to do with anything?You appear to have cut this out of a web page, without actually reading it, if you other questions are any guide.Voted: 1.
2 Aug 2011 by thatraja
Looks like you have asked the same question again & again[^]Don't do that again. Never repost questions.Why didn't reply to the answers & comments on your questions. If you have any doubt regarding...
2 Aug 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
How about trying some of the links that appear in a google searchFrom your question, what have you tries so far?
13 Sep 2011 by Rakesh Meel
see below
14 Sep 2011 by merkousha
hi,i worked on a project that in a step we must find a first character's position in a first line of a texts that we store it in a emf file .also we have a another problem that , some times our text line may have a Equation and this Equation may have a anormal height . this means that , the...
17 Sep 2011 by Daisy priscilla
is it possible to do a image processing project in .net or java other then java..which will be effective and useful for an COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING student ?
17 Sep 2011 by OriginalGriff
Yes. If you are a competent enough programmer, or have a lot of time.
4 Jan 2012 by slim92
I'm developing a windows phone application consisting of video processing for a human face and eyes .But I have a problem since AForge.Net Libraries are not compatible with windows phone 7 SDK because they were not built using the windows phone runtime .. any idea about any other libraries for...
25 Jan 2012 by Master Div
Hello guys , i'm a newbie at programming still at the university. I need help for my project which consist of calculating the speed of vehicles from a video using openCV and C++. Any help would be greatly appreciated and so sample codes. The main part is calculating the average speed , added...
4 Feb 2012 by codefreakk
I need to perform smoothing, rotation, segmentation and thresholding on image. Are there any inbuilt classes that can perform digital image processing in C# ?Thankx.
21 Feb 2012 by Yburmisha
Our instructor gives us a project defense on Turbo C using File Processing for the first time. He hadn't given us example yet on this.
21 Feb 2012 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action.Try it yourself, you may find it...
28 Mar 2012 by eduphilic
I am looking for a code in j-query , regarding image size reducing its size at different place on the same website (e.g. if you see facebook, the profile image of individual at left top panel is big and same image is reduced in size when this image appears with comment box) .
29 Mar 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can simply domyImage.attr("width", newWidth);//ormyImage.attr("height", newHeight);where myImage is the DOM object corresponding to you img element. If you change only width or only height in both JavaScript code in and in HTML (or better yet, neither width nor height is defined in...
8 May 2012 by Mabchour 1989
Dear all,I have a signal that is composed of five different waves and I need to "filter" each wave and display it on its own, how can I do that(I'm not that good in electricity/signal processing x) )
12 Jun 2012 by OMAR_ALI_Eng
Although solution 1 gives a great start, I looked at Image Processing Lab a while back and while it did offer a lot of features, it was missing a few key features we needed like PDF processing and Multipage support among other things (this may have changed since I looked). In the end, we went...
13 Jun 2012 by cheshm69
hi every body!i have four camera in my game project. they positioned in the center of sphere area and they look at their specific area.(each of them look at 1/4 sphere)when i want do something in my game(like: moving ,firing and etc) i want see it's effect in all of camera(example: if i...
19 Jun 2012 by Member 9000582
*This answer given under the assumption of a programming context*I would like to add something to Kim Togo's statement.In C# programming, and presumably the .Net framework, process affinity is stored in an IntPtr value, and, unless I'm mistaken, that is 64 bits. (Each bit represents...
12 Aug 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
This would be an extremly difficlult problem, if you are dealing with pictures alone. There are projects here on hte web site that detects numbers and you should be able to do the same with text:Realtime Webcam Sudoku Solver[^]other links could be found by searching this...
10 Sep 2012 by Kuthuparakkal
This would get you started:WPF 3D: Part 1 of n[^]
5 Dec 2012 by Maazatron
Hello every oneIam developing a simple game in processing using javaI am getting an error in my code saying "unexpected token: void" this is in the void setup() partCan you please:-1) Help me find the problem and help me solve it.2) What does unexpected token meanHere is my code....
5 Dec 2012 by phil.o
Your problem is that your void setup() method is outside the Questions class.Move it inside and it should be OK.
24 Dec 2012 by irfanniazi
i am developing automatic mcqs grader as my fyp.for this purpose i am using c# with emgu cv and the problem i am facing is when i want to load an image by using this code private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog Openfile = new OpenFileDialog();...
24 Dec 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're missing a second type identifier in the following line: Image My_Image = new Image(Openfile.FileName);There has to be a second type identifier after the comma, in both places.Perhaps you should read Creating Your First EMGU Image Processing Project[^]
3 Jan 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Some approaches: 1) use a thread pool user other than the built-in ones: create a dedicated technical user. It is better for security and other reasons too.(you could set the pool to load user profile too, there are many advantages of it, for example you can print from on server...
23 Apr 2013 by DARSANA K
what is pixel expansion in visual cryptography for color images and how it can be implemented in C#.If Anyone having idea please share...
23 Apr 2013 by Sabri M
is there anyone can tell me how can I write to the same file opened by parent and child?example:int main(){ pid_t pid ; FILE *inp = fopen("test.log","w"); pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) writeFile(inp); else writeFile(inp);}
23 Apr 2013 by CPallini
Did you try Google[^]?
11 May 2013 by shaikmohammedaamear mits
I am creating an application where i am moving files from one directory to another, where i have a function which process moving files.My problem is i have four directories where i want to process my function to move files parallellyby perfoming multithreading process but my function...
11 May 2013 by OriginalGriff
Set up a BackgroundWorker thread for each directory - they can share the same code, provided they don't affect any UI elements directly, and only use parameters and local variables (not class level variables: you would need locking for that).The MSDN page on BackgroundWorker includes a...
24 Sep 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
This is the fourth time you hve reposted this question; please stop. If you have further information to add then edit the original, or respond to people who have already given you some suggestions.
28 Jan 2014 by darne hitaro
How does request processing works out from the perspective of a php developer? More than that I'm concerned with e.g. once request is parsed through.htaccess ,mapped to the file and respone is sent back. The mechanism of how this response gets sent back to the client is what I eagerly want to...
30 Jan 2014 by Member 10562044
You can use this:..............................using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace ConsoleApplication1{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ...
30 Jan 2014 by darne hitaro
A php code sent a query to the database say credentials from login page for verifying and something was returned say TRUE OR FALSE as status. Now my question is, if I do not know the code of the developer who wrote the login form, does there exist any way to find out what query is made to the...
17 Mar 2014 by LyEliza
How do i subtract two images in C#?? i.e. i want the resultant image to contain only the differences. i am a student and new to C#. Pls help me out..i tried converting to color matrix and subtracting it but it didn't work out. MATLAB has direct option for subtracting images(imsubtract()). i am...
17 Mar 2014 by Andreas Gieriet
Have a look at How to subtract one bitmap from another in C#/.NET?[^].CheersAndi
29 Mar 2014 by Getrude Chando
I have to differentiate plastic water bottles of different sizes i.e. water bottles of different sizes will pass in front of a camera which will capture their image and brought it to PC for processing and I should be able to count a certain sized bottle and ignore others I have to make the...
29 Mar 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
And your question is? Although judging by what you have posted it is likely to be something along the lines of "I don't know where to start". Assuming I am correct, you need to use Google to find articles on image comparison, study them and then start to design your application.
29 Mar 2014 by CHill60
Further to Richard MacCutchan's post, someone else was asking a couple of days ago about Image Comparison. There may be more answers posted How To Find The Simillar Image From Couple Of Images[^]