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by MehreenTahir
This article will show you an alternative way of using C++; How to write functional code in C++. You’ll see how to write more concise, safer, readable, reasonable code.
by HoshiKata
Practical on the fly fast mesh generation from arbitrary points.
by Anton Chibisov
This tutorial showcases how to implement C++ delegates which are capable of being bound to methods and functions having arbitrary signature, i.e., any number and type of parameters and return value.
by Eric Z (Jing)
Evaluation order matters!

Latest Articles

by Han Bo Sun
This tutorial will show you how to load and display hierarchical structured comments using RESTFul service and JavaScript.
by MehreenTahir
This article will show you an alternative way of using C++; How to write functional code in C++. You’ll see how to write more concise, safer, readable, reasonable code.
by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
by Rahul_Biswas
A simple explanation of the recursive CTE concept of T-SQL

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11 Sep 2011 by brunofer2007
Easy way to sort nodes in a TreeView using a recursive function.
25 Nov 2011 by Kabwla.Phone
Ha! I get it....I am actually using an adaptation of this technique in production code.But the adapted code required a dept-first search and this original pattern is width-first.Which brings us these new and improved versions:public static List FindControlsWidthFirst( Control...
19 Nov 2009 by Anish M
CREATE PROC GetChildNodes (@ID uniqueidentifier)ASBEGINWITH PermissionList (PermissionID, PermissionName, Level)AS(SELECT ap.PermissionID, ap.PermissionName, 0 AS LevelFROM Permission AS apWHERE PermissionID = @IDUNION ALLSELECT ap.PermissionID, ap.PermissionName, Level + 1FROM
13 Nov 2010 by jarvisa
public void ControlStatus(Control control, bool isDisable){ foreach (Control c in control.Controls) if (c.HasControls()) ControlStatus(c, isDisable); else { WebControl wc = c as WebControl; if (wc != null) ...
7 Sep 2010 by John Adams
Magnus, I really like the idea! I believe your original idea (posted @ is even better for the general case - probably better than the solution in the article - it does feel more generic while still being very easy to use.I'm sure you may...
13 Nov 2010 by PSU Steve
You can just use "not IsDisable" versus the IF...ELSE block. Additionally, the recursive call to ControlStatus should be done all the time so that the parent control is enabled/disabled along with the children. // to enable\disable the control & its child controls public...
12 Nov 2015 by Veselin Tenev
Provides simplistic solution to a recursive MySQL table
15 Sep 2016 by discompsys
This tutorial describes how to convert the recursive method call in said algorithm into a flat loop call, to save memory in restricted environments.
13 Nov 2010 by a_pess
Alternative For VB.NET Windows Forms Private Sub ControlEnabled(ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal isDisable As Boolean) Me.ControlEnabled(ctrl, isDisable, True) End Sub Private Sub ControlEnabled(ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal isDisable As Boolean, ByVal allowRecurse As...
8 Nov 2011 by Kabwla.Phone
Implemented with a queue and some newfangled yields.Since a queue does not have an 'EnqueueRange', we will still have to do a loop. Of course, enqueue range would be a nice extension method.Excusing the overhead created by the yield, this might use less memory if there are many controls. (Or...
1 Nov 2012 by Subhendu Sekhar Behera
Algorithm to find out all the Matchings and Uniquely Restricted Matchings in a Graph
9 Aug 2013 by Redslide
Modify MVC Routing to allow routes such as /Electronics/Software/Operating-Systems/PC/Windows-8-Installer
2 Jan 2014 by Viktor Kovács
A simple solution for processing spaceless strings
12 Nov 2013 by Jobless Creature
CTE To find all the related nodes in a hierarcy
2 May 2011 by Magnus_
An extension method to the IEnumerable`1 interface that can select all children recursively of an entity in a tree like structure
3 May 2012 by Qadeer Ahmed Khan
This tip explains how you can iterate through all ToolStripMenuItems of a menu strip.
3 Feb 2013 by Normz Antonino
This tip shows you how to convert numbers to words neatly.
7 Oct 2011 by Stefan Huy
How to iterate recursively through all menu items in a menuStrip Control
29 Nov 2013 by Mehdy Moini
Implementing a map as a tree, and finding the shortest path, between the streets, is what you will see.
12 Mar 2010 by JasonDove
I hate sub reports and always consider them the last resort in any reporting solution. The negative effect on performance and maintainability is just not worth the easy ride they give the report writer. Nine times out of ten reporting requirements can be met using a little forethought and...
31 Aug 2012 by atamata
File renaming algorith to mimic Windows copy+paste renaming
24 Dec 2013 by Sitang Ruan
How to make a sequential Ajax call
17 Sep 2015 by IssamK
How to automatically generate classes for your database tables