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Everything / Reflection



Great Reads

by matt warren
Why is Reflection slow?
by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained generic methods and events.
by Eric Lynch
Extends .NET reflection to decode the byte array returned by System.Reflection.MethodBody.GetILByteArray(), discusses the techniques to achieve this, and provides a brief primer on .NET reflection.
by Dev Leader
In this article, I’ll provide you with 4 simple code examples illustrating how reflection works in C#.

Latest Articles

by Dev Leader
In this article, I’ll provide you with 4 simple code examples illustrating how reflection works in C#.
by JBartlau
This article provides an overview of Visual Studio's integration of combit's report generator List & Label.
by Jaume González
Solution using reflection to dynamically load and execute C# code in a workflow context
by Bill Menees
Use .NET's TypeToTypeInfoMarshaler to get a full .NET type with member information from an IDispatch-based COM object.

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15 Dec 2016 by matt warren
Why is Reflection slow?
6 Sep 2016 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained generic methods and events.
1 Mar 2024 by Dev Leader
In this article, I’ll provide you with 4 simple code examples illustrating how reflection works in C#.
3 Dec 2012 by Vasil Trifonov
Getting console output within a unit test
15 Jun 2016 by Allen C. Copeland Jr
Grokking the CLI - Part 1: Meta Mayhem
16 Jun 2016 by Allen C. Copeland Jr
Grokking the CLI - Part 2: Meta Meanderings
18 May 2013 by n.podbielski
How to get private field or property from object
27 Feb 2017 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for.
7 Apr 2017 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained methods and constructors.
3 Dec 2012 by Vasil Trifonov
When writing unit tests in most of the cases, we have to test private methods. Let's see how this can be achieved using Visual Studio.
15 Aug 2021 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
A discussion of "init" keyword introduced in C# 9
12 Jun 2017 by Paul D. Sheriff
The right way to use Reflection