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by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This blog will take you through the steps to call a simple WebMethod to get the details of one record shown on a Repeater and show the retrieved details on jQuery Dialog popup.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will learn how to integrate one jQuery Slider Plugin with the ASP.NET Repeater Control.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This blog will take you through the steps to create an ASP.NET Repeater and show the details of a particular row on jQuery Dialog popup.
by Ahmad F Hassan
An easy way to view hierarchical data in a simple ASP .NET Repeater

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by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This blog will take you through the steps to call a simple WebMethod to get the details of one record shown on a Repeater and show the retrieved details on jQuery Dialog popup.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This blog will take you through the steps to create an ASP.NET Repeater and show the details of a particular row on jQuery Dialog popup.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
We have already talked about integrating a jQuery Slider Plugin to ASP.NET Repeater control. Now in this blog, we will change the default speed of the slider.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
In this blog, we will learn how to integrate one jQuery Slider Plugin with the ASP.NET Repeater Control.

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1 Mar 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
The problem is that inside your foreach loop you re-create the items of the repeater (it happens when you are re-bind it to new data)...When enumerating the elements of the collection, at the very beginning, the framework creates an enumerator - a kind of pointer that enables traversing the...
16 May 2014 by Mandip Grewal
Please replace the following code in BindRepeaterData function rptPaging.Visible = true; ArrayList pages = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i
11 Feb 2015 by Member 10918596
i got error Specified cast is not valid.i need to repeat every user already rating star from database how to get rating from how to take rating from database.stored procedureALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_comments](@eid int)ASBEGIN declare @sql varchar(max) SET NOCOUNT...
1 Mar 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Problem is here foreach (RepeaterItem items in repeat.Items) { HiddenField comment_like = (HiddenField)items.FindControl("comment_id");Your hidden field id is comment_like but you are trying to find hidden field with id comment_id which not there.Change this to...
16 Nov 2016 by ZurdoDev
As mentioned in comments, each time an item is created in your repeater (Repeater1_ItemDataBound) you are looping through all of your products and setting the hyperlinks NavigateURL. So, it will run that for every item.You likely need an if statement to find the right product to match the...
23 Jan 2014 by Sumit_Pathak
i have requirement to bind value in repeater itemtemplate without any single or double quote...currently for reference i add html codeabove code in my repeater looks like..
23 Jan 2014 by JoCodes
You can do the concatenation through a C# method and return it to display .Try like And the method public string GetImageWithPath(object bannerImage) { return "bannerpath"+Convert.ToString(bannerImage);//modify path...
3 Jun 2014 by norbitrial
Use backslash before double quotes and it will work properly:"
3 Jun 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
see this.. :)DropDownList in Repeater[^]How to bind a DropDownList from inside a Repeater ?[^]RESOLVED-Data-bind-DropDownList-inside-a-repeater-contol[^]
5 Jul 2014 by CHill60
As suggested by PIEBALDconsult in their comment...Put a breakpoint on the line PageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument) - 1;Examine the contents of e.CommandArgumentIt might be null, it might be text such as "Empty". Whatever it is it will not be the string form of any integer...
5 Jul 2014 by DamithSL
try belowif(e.CommandArgument != null){ PageNumber =0; if(int.TryParse(e.CommandArgument, out PageNumber)) { PageNumber --; } BindRepeaterData();}
20 Nov 2014 by Tomas Takac
Results of the second query is in another resultset. I doubt you read it in you data access layer. You need to return the information within the first query like this:select r.*, s.s_name, c.category_name, sc.subcategory_name, CASE iam WHEN 1 THEN 'Professional/Business' ELSE 'Individual'...
9 Feb 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
You should use - RepeaterItem.FindControl Method[^].First find out the RepeaterItem, then use FindControl by passing the Control ID.
8 Sep 2016 by manu_dhobale
Actually both will work perfectly, and it depends on what kind of design you are looking for.I would suggest you to go through existing eCommerce site codes. from that you can decide, various open source codes available at eCommerce[^]
8 Sep 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
refer this and pick the right one which suits your need. Repeater vs ListView vs DataList vs DataGrid.[^]Repeater vs. DataList vs. ListView vs. GridView[^]Comparing ListView with GridView,DataList and Repeater[^]Difference Between Repeater and DataList and GridView[^]
22 May 2018 by Richard Deeming
Quote: RadioButton rb= (RadioButton)ri.FindControl("Game_1"); The FindControl method[^] expects a parameter representing the ID of the control you want to find. You do not have a control with the ID Game_1 inside your repeater, so FindControl will return null, and you will get a...
15 Nov 2018 by CHill60
Quote: This topic name has 10 questions for this 10 questions i am getting Auxiliary Verbs 10 times that i don't require. The problem with your query is that you have included the QuestionNumber column. It is unlikely that you actually want the question number so just leave it outSELECT...
15 Nov 2013 by Member 9492907
How to give the DataTextField and DatavalueField for a CheckBoxList nested inside a Repeater?My repeater control is given below..but it is not working..please help me ...
15 Nov 2013 by Dnyaneshwar@Pune
Use the ItemDataBound event of the Repeater, like this:protected void rep_Comps_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e){ CheckBoxList chkList = e.Item.FindControl("chk_chkbx") as CheckBoxList ; if (selectList != null) { chkList.DataSource =...
27 Nov 2013 by Yogender Sharma
I have a nested repeater in which there are controls in inner Repeater including a dropdownlist. I want use the properties of the inner repeater controls on client side. Also how to call a function on on selectedIndexChanged event of inner dropdownlist on server side.Thanks in advance.
30 Nov 2013 by rakeshjena
i want a paging in my webpage which uses a repeater.the below mentioned code is the demo code(just testing).other links from google are not helping as i am using sqldatasource.plz dont send any links to follow.I want the code for paging plz is my code.....
30 Nov 2013 by Tharaka MTR
Have you checked following articles?[^][^]
16 Jan 2014 by ketan italiya
I Want to show newly added data in first row of gridview and repeater?how is it possible?
16 Jan 2014 by JoCodes
Can handle it either by using Order By ID Desc in the sql query which is bound to Gridview/Repeater or sort the Collection (like using linq) before assigning it to the Datasource through code.
23 Jan 2014 by Diya Ayesa
i try to search records in for this first i create spALTER procedure [dbo].[spsearchdocuments]@Name nvarchar(50)asSELECT dbo.DocumentInfo.DocID as DocumentID, dbo.DocumentInfo.DocName as DocumentName, dbo.DocumentInfo.Uploadfile as FileUploaded, ...
29 Jan 2014 by AmrutaKanvinde
After a lot of work i managed to fix(Freeze) my headers in repeater.Now I Have to get the first 2-3 columns fixed.I have taken help of Google but it isnt really helping.Can someone please help me.Something like this but for...
2 Feb 2014 by CBadger
Not sure if you want the header and the first 2 columns frozen but if not both you may have to take a look here link[+]Or else this will workthis.dataGridView1.Columns["columnName"].Frozen = true;found this source that also shows the above code as a solution clickey[*]
4 Feb 2014 by Diya Ayesa
i use repeater in my project .. so when user add new document then i want to highlight new add documents same as gmail when we see new email in gmail account then email is in bold and then we able to see someone send email same as i want when new record added then how to highlight or identify in...
6 Mar 2014 by Amogh Natu
Hi,I have implemented a repeater control which has some columns and data. For each column header, in the header template, I have defined a label for the header text and an tag for showing the direction of sorting (asc or desc). Sample code below:
10 Mar 2014 by Dineshkumar Ramakrishnan
Hi ,I want to create a Menu Control in, which is placed in the left pane of my UI Screen.I need this menu control with Collapsible and Expand Menu feature, That is,Main Menu-1 Sub Menu-1 Sub Menu-2Main Menu-2 Sub Menu-1 Sub Menu-2 From Above Shown...
2 Apr 2014 by Raj Negi
I am using repeater in website, in this repeater i have labels in which i am showing data from database'>here state data is state id which is numeric.I have two tables in database 1.) register 2.)...
2 Apr 2014 by Code Help 2014
Use a JOIN to fetch the data from both r.*, s.StateName from Register rINNER JOIN State s ON r.StateID = s.StateIDNow you can use the StateName.
13 Apr 2014 by MAYURDIL
i am use onkeyup function in repeater i tried lot but could not work it out i used
14 Apr 2014 by Cheta Pandya
Plz try this. It will help.[^]
24 Apr 2014 by Member 8054539
Source page code as follows
24 Apr 2014 by Abhinav S
24 Apr 2014 by Member 8054539
in repeater control validate date must not same date and selected date of one course is the next date of another course. Repeater control as follows RPST 29 Apr 14 RFPFF 29 Apr 14string strdt = string.Empty;foreach(RepeaterItem ri in rptCart1.Items){ CheckBox cbox...
26 Apr 2014 by Raj Negi
I have repeater control in which i am binding data from sql server database, Now i have number of records showing on my page but i want that i can filter my records according to dropdown selected. I need 4-5 dropdowns control thats depend on my need and i don't want my page to refresh while...
26 Apr 2014 by sankarsan parida
Yes,u got the exact idea about ajax. Go through uses of updatepanel where it stops the refresh of browser. It will help you
26 Apr 2014 by abdul subhan mohammed
It will be best, if u create one web user control in which u can put all that control u want in a repeater, while u create web user control use Updatel Panel as well, it will help u, not to refresh the page on every selected code for web user control;]]> ...
28 Apr 2014 by Kamlesh_Singh08
How to create Repeater in MVC4.
28 Apr 2014 by Member 8606607
I want to show assetss details while passing the AssetId using jquey or json I want to pass this asset id to json WebMethod.How can I do this?
28 Apr 2014 by Er Daljeet Singh
HOpe this help..Here i had created a strongly typed view and and getting the values from "Model" property ...
28 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer - Repeater for mvc razor[^].
28 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Wrap the data inside one Control's property or something like...'>Then when you are sending the value, access the particular row and find that particular AssetID inside the row and send that.
30 Apr 2014 by User 10230504
I am have td in repeater. i want show and hide it on conditionHow to Find a html tag from the repeater in C#?for find button in repeater we write this codeButton btn=Repeater1.FindControl("Button1") as Button;but for html a tag?----- atag=Repeater1.FindControl("id of a...
Hi behnam haji, As you asked, what is the C# class for td tag of html?So you can cast the td tag in C# by writing the code given below. System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell atag = rpt.FindControl("id of a tag") as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell; // import...
5 May 2014 by Kan07
if in case of text box Repeater1.FindControl("id of a tag") as HTMLtextbox;
13 May 2014 by Raj Negi
I am trying to display total distance in the repeater label. I am using repeater to display my records from sql database. I have latitude, longitude column in the database. I want when my result page loads it will ask for user to share their current location, and when user accept it then...
12 May 2014 by Raj Negi
I am applying paging in repeater and it is working fine, i want to highlight the current page selected by user. I have two repeater one for results and second for paging functionality.
13 May 2014 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
.CSprotected void RepeaterItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { RepeaterItem item = (RepeaterItem)e.Item; SiteMapNode node = (SiteMapNode)item.DataItem; HyperLink hl = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("HyperLink1"); ...
13 May 2014 by Raj Negi
I am using repeater to display records in a page from sql database, I want to display total number of records i am fetching from database on a label at the top of repeater. So that user can see he has this number of records. Below is my code to bind repeater data.protected void...
13 May 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
You can get the count from DataTable itself noOfRows = dt.Rows.Count;
16 May 2014 by Raj Negi
I am working on repeater custom paging. The paging is working fine and it looks like this:First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next LastAs my records increases it also increases the page numbers, if i have 500 records then it will not good see numbers from 1 to 50.I need to work like this:First...
16 May 2014 by Raj Negi
In bind repeater data:for (int i = 0; i " + (i + 1).ToString() + ""); } else { ...
3 Jun 2014 by vezo11
I traied but it didnt work, thanksMy solution is:file.aspxfile.aspx.cs public DataView fillDataList(string id) { DataSet data = DB.GetData("SELECT * FROM … WHERE FK =" + id + ")", false); DataView myView =...
24 Jun 2014 by Sarvesh Kumar Gupta
Hi,On Item Data Bound event, find "div", and bind attribute onclick call a javascript function for open popup and send parameters values in query string.for adding the attribute use below syntaxdiv.attributes.add("onclick","Javascript:functionName();");
25 Jun 2014 by KaushalJB
Refer this links : 1. Open Popup2. Repeater Linkbutton Javascript popup
1 Jul 2014 by Torakami
What i am trying to do is on repeaters row click i want to generate popup containg value to fill belongs to that row ...
24 Jul 2014 by Rambo_Raja
What basically i want to do is , to show the records i get in datatable in different HTML tables. The records in the datatable has 3 coloums and i can have at the max 6 records. the datatable i am getting from the database is as follows:Name AgeXYZ 30XY1 31XY2 ...
24 Jul 2014 by Manoj Kumar Choubey
Above scenario depends on the number of records you will be fetch from the need to distribute the values in to two extra columns by using loop for the distribution you can take generic list if you are doing in code or if you want to do all things in sql server then you can...
27 Aug 2014 by Member 11040863
I'm trying to make a program in Visual Studio using that displays the results of a SQL Database in an HTML repeater table. I'm attempting to filter the data within the table so that you are able to display members who are "termed" or members who are "active".Here is my code so...
27 Aug 2014 by Rajiv Gogoi
Simply put HTTP 414, the error message you are getting is self explanatory "The request URL is too long". Can you check whats so long in the url that the limit is crossed.
3 Sep 2014 by Grant Weatherston
I am wanting to set the visibility of a ASP:LINKBUTTON based on the condition of the Repeaters DataSource property TYPEif the DataItem.Type property == "practical" set visibility to true otherwise false;Obviously some rows in the datasource will be true and some will be false, i only...
3 Sep 2014 by kbrandwijk
Your server tag includes quotes. Use single quotes as outer quotes to get a wellformed tag.Visible=''
7 Sep 2014 by tslin89
Hello, I'm wondering is there a way to load nested repeater controls on page scrolling. I've checked following examples for loading of repeater control but still don't get a way to load data to its inner repeater.1. Scroll to Load Data, webservice,javascript[^]2....
17 Nov 2014 by sandeep nagabhairava
My html code is like this Welcome
20 Nov 2014 by Raj Negi
I am using repeater to show some product list. Now i have to add one more data field to my repeater. I add one image to repeater and this image will show if my data field value is greater than one and if the value is zero it will not show.
20 Nov 2014 by Praneet Nadkar
Hi,Do it this way:select count( as total_likes , r.* , s.s_name , c.category_name , sc.subcategory_name ,CASE iam WHEN 1 THEN 'Professional/Business' ELSE 'Individual' End as iamdetail ,substring(description,1,250) AS shortdescription ,substring(title,1,30) AS...
20 Nov 2014 by Raj Negi
I created new column(likes) in tbl_adregister...whenever user like any product it goes increment by one, so instead of counting likes from other table i simple use only one table.
8 Dec 2014 by Member 10918596
give some idea for filter records in repeater control using beteween date function in c#
23 Dec 2014 by Bahare Aghabarari
Hi,I want that change background color of div base on user selected this item or no.this is my code: ...
23 Dec 2014 by Bahare Aghabarari
Hi,I 'm begginer in I have a repeater that user can select several item for delete (by checking checkbox of any item) and click on an button for delete selected onclick event of this button, I want read id of selected item and pass them to Storeprocedure for delete from...
23 Dec 2014 by Sinisa Hajnal
Assuming you use jQuery:in document.ready function:$("#rptRssDeleteChk").on("checked", function () {$(this).closest("#rptRssContent").css("background-color", "red");});If this helps please take time to accept the solution.NOTE: if you want pure javascript, you have to use...
25 Dec 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Add Feed_ID as the value of the checkbox..." />Pick all the checked checkboxes upon button click, and read them values...To understand how ASP.NET templates are working, please read here: Understanding ASP.NET...
22 Jan 2015 by santhu888
Sub ddlID_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim strConnection As String = "Data Source=RS-RAJSEKHAR\MSSQLSERVER12;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=true" Dim cmdText As String = "SELECT [id], [name], [address],[email] FROM [tbl_StudentRecord] where...
1 Feb 2015 by yallakorra
i have repeater which use to add data into database i am using paging in this repeater and work well when i am select other page data in other pages cleari am trying to use view stat to keep data after rebind repeater but there is errorhere is my code
5 Feb 2015 by Ankit871991
I need to use the jquery datatable server-side processing ( for my (C#) Web-Site.My Web-Site has thousands of records to show in the table as list. I am using jquery datatable server-side to enable paging, filtering and search.In below code i get data from...
9 Feb 2015 by Masood H. Virk
How can i accessed check value of radio button used in repeater. [using and C#],Data is populated from sql server database. ...
15 Feb 2015 by mayur narsale
I am using repeater control list with 3 columns(Name, Description, Date). I need to filter the list based on a keyword entered in a textbox for description dynamically without postback.I am able to filter the list when user enter a word in textbox and presses enter key or tab key, but for...
16 Feb 2015 by Prerak Patel
mayur narsale:I am able to filter the list when user enter a word in textbox and presses enter key or tab key, but for this solution postback happens.Is there a way that postback does not happen and the list gets updated dynamically when user keeps typing any character in textbox?First...
19 Feb 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Please do not post the same question in multiple forums.
22 Feb 2015 by Prakash J
How to show /hide textbox when i click button using C# using javascript.when i enter somthing after text box hide.For example, Was the product helpful? Yes/No Thanks for your vote!how i do?
22 Feb 2015 by Dev parmar
May this help youfor Hidedocument.getElementById("").style.display = 'none';for Showdocument.getElementById("").style.display = '';
24 Feb 2015 by Member 10918596
Added from comment by OP:Actually when I check outside, jQuery working properly. But here I am using in repeater control in Every repeater item template I used one yes/NO item. In that repeater item template wherever only one place yes/NO jQuery working, remaing each item is not...
24 Feb 2015 by Richard Deeming
When you click on a single "Yes / No" link, your script is disabling every feedback link on the page. I suspect you only want to disable the links for the specific item you've clicked on.Try something like this:// NB: As of jQuery 1.7, "live" is deprecated in favour of "on"://...
1 Mar 2015 by Member 10918596
hidden field is not working in c# void counts() { foreach (RepeaterItem items in repeat.Items) { HiddenField comment_like = (HiddenField)items.FindControl("comment_id"); Label user_counts =...
25 Mar 2015 by Member 11220730
How can i display my date format as day/month/year instead of date and time in repeater. now i using this format in repeaterresult showing as a 2014-12-11T00:00:00+05:30please help me to display only date.
25 Mar 2015 by Member 11220730
how to change the column (dataset)value names in repeater. Repeater1.DataSource = ds; Repeater1.DataBind(); this my second column 'bill Type' now getting values 0, 1 like that.if it is "0" i want to diplay as a...
26 Mar 2015 by nebiam
Im using the jquery datatables plugin, and its great, until I make a change using a repeater ItemCommand. It seems to only hold the data for the first page of the plugin.. ie. page 1 and not the 2, 3, 4.... * pages.. The wierd thing is the drop down values remain in the drop down, but the...
26 Mar 2015 by SaranshSrivastava
It's probably because of Repeater control as it's read only. Try changing Repeater control to DataGrid or Grid View and verify.
28 Mar 2015 by Maciej Los
Have a look here: How do I change the date format of a DataBinder.Eval in[^]
30 Mar 2015 by mohamadMahmodi
hi alli want to show my content records in accordion bootstrapasp:repeater is a solution, but in html code i have a problem,i need create Different id and href but link to same ,it's about and
6 Apr 2015 by Mr_cool
Hello, I want to print a panel with formatting and images.The CSS is specified in style.cssWhen I print using this code, no style or image is there. Just a plain pdf with text. Now, I need style and images. How to do? protected void btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) ...
9 May 2015 by Member 10637123
protected void rpt1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e){ if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { Label lbl_status = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbl_status"); LinkButton lnk_pay = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnk_pay"); if (lbl_status.Text ==...
21 May 2015 by Member 7695634
Hello All,I want to implement NumericFirstLast type pagination in the Repeater control which is available in GridView. It would be great if i get any help on this. As well as could you please tell me whether custom paging is possible with below type of pagination.For Example,First ...
21 May 2015 by siddartha kopparapu
Hi I think this might help you, I forgot link which i searched so pasting the code.Step 1: add Following in your aspx. OnItemCommand="dlPager_ItemCommand"> ...
21 May 2015 by Member 7695634
I found the exact answer to my question in following article-[^]
27 Aug 2015 by Grant Weatherston
I have a contacts page, with many categories. Not all categories will have contacts in them, but all categories will be shown on the page (populated or empty).I would like to create a repeater for each of the categories and fill it with an ItemTemplate. The repeater, item template and inner...