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Great Reads

by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
by Nitesh Kejriwal
Create a responsive menu using HTML, CSS and JQuery
by Barry Latimer
Discusses the different approaches available and reccomendations for responsive images
by Mehedi Shams
Design to scale automatically to different screen resolutions

Latest Articles

by Peter Leow
The Three R’s of Responsive Web Design
by Mehedi Shams
Design to scale automatically to different screen resolutions
by Stephen Hesterman
Turn off social media buttons on a mobile device for faster page loading
by PawelBujak
How to avoid blocking long operations in GUI applications, that lead to hung state.

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17 Oct 2015 by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
7 Apr 2015 by nmeri17
i intended to create a responsive design so i set all the objects and divs on my page to %% but they don't respond to the height and width attributes. I figured I should make it a fixed width site instead but that turned out even worse. the objects don't respond to position either. here is a...
18 Aug 2015 by CPallini
Since you use a string to return another string, using a Dictionary would be pretty straightforward, e.g.Dictionary response = new Dictionary(){ {"Tell me a joke", "Why did the chicken cross the road?"}, {"I don't know", "to get to the...
4 Oct 2015 by Krunal Rohit
Agrees with the Solution #1.Apart from that, please look at this:[^][^][^]―KR
26 Dec 2020 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: I have a website that I am trying to make responsive. Use the Bootstrap, that will have the code already written for what you are trying to achieve. Bootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.[^] Just a quick...
25 Nov 2021 by SilentH11
heyy how you doing?! to make a page responsive you need to get used to the use of max-width and width make sure that everything in the page has got its own parent (example: images can have a figure as a parent p could be set in a section...) u...
10 Dec 2013 by Nkumary
I have a situation here where i show initially some content in html.I have applied responsive styles and javascript on the elements.Now i have added an ajax call to load data at the end dynamically and for the dynamic data the styles are same which are applied for initail HTML...
20 Dec 2013 by Yvan Rodrigues
The UI has a "loading" spinner. During the data loading below, the UI is responsive. During the LINQ, it freezes. The computer has 8 cores. public async static Task Load() { if (_loader == null) { _loader = Task.Run(() => ...
20 Dec 2013 by bowlturner
if you have visual studio 2012 or greater (.Net Framework 4.5 I think) you can use the Async keywords[^]if not your mostly likely solution will be to put the linq on it's own thread.
29 Dec 2013 by Nkumary
I want to create a new website and want some particular technologies in the website.I have my doubt about using certain technologies in a Website or Web Application.Is it possible to use1) MVVM (XAML/C#)2) Responsive Design(Twitter Bootstrap)3) Web API ServicesAll the...
29 Dec 2013 by Bala Selvanayagam
Hi,MVVM, is valid for web but its limited on the web and widely used on the desktop for rich user interface design.BOOTSTRAP, is a web UI frame work used for a rapid professional web site UI designWEB API, is a service used to access data on JSON or any other formatsIf your...
9 Mar 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
You should research about Responsive Design.Read the answer- Re: Responsive Web Design examples[^], which will kick start you towards this new design methodology to make applications responsive for any type of device or system.You can also find many useful articles on Google to start...
26 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer - Responsive ASP.NET Menu Control With Twitter Bootstrap[^].
27 Apr 2014 by Chandra Mohan N
Refer thisDatabase Driven Dynamic Menu Control[^]
12 May 2014 by HardikPatel.SE
I am using responsiveSlides Slider but it is not working till auto mode is true. I have a code as follow...Js Code :
12 May 2014 by HardikPatel.SE
Finally it's working I got the solution........Working Link : JSFiddle Example[^]
21 May 2014 by venkatesun
Hi,I have developed a responsive intranet web application which is compatible with desktop, samsung galaxy tablet and iPAD. And the application is accessible only via GOOD for enterprise browser in Android and iOS since its an intranet application. I have an option to export data to excel in...
5 Jul 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question makes very, very little sense. Isn't it apparent that "from scratch", "almost from scratch", "not from scratch but by applying a set of transformations" and the like are the options which depend on many factors, first of all: 1) the value of original design; 2) the current step of...
5 Jul 2014 by Peter Leow
These may help you to make up your mind: 1. Should I Convert My Site to Responsive, or Build a New One?[^]2. Converting Your Website to Responsive Design[^]
31 Aug 2014 by Kinna-10626331
Hi , I am new in XAML for WPF and I want to design a UI with an specific feature:I have a UI created with Modern UI library. I have used Grid layout to define regions in my UI.The number of controls that appears on one of these regions ( columns, rows ) could be variable. Could be 2...
1 Sep 2014 by Vincent Beek
Not sure if I understand your question. But if you are looking for automatic resizing of UI element you might want to look at the Viewbox class.[^]Hope this helps.
20 Sep 2014 by ChauhanAjay
Please check the below linkResponsive JQuery Slider[^]
19 Nov 2014 by baotdinh
Hi,I am working with report viewer . How can i apply responsive layout for it . Now i do : ...
20 Nov 2014 by Raj tilak Bose
15 Jul 2015 by jba1991
Hi there,I have been learning how to use media queries for responsive design and it is going well. The issue I am having now is when downsizing to the dimensions for an iPad.I have a big background-image in a header div which is defined in the CSS. the image fills the full header which...
16 Jul 2015 by Member 11843004
I am trying to put 2 images (designerbear and coderbear) on top of the background image qbhead. I need them to be in a certain position in the middle of the background image and stay in that position when adjusting the page size so they will need to be image responsive as well. I would also like...
20 Jul 2015 by touinta
Hello I have a gridview control which I need to make it responsive. I use footable jquery and css to following code
24 Jul 2015 by Sumit Kharbikar
as gridview is render in html table so that it will not work sometime as we want so if possible use listview instead of gridview as it render in div
24 Jul 2015 by Richard Deeming
Add a handler for the RowCreated event, and set the table section depending on the row type:Protected Sub GridView2_RowCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView2.RowCreated If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then ...
3 Jul 2017 by AnirbanM 2
Hi Friends, I implemented bootstrap 3 in my website and trying to implement a Datalist which should be responsive. Problem is always showing one column like small screen, even in my desktop screen. That's why i even tried to delete col-sm and col-xs definition, still getting only one column...
19 Sep 2015 by Faisal_Abdullah
Hello, friends i am working on a website, in which i had solved many things, but from last one week i am facing a problem. first check the following div ...
4 Oct 2015 by Simran Killawala
I am working on this website:- [removed]While the site is responsive on desktop, the loading time is pretty high for mobile devices. Can anyone help me ? Should I make it dynamic or Responsive?Thanks In advance
4 Oct 2015 by KarstenK
Make it responsive with a with a own css for mobile. It makes also sense to use other or smaller graphic resolution for the images. With Googles Chrome you can debug the website and its loading performance.Take a look at this Responsive Design examples to find inspiration.
7 Oct 2015 by Member 12039981
I have a problem with the scrolling of content when my website is viewed on an iphone or ipad.Infact, if you try this website on an iphone (not by shrinking the browser window) you see that the content do not scroll fluently.It seems this is a conflict...
24 Oct 2015 by Enigma1001
I am working on a browser extension, and the first problem I'm trying to resolve is:How can you get a browser extension to detect specific URLs, and respond by changing the colour of it's tool bar icon? Also, would 'pageAction' be more appropriate?I have tested this code, and the icon...
25 Oct 2015 by FranzBe
just tried this: static void testGetXmlDocFromWebRequest() { string response = string.Empty; string url = "your-url"; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url); try { using (StreamReader streamIn = new...
8 Jan 2016 by afmarcom
My goal is to have different font sizes in email messages opened with desktops and phones. I'm testing my code using colors rather than font sizes because they are easier to distinguish. The color should be red on desktops and tablets and green on phones. Here are the devices and...
8 Jan 2016 by Yuriy Loginov
Each email client has it's own quirks, even though your HTML may be perfectly valid in a browser an email client may simply ignore it or do something funky with it. I found the best way to test email layouts was using this site: Email Testing and Email Marketing Analytics - Litmus[^]
20 Jul 2016 by Member 12644662
Hi Guys,I am working on HTML5 Game Development which is Responsive. There is an instance where I want to do spritesheet animation using background-image but the problem is it gets spoiled onresizing the window since background-image size is in px rather than "%". Kindly let me know if...
5 Oct 2016 by Member 12741312
how i can solve the height and margin issue in cross- browser in following simple css. in internet explorer and Firefox the height of div elements are greater then specified as per screen size also margin between header to other div elements or footer to other element is uneven . **or any...
5 Oct 2016 by Chris Maunder
This is a quick test to see if we've sorted out a problem
14 Nov 2016 by marimir
I want to have a datalist in asp with more than one column and I pass its data source from code behind and I've done it correctly and this is my code : ...
14 Nov 2016 by Richard Deeming
By default, the DataList[^] renders its items in a , which breaks your responsive design.You can change the RepeatLayout property to Flow, which removes the , but it will then render line breaks between groups of items.You'd probably have better luck using a ListView[^]...
8 Feb 2017 by Kinna-10626331
I have an app and it freezes after a long period of use . I have read a lot about posible causes ( overload UI thread , leaks, ect... ). But instead of get the root of the problem I would like to detect when its in a frozen state and restart/reload it. I can check when the process its not...
6 Sep 2017 by ddgjgj
So this is the view : @model CMSFC.Models.Page @{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } @{ Response.Write(Model.Template); } It renders a html table (saved in Template column) from database , with header footer body and so on .. But this renders...
6 Sep 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
On a side note if that Mode.Template is the raw HTML content which you want to write on the browser, then I would follow a different approach, @Html.Raw(Model.Template) This would render the HTML content from database, and still follow the MVC semantics and processes of generating Layout and...
16 Nov 2017 by Member 13525486
.banner{ position:relative; display: block; margin: auto; width:75%; top:23px; } #Username{ position:relative; display: inline-block; width:auto; float:right; text-size-adjust: auto; ...
22 Nov 2017 by Richard Deeming
Quote: header > a:focus nav ul That selector targets a tag inside a tag, which is inside a focussed tag, which is a direct descendant of a tag. Now look at the structure of your markup: div [class="wrapper"] ┊ ┝ header ┊ ┊ ┊ ┝ div [class="logo"] ┊ ┊ ┊ └ a...
30 Nov 2017 by RaviRanjanKr
Quote: to make it more attractive and increase my mobile viewer You can use Bootstrap. This article might help you to get overview how to apply responsive design feature into your web layout. Responsive Web Design with Twitter Bootstrap | w3resource[^] Additional Useful Link - Improving PHP...
23 Jan 2018 by Member 13638425
Hello ! I am a film maker and besides basics of HTML (!), I don't know anything about website coding. I am a real stranger here, and looking for advice. We now have in Belgium a government that is right wing, but more and more far right. I have a great and simple artistic idea to spread a...
23 Jan 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
By the time you have learnt how to do this the barbarians will be at the gate. If you are serious about getting a political message out to the people of your country then you should hire a professional to do the job.
11 May 2018 by Member 13818550
I'm begginer to CSS and responsive designing. I have an index page that has header,topmenu,maintext and footer.but The topmenu up to 300px is fine and its size shrinks but under 300px does not change, and only the additional links to the menus are moved down. For each media query, I set the...
30 Jun 2020 by Member 13926859
i want to do a responsive table that works in phone and i don t know how to do it the table has 13 th What I have tried:
30 Jun 2020 by Andre Oosthuizen
You can add the following to your css file, .panel is the div container name. Used as an example, you might need to modify a little to suit your needs. - @media only screen and (max-width: 760px), (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width:...
29 Jan 2021 by Grambo2
I trying to do responsive overlapping of images that will go to the next line based on the screen size. Instead of moving the images to a new line, it compresses the images and the distance between them. I would like the gap to remain the same...
29 Jan 2021 by Richard Deeming
I'm guessing at the layout you want, but a combination of Flexbox and CSS transforms seem to work: .card-row { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; min-height: 220px; margin-bottom: 0px; } .card { flex: 0 0 117px; z-index: 100; cursor:...
26 Mar 2021 by Resource Link
I'm trying to create a 90 deg rotated layout. But the problem is that none of the method I used to use works in this case. Since it is rotated, changing size, getting it responsive does not seem to work. I'm trying to let the "My Project" title...
25 Nov 2021 by jombyy
Hi, I've been watching some tutorials and guides to make pages responsive, but I'm still struggling with it and I've applied some things and nothing seems to work. I was wondering if someone could help me with this specific page (my first project...
30 Jun 2022 by Member 15692350
I was wondering if there was a way to create a simple index.html page and redirect it to a hosted PDF based on mobile and desktop devices? My website is not up yet but i want people to at lease see the menu. So example now i have the site...
30 Jun 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
In a word, "don't". Do not redirect to a PDF. That doesn't show a page but triggers a download by the browser. Users will look at that and think you just redirected them to malware. You ALWAYS make sure the user knows what is coming with the...
10 Dec 2022 by Nischal Shar
I am unable to make this login form responsive It looks fine in desktop view but it deosn't look same in smartphones I've made this using html and CSS.It looks like the problem is with width or height in opening this on smartphones here's the...
10 Dec 2022 by CodeGuru84
To make your HTML form responsive for small devices, you can add the following CSS rules to your code: @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { /* Make the form container smaller */ .center { width: 80%; height: auto; } /*...
22 Jan 2023 by Stella Ojideh
*New to coding and desperately need some help* My site looks great on desktop but when opened within a smaller screens (mobiles & some tablets) there's excess space on the right side of the page. And also the navbar completely disappears. Any...
22 Jan 2023 by Graeme_Grant
I am not seeing excessive space on the right, however, you have a few issues, like the disappearing navbar. To fix this issue: 1. CSS Section markers: \\\\ Order CSS \\\\\ should be: /* \\\ Order CSS \\\\ */ 2. If using position:...
12 Oct 2023 by Nischal Shar
I'm working on a chat box UI, and I'm having trouble making it responsive for smaller screens. I want the chat section to be responsive, meaning that it should automatically adjust its layout to fit the screen size. The main goal is to ensure...
14 Oct 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
Easiest would be to use float for your chat box, when a user have to scroll left to right the chat box still "floats above the current screen to access it easily - Floating Chatbox[^]
13 Oct 2014 by Nitesh Kejriwal
Create a responsive menu using HTML, CSS and JQuery
21 Apr 2014 by Barry Latimer
Discusses the different approaches available and reccomendations for responsive images
17 Oct 2016 by Mehedi Shams
Design to scale automatically to different screen resolutions
20 Oct 2015 by Sreekanth Mothukuru
In this article, we are going to create an ASP.NET Web Forms application using Bootstrap, Bundle Resources and Web API
13 Dec 2013 by dgDavidGreene
Make your page come alive with Knockout.js, Bootstrap, and Google Charts.
1 Nov 2016 by Peter Leow
The Three R’s of Responsive Web Design
11 Oct 2016 by Stephen Hesterman
Turn off social media buttons on a mobile device for faster page loading
27 Jan 2015 by HitsRathod
Responsive Semicircular doughnut Chart Using Google chart
22 Apr 2015 by Jitendra_Jain04
Responsive web design is an approach to web design which focuses on rich user experience and provides optimal usability to users for viewing websites.
29 Jul 2016 by PawelBujak
How to avoid blocking long operations in GUI applications, that lead to hung state.
26 Dec 2020 by Gutterstack
I have a website that I am trying to make responsive. On the Dev Tools everything looks fine but when I access my website on the actual devices (Iphone 6S and MacBook Air) the height is wrong. The background image and content of that overflow...
5 Jul 2014 by NishatF
That if there is already an existing website and i want to make it responsive.So, do i need to develop it from the scratch or there is any other way????Kindly tell me this...Thanks
12 Jan 2016 by Gigavisto
Sorry, it was a mistake, I clicked "Ask a question" when viewing the article author profile, expected that the message would be sent to him. I tried this because he didn't answered multiple times in the article comments.It seems that code project should fix this issue in the site, my...
9 Mar 2014 by ravikhoda
HI all,need some small tips on how to work on existing site to make it responsive. we have a project on which around 5-6 developer working together on different modules ....some classes and design is common based on the theme but at other points there are many forms which do not follow any...
26 Apr 2014 by Member 10727709
Hello Developers,I want to create Dynamic menu from database with Responsive Layout and i Create Dynamic menu and it is working good but these are not Responsive,So, can anyone tell me how i can create Dynamic Menu with Responsive menu from database in create menu by the use of...
9 Feb 2015 by smsheethal
Hi,I am trying to extract the data from server . As per API DocumentsTo fetch new regions, use “GetRegionCodesVR1”.This is used to request the full list of region codes on the server. To request, post the text “GetRegionCodesVR1”. No XML is needed to request.I tried using below...
6 Jul 2015 by Member 11813845
Is Bootstrap preferred for an application with JSF? I am hearing about PrimeFaces being better for JSF...
18 Aug 2015 by Coder1999
Hello. I was wondering if there was a way to assign certain responses to a case statement. This is an example of what I want to do;switch(e.result.text){ case "Tell me a joke": synthesizer.speakasync("Why did the chicken cross the road?"); break; ...
25 Oct 2015 by SrgjanX
I have a mvc 4 rest service, now i have a c# desktop application, which i want to use via that service, and i have a 'test' function inside the service, now i want to call it from the application and get the response in xml document, how can i do this?for example the url is:...
15 Nov 2015 by SajinAboo
Hi,I have a menu bar with its source derived from an xml data source. I have successfully created the menu bar, but bow I want to make that menu bar responsive. I have tried many options but I can't get a correct solution. I hope for a answer here. The code is given as below.
16 Jan 2016 by Member 12268173
I'm building a horizontal accordion menu with the following code.jQuery Horizontal Carousel/TabsThere a two adjustments i would like to make, but i'm having trouble changing the code the right way:Changing the color for each tab separately.Deleting the rotation for the...
25 Mar 2016 by srastogi85
hi ,I am trying to create an control for HTML web page using a PSD file i have I wrote a sample program it works fine , but when i copy size and CSS for a divfrom psd file my grid is not working properly ,contents of displayed outside.Can you please help me with it and also do we...
3 Jul 2017 by Hari Velu
add RepeatColumn=4 to your datalist .it will display 4 column for each row.i hope it will work.
24 Jul 2018 by Member 13378341
made a simple responsive header/nav and i'm not sure why my menu dropdown doesn't appear when i hover over the menu tab. i've hidden my nav under line 36 and make it reappear line 53. Pls help. What I have tried:
22 Nov 2017 by Anil Bandela
Add below media query in CSS and check @media screen and (min-width: 130px) and (max-width: 767px) { nav ul{display:block;} } Problem: On particular width "nav ul" is "display:none" ....
30 Nov 2017 by starkdigital
I want to make mobile responsive webpages what extra I need to do to make it more attractive and increase my mobile viewer give me a suggestion. What I have tried: my site is in PHP so please help me what code should I used to make it more attractive
24 Jul 2018 by Anil Bandela
Add (!important) tag end of display:block !important;