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Signal Processing


Great Reads

by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Using R to explore complexity of time series generated by simple process
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
I want to develop a simple wrapper operation to do the hybrid programming data conversion job automatically. This makes my laboratory scientific research job happy!
by Andy Allinger
Filter specified by the pass frequency, stop frequency, passband attenuation, and stopband attenuation

Latest Articles

by Steve Hageman
DSPLib is a complete DSP Library that is an end to end solution for performing FFT's with .NET 4
by Andy Allinger
Filter specified by the pass frequency, stop frequency, passband attenuation, and stopband attenuation
by User 14454194
Implementations of lowpass, highpass, and bandpass nth-order Butterworth filters in C#, with design documentation.
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Using R to explore complexity of time series generated by simple process

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Signal Processing 

22 Apr 2016 by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented
22 Nov 2016 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Using R to explore complexity of time series generated by simple process
24 Mar 2015 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
I want to develop a simple wrapper operation to do the hybrid programming data conversion job automatically. This makes my laboratory scientific research job happy!
22 May 2017 by Rick York
The usual technique for obtaining the spectrum of a signal to use a Fourier transform, most often the FFT. There is one example program at this page[^]. By the way, you might prefer to include math.h with the macro _USE_MATH_DEFINES defined. That file has definitions of most common...
22 Jan 2016 by DANIEL_PD
Hello guys,I'm having a problem with my coding. Currently I am working on a evaluation tool. This tool has to do some frequency analysis. Therefore I bought a book and read quite some articles about the FFT in C# and finally got some code to calculate it.For a small amount of samples, e.g....
22 May 2017 by Member 12464144
I have a sound file with the extension wav. I got the amplitude values of this file. Then I generated values of Mexican hat wavelet using y = (1-t*t)*exp(-1*t*t/2). Now I need to get the spectrum of this audio file. How to do this. Here is my code What I have tried: #include ...
1 Aug 2017 by kazz199
i am working on a project in which i need to get the fundamental frequncies of the audio input of microphone. I want to get frequency in every 0.1s while audio is input throught microphone. how to do this using using libraris such as naudio.? i did some research but implementing this...
1 Aug 2017 by RickZeeland
Maybe you can try to contact Christian Woltering, the author of this CodeProject article: Comparison of FFT implementations for .NET[^]
19 Sep 2021 by Andy Allinger
Filter specified by the pass frequency, stop frequency, passband attenuation, and stopband attenuation
11 Jul 2023 by Steve Hageman
DSPLib is a complete DSP Library that is an end to end solution for performing FFT's with .NET 4
10 Nov 2016 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An application to draw Recurrence Plots and calculate recurrence quantification measures
9 Jun 2019 by User 14454194
Implementations of lowpass, highpass, and bandpass nth-order Butterworth filters in C#, with design documentation.
13 Jul 2015 by Bryan 'Calvin' Tular
How can i use (implemented) fft algorithm for sound analysis in order to make desktop application? (using java) i'll develop a tool guide application for learning guitar. thx