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by TarikHuber
A class for sending emails with Outlook using the default Outlook Account. It includes adding multiple attachments and recipients and choosing to use the default email signature or not.
by ASP.NET Community
It's now possible to create class definitions on the fly.  This is the concept of anonymous types, where the type is based on the signature of the
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Java, the main() method serves as the entry point for program execution. It's a well-known fact that it has a specific signature: public static void main(String[] args). This raises a question many developers ponder: Can the main() method be overloaded?
by Ajcek84
How to properly sign ClickOnce deployment in a way that actually works

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by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Java, the main() method serves as the entry point for program execution. It's a well-known fact that it has a specific signature: public static void main(String[] args). This raises a question many developers ponder: Can the main() method be overloaded?
by Sauradipta Chaudhury
This is a coding solution to use Application Settings and Connection Strings sections under Configuration Menu in Azure Functions V2.x and above to store configurable entries.
by Ajcek84
How to properly sign ClickOnce deployment in a way that actually works
by TarikHuber
A class for sending emails with Outlook using the default Outlook Account. It includes adding multiple attachments and recipients and choosing to use the default email signature or not.

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4 May 2014 by TarikHuber
A class for sending emails with Outlook using the default Outlook Account. It includes adding multiple attachments and recipients and choosing to use the default email signature or not.
15 Jan 2018 by Ajcek84
How to properly sign ClickOnce deployment in a way that actually works
16 Dec 2021 by Sauradipta Chaudhury
This is a coding solution to use Application Settings and Connection Strings sections under Configuration Menu in Azure Functions V2.x and above to store configurable entries.