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Great Reads

by Chris875
State pattern and procedural solution illustrated
by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by rohit7209
How to change state of child from parent, state of parent from child and state of sibling from another sibling
by Jeremy Likness
Durable functions enable implicit and explicit state management for serverless workflows and accommodate a variety of patterns. A new addition, the HTTP task, helps manage interactions with HTTP endpoints including error handling and support for long polling.

Latest Articles

by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by Wessel Beulink
As someone who frequently employs Logic Apps – Azure’s fantastic low-code solution – I’ve come to appreciate its wide range of actions and connectors. One of the keys to this balance? Solid documentation!
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
This is a cheap 320×240 2.8″ TFT LCD module that uses the ILI9320 controller for the display and the XPT2046.
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
An overview of multithreading in C#

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5 Aug 2014 by Chris875
State pattern and procedural solution illustrated
28 May 2024 by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
27 Apr 2017 by CHill60
You can't use RP_Year in the WHERE clause - that's an alias not a column name. TrySELECT [dte] ,Year([dte]) as RP_Year ,[LOB] ,Sum([Cost]) as Sum_cost FROM xxx Where Year([dte]) = '2017' Group by [LOB]
21 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Almost 100% certainly, you need to understand this:[^],[^].As this question (not really clear formulated) is related to the very basics, you need to find out the answer by yourself, through...
2 Oct 2014 by Trung Nguyen Son
Use Session State Providers for Redis, check below:[^]Personally, I think it is the best choice!Happy coding!
9 Dec 2014 by Zoltán Zörgő
Yes, it is a good idea, as this one is lower level as form state or application state was in web forms. It is well bound with IIS (and the web standards also), and you have several possibilities to tailor it[^] to your needs. And by the way you have nothing else in the hand to make your...
18 Nov 2017 by rohit7209
How to change state of child from parent, state of parent from child and state of sibling from another sibling
20 Nov 2019 by Jeremy Likness
Durable functions enable implicit and explicit state management for serverless workflows and accommodate a variety of patterns. A new addition, the HTTP task, helps manage interactions with HTTP endpoints including error handling and support for long polling.
8 Feb 2014 by payne173
Hi,I am Trying to get the File Names of Content Added To Setup Via Custom Action.I am able to access the Virtual Directory in which content files are going to copy,but unable to list the files which will be copied.So i am trying to display all the Files which will be copied to...
30 Jul 2014 by Kumarbs
As per my understand, you are required different session Id's for each operation performed on the authentication. If it so, you can use "GUID" class to generate a random value and store it either in the cookie or session.
13 Aug 2014 by TheAbominable
I'm currently in the process of transforming a classis ASP web application to Asp.netTHe application is relatively simple, it is a 3-page web application. Page 1: enter info into textboxes (time, date, name, name, name, yadda yadda yadda), some radio buttons, some checkbox choices,...
13 Aug 2014 by PhilLenoir
I LOVE the Multiview control for this. No complex code to show and hide, use button events to set the active view. State is held on the page in View State. Technically just one form, but only the active view is sent to the browser so it functions much like multiple pages. Theres' no...
16 Sep 2014 by PKriyshnA
Hello,I have developed on web application in ASP.NET C#, SQL Server 2008 R2. In which for better performance i have used AppState for storing Admin Look Up Data. It works fine in Non Replicated.Here i useHttpContext.Current.Application["Table1"] to store data App Level.And when any...
16 Sep 2014 by Thomas Nielsen - getCore
I will recommend you to use an SQL based session state handling and then store it there, It works straight off the bat and you can store any serializable object that way which should facilitate your use scenario. Other solutions are very likely to cost you more work would be my immediate...
28 Sep 2014 by M.Farrukh Abbas
Only you have two option State Server or Store in database if you talk about performance State Server is the Best option.
28 Sep 2014 by Santhosh Babu Mahimairaj
My Option is State Server .State Server is an out of process session state storage option that works with web server farms. It stores session data in memory and delivers better performance than SQL Server. This seems like a good compromise between the in-process option and the SQL server option
5 Nov 2014 by Member 11210723
I want to save state of whole page and after response.redirect i want to display selected values as well as text in the textboxes how to save it?
5 Nov 2014 by Mukesh Pr@sad
Here is alreday an article related to your question.go through the following link..Persisting the state of a web page[^]
9 Dec 2014 by anssary2010
is it a good idea to work with session state in mvc application and if it has some issues in mvc pattern and preformance
11 Dec 2014 by Alexey Gapon
Hello i am currently calculating the parameter i need to build my GUI ChildControl is the child of "this" control.//while moving my ChildControl by mouse i am calculating this parameter ChildControl.SuperPosition = (float)(ChildControl.Top / (this.ClientSize.Height /...
11 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Most likely, you can get the best result from the form layout redesign. Generally, if layout is based on OnSizeChanged, this is a bad thing. One very usual problem with forms is that they overlap, but it becomes noticeable only at certain sizes. It's much better to achieve fluid/flexible layout...
11 Dec 2014 by BillWoodruff
1. What type of Control is ChildControl ?2. Why are you using the overloaded Resize ?3. Put a break-point in your code to verify that the overloaded Resize Event Handler is actually called when you maximize the Form, restore it to "normal," minimize it, etc.4. Put a break-point in...
18 Feb 2015 by Dav04
I have a long query to execute (usually it takes one minute) and, if it's possible, I would get the current state of this query, for example with a progress bar.Anyone knows how I can do?
11 Mar 2016 by zhshqzyc
I am using the stateless framework.But I do not fully understand the state concept.For example:phoneCall.Configure(State.Ringing) .Permit(Trigger.HungUp, State.OffHook) .Permit(Trigger.CallConnected, State.Connected);Does it mean the workflow is from...
11 Mar 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
Quote:Does it mean the workflow is from Ringing=>OffHook=>Connected unconditionally?No, not as I read it - it reads to me as if the state is ringing, you can go to OffHook OR Connected depending on the trigger/event
11 Mar 2016 by BillWoodruff
The "Stateless" project is an interesting one, but, I think the choice of the name is confusing: of course it maintains internal state; and, the "state machine" concept is all about "state" !The code you cite sets up a "rule" for a given "state:" "ringing."It defines two possible...
26 Aug 2016 by sunil kumar meena
I'm new to Knockout JS and working on small single page application. I found some good examples and observed that even after page is saved and reloaded the data other copntrols are untouched. Their data is not lost. Also I filled some details on Page1 and moved to Page2 and there I did some...
3 Jul 2020 by Member 12372023
i am using carbon design system with react i need control Ceheck state of TableSelectRow. how can i do bind selected row to the datatable { => ( ...
9 Dec 2020 by IAmJoshChang
In this article, we will talk about the top down (memoization) strategy to solve a popular DP problem: Climbing Stairs.
19 Mar 2021 by Malek Hammou
I am working on a form that is filled by the user and should update other input fields at the same time according to the entered data. For instance, If we have 3 input fields of number 1, number 2 and their sum. How can we update each one of them...
19 Mar 2021 by Member 4626636
Very good question. A practical one. But unfortunately, I've not seen a proper explanation while googling, so thought of trying to explain it myself. Updating at least one of the state variables will rerender the whole component, (there are...
7 Jul 2021 by codinglife2021
I am using react context to handle the state and also to avoid prop drilling. When the user clicks on the Login button, it triggers the functions passed from UserContext to update the new state e.g setLoggedIn(true), setToken(response.token) and...
20 Apr 2022 by Member 15341738
Hello, I am trying to implement a loading spinner into my React app, but I have a problem with changing its state. It is supposed to appear when the data to display is being downloaded through Axios and then disappear. But right now it's just...
20 Apr 2022 by the headless nick
Use try catch and add this.setState({loading: false}); in catch block; Also you may add loader at the begining of your componentDidMount instead of initializing it in constructor, I would prefer setting loader at function level so when api is...
17 Aug 2022 by Timmy Glenn
I'm trying to come up with a way to make it so that certain text only appears if you have a specific state. Similar to the effect of requiredState: (currentState) => currentState.StateHere However this only works on optionButtonsElement (from...
30 Jul 2014 by demoninside9
Hi all, I need to add a new cookie that randomly changes for each login attempt. I need to generate different session id before and after the successful authentication. Also every request after the successful authentication should be associated with an extra session identifier cookie...
1 Mar 2024 by Wessel Beulink
As someone who frequently employs Logic Apps – Azure’s fantastic low-code solution – I’ve come to appreciate its wide range of actions and connectors. One of the keys to this balance? Solid documentation!
10 Oct 2014 by Mathew Soji
A walkthrough on installing Redis server and implementing a custom ASP.NET State Management using Redis and ASP.NET MVC5.
10 Jul 2014 by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
This article explains how to manage ASP.NET Client and Server State, via View State, Hidden Fields, Cookies, Query Strings, Session State and Application State.
26 Jun 2015 by Joy George K
This article contains tips for designing classes. Normally developers take considerable amount of time to decide whether their classes should be stateless or stateful. First we are discussing what is meant by state of an object and then getting into tips for deciding what should be the state of our
14 Jan 2014 by Deepthi Viswanathan Nair
Form rendering issue due to misconfiguration of state service in SharePoint 2010
16 Jan 2022 by Gunnar S
Good reasons for using State Management in Front End Code
1 Mar 2022 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
An overview of multithreading in C#
26 Apr 2015 by Haftmann, Henrik
12 years too late but now it works: A replacement driver for giveio and dlportio for 64-bit Windows
7 May 2023 by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
This is a cheap 320×240 2.8″ TFT LCD module that uses the ILI9320 controller for the display and the XPT2046.
11 Nov 2016 by HoshiKata
An example state machine framework that uses Doxygen to auto-draw the actual code's behavior.
25 Sep 2014 by Sibeesh KV
I have a situation that i am unable to use which state management technique to use. Please help me. Here is my scenario.I am working in a client server(where i will get access everyday with new credentials). And the main problem is, there is no guarantee that i will get the same server...
27 Apr 2017 by Member 13156636
I want to find total expence by LOB. SELECT [dte] ,Year([dte]) as RP_Year ,[LOB] ,Sum([Cost]) as Sum_cost FROM xxx Where [RP_Year] = '2017' Group by [LOB] and get error Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 27 Invalid column name 'RP_Year' what to do? What I...
21 Aug 2014 by Member 10944116
Hi,Can anyone get me the solution for my question. How can it be implemented?Thanks in advance..
16 Oct 2022 by Dzhud07
Hi there. Working on an extension where DOM trees has to be created on the fly. For example, I have a list of icons, all in #grid2 and upon clicking an icon, the corresponding content is expected to display in #grid1 . But managing state across...