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Great Reads

by Chris875
State pattern and procedural solution illustrated
by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by rohit7209
How to change state of child from parent, state of parent from child and state of sibling from another sibling
by Jeremy Likness
Durable functions enable implicit and explicit state management for serverless workflows and accommodate a variety of patterns. A new addition, the HTTP task, helps manage interactions with HTTP endpoints including error handling and support for long polling.

Latest Articles

by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Spring Framework, the singleton bean scope is the default and most commonly used scope. Despite its widespread use, many developers wonder how a singleton bean can handle multiple parallel requests in a multi-threaded environment without running into concurrency issues.
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Java, a shutdown hook is a feature that allows you to perform cleanup operations before your application terminates. This can be particularly useful for releasing resources, saving state, or ensuring that certain tasks are completed properly before the program exits.
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
In Kubernetes, Pods are the smallest deployable units, consisting of one or more containers packaged together to run as a group.
by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++

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