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Great Reads

by Ivan Ičin
Custom WinForm ToolStrip that fixes some of the ToolTip related problems and adds few related features
by Kudredin
Making use of the User Defined Fields to help better organize emails, and keep track of informaiton
by Sannyok
Extension of standard pagingtoolbar
by Ing. Alberto Tognacca
You will learn all the steps for programming a Thumbnail Toolbar with buttons.

Latest Articles

by Sannyok
Extension of standard pagingtoolbar
by Ing. Alberto Tognacca
You will learn all the steps for programming a Thumbnail Toolbar with buttons.
by Kudredin
Making use of the User Defined Fields to help better organize emails, and keep track of informaiton
How to create cross-browser extensions with few lines in JavaScript

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1 May 2012 by Ivan Ičin
Custom WinForm ToolStrip that fixes some of the ToolTip related problems and adds few related features
27 Jul 2012 by Kudredin
Making use of the User Defined Fields to help better organize emails, and keep track of informaiton
26 Nov 2009 by Member 3717204
Finally found the answer. Listed here for anyone searching...The Theme needs to be turned off. To work with all versions of Windows here is the code:void UpdateBackground(HWND hWndToolbar) {HMODULE hTheme; hTheme = LoadLibrary("UXTheme.DLL"); if (hTheme) {  void(WINAPI *SetWindowTheme)(HWN
30 May 2010 by Henry Minute
Which version of C# and/or Visual Studio are you using.Are we talking WinForms or Web/ASP.NET?For WinForms from Version 2.0 onward the Toolbar has been replaced by the ToolStrip which most definitely has a RightToLeft property.
22 Feb 2011 by Henry Minute
There are several problems in your code but the error you are reporting is caused by the fact that you create a new button and then try to use it's Tag property which is null. (a new button doesn't have anything assigned to it's tag).void b_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ ...
25 Apr 2011 by Mwanzia_M
What your trying to make is very trivial but I believe you lack a proper understanding of c# and accessing / using databases. Please consider putting your project on hold and read/practise more on your coding skills. Why code now and redo your whole code in future (after you've become better)...
27 Apr 2011 by charles henington
27 Apr 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
Points 1 and 2.What you are trying to do here is a classic case of role management. Microsoft helpfully provide role management capabilities with .NET from version 2 on, and you can use these features in Windows Forms as well as ASP.NET applications. You need to search for the following...
4 Jun 2011 by Chris___808
Venkat and Anna,Thanks for the replies. The following code seems to work with one caveat mentioned below (I decided to stick with CMFCToolBar):void CMyToolBar::EnableButton (int iCmd, BOOL bStatus){ // iCmd is not the index, but the command ID - this way the // buttons can...
15 Aug 2011 by Coder Block
Hello All, I Have little application to drawn different different shapes on client area of window in mfc. Type of shape is selected from toolbar.A shape toolbar is dynamically created depends on the number of images present in "\drawShapes\Img\*" folder.That is if i...
16 Aug 2011 by enhzflep
Something like this perhaps?Toolbars with embedded Combo Boxes[^]
25 Oct 2011 by Sander Rossel
Everything you have so far looks correct. Here is the next step.In the Click EventHandler you should cast the sender, like so:Private Sub mi_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim mi As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem) ' You now have access...
28 Oct 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Normally, in the case of text editor, this is done on every state update of the text buffers, including creation a new one, closing, changing focused tab, etc., In other words — states of any documents. No it is not. :-)(I mean, you can do it in a more fine-grain manner, but you can...
28 Mar 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
I think, for steps/questions/issues about a 3rd party control (here Telerik), looking at their respective forums would be more helpful.For now, here: Telerik: Support Forum[^]If needed, look at these too:Telerik - Documentation[^] Telerik - Online Demos[^]
23 May 2013 by Marco Bertschi
The feature of hiding the adress bar was removed in later versions of IE.However, there is a workaround:You need to use JavaScript to hide the adress bar, since it is not possible to hide it with VB 6, ASP.Net...
30 Jul 2013 by sam7one
NEVERMIND....I got an answer...For those who might face this problem...We need to download Ajax tool kit and add it to visual studio. For further reference follow the below link.[Steps to download Ajax Toolkit]
29 Jul 2013 by sam7one
Hi All,I have to use ModalPopUpExtender control in a web application for implementing login control. I found some good articles on web for the same. But, when I reviewed Tool Box, I didn't find ModalPopUpExtender control on it.I am using Visual Studio 2010. Could anyone help me to...
19 Nov 2013 by The Manoj Kumar
Take a look at my article, Numbered Bookmarks - Visual Studio Extension VSX 2010[^]. It covers using Images for Menu items and some of that can be helpful.
7 Oct 2016 by Sannyok
Extension of standard pagingtoolbar
23 Nov 2009 by Member 3717204
I am trying to change the backgroup colour of a Toolbar. After creation I call: SetClassLong(hWndToolbar, GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, (LPARAM) CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xff,0,0)));In most cases this changes the background of the toolbar to red, BUT if the desktop theme is Vista Basic or Vista Aero it doe
20 Mar 2010 by ramveers
I am using Explorer_WindowStateChanged to identified tab change event in IE 7 or IE 8.My problem is, When i open any link in new tab (By right click on link and click on open in new tab), then somtimes Explorer_WindowStateChanged event does not fire and i am not able to detect that a new tab...
7 Apr 2010 by Brian Fay
I'm trying to write a console application in C# to manipulate another 3rd party Windows application our company uses (written in FoxPro). I'm not seeing all controls on a child page with spy++ or through C# code calling Windows API functions such as FindWindowByIndex() method. Are their some...
9 May 2010 by hjfyyy
Hello, everyone.Here is a weird question. I would like to create an additional toolbar besides the default standard toolbar created by App Wizard. And I got a userdefinedtb.bmp (created using Toolbar Paint). Here is the code:*** MainFrm.h ***CMFCToolBar m_wndToolBar,...
10 May 2010 by hjfyyy
Below are some additional information:userdefinedtb.bmp'size is 32 * 16, each image's size is 16 * 16, so there are 2 images in userdefinedtb.bmp. And in the Resource View, IDR_TOOLBAR1 has 2 buttons whose size are also 16 * 16. And the button's content is drawn casually. No one is familiar...
1 Jun 2010 by Guilty85
i'm talkin winForm here and i kinda need ToolBar in particular which you add it manully to the ToolBox ,, and unfortunately it doesnt has a right to left property .. and i'm using visual Studio Dotnet 2008thanx for your answer anyway
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Hi folks,I need to develop a BHO, which should be executed by clicking a button in a IE toolbar. I'd like to do this in C#, because I have some experience in Java and the two languages are similar. I read through some threads, which talk about this topic but none of them could make it...
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Hi,I am currently developing a BHO in C# which should be trigger only when the user clicks a button in IE. So far, I created a new button in the normal IE toolbar by a new registry entry. My question is now, how can I trigger the BHO (for testing the same as in the article: "How to attach to...
16 Aug 2010 by usermj87
Thanks, Roger for your reply. But my actual problem is to create a toolbar and after that to connect it to the BHO. I've already implemented the BHO regarding the article you told me and I know the msdn site, too.
16 Aug 2010 by Roger Wright
There's a good article about creating BHOs in C# here[^] at CodeProject, and several more are easily accessible via Google. Microsoft offers step-by-step instructions for adding a button to the IE Toolbar here[^]. It should be an interesting project; have fun! :-D
9 Nov 2010 by AbbasKapasi
Hi,We have created a SSRS report over the analysis services database.This report is added to a web part in sharepoint 2010. When we sets the toolbar to be visible, sorting works fine but when it is made invisible, the request is not going to the report server and it shows report server...
19 Nov 2010 by rameshgohil
How to use css in 2005 wit windows applications ?i am using 2005 for windows application with access 2007 as to add css file in windows applicaiton
19 Nov 2010 by Abhinav S
CSS is basically used for web pages and not for windows forms.You may use a browser control within windows form application and that could use CSS. However, CSS cannot be used with windows forms directly.
22 Feb 2011 by Hej då
I'm trying to make a toolbar that holds favorite buttons. The buttons hold the browser.Url.ToString(); and the browser.DocumentTitle.ToString();I have this code:private void button1_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser browser =...
25 Feb 2011 by symreds
Hi everyone,my application has two CMFCToolBars: the one above filled with icons, the other filled with a bmp. Changing Windows style (for example from Basic to Classic) the toolbar filled with the bitmap has empty buttons. I tried to create two toolbars filled by icons but I couldn't. My OS...
25 Feb 2011 by Piccadilly Yum Yum
In the property of bitmap in the develop environmet set the right alignement of bitmap (dont remember wich) :)
25 Feb 2011 by symreds
..... nobody else? ..... :confused:
28 Feb 2011 by Olivier Levrey
Check this message WM_THEMECHANGED.
25 Apr 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Why are you reposting[^] the same thing again and again. Keep patience and wait for someone to look at. Posting again and again is rude.
25 Apr 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Why are you reposting[^] the same thing again and again. Keep patience and wait for someone to look at. Posting again and again is rude.Avoid it!!!
9 May 2011 by strogg
The last parameter should be a pointer to a TBBUTTON structure.And the message you send retrieves the toolbar button's details through that structure.EgTBBUTTON tbBtn = new TBBUTTON();SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETBUTTON, i, tbBtn);The TBBUTTON structure holds some info like it's...
9 May 2011 by mat29100
Ok, thanks you. I'll try with your solution.But i have an other question. What is the diference between the types 'TBBUTTON' and 'ToolBarButton' ?
22 Jun 2011 by Member 7974265
I have made a Win32 Forms Application but am unable to see the items in the dialog editor block of the toolbox.I want to use the IPAddress Control tool which is available in the dialog editor. Does it require loading some extra dll files?I am using Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition in...
25 Oct 2011 by saint1997
I am creating ToolStripMenuItems using a For counter. It reads from a database and populates the list. I have already got the following code to work:Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To apps.Tables("APPS").Rows.Count - 1 Dim mi As New ToolStripMenuItem ...
28 Oct 2011 by PauloSherring
Hi all.I am designing a software that uses a simple text editor, based on scintilla.The software has a tool bar, where the buttons' state are defined by external scintilla's flags. I've achieved this inside the WinMain's message loop, calling the handler function that checks the flags and...
7 Nov 2011 by jbyang012
if (!m_wndFEToolBar.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_TOP | CBRS_GRIPPER | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC, CRect(1, 1, 1, 1), IDR_TOOLBAR1,IDB_FE_TB_BITMAP) || !m_wndFEToolBar.LoadToolBar(IDR_TOOLBAR1)){ TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return...
17 Nov 2011 by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
By default, MFC toolbar are docked on top row left align. Could anyone please tell me how to dock the MFC toolbar on top row with right align (meaning that all toolbar buttons are align to right on the top row)?
18 Nov 2011 by Niklas L
When you create the toolbar use CToolBar::CreateEx[^] and supply a rectangle as the fourth parameter. With a little calculating using the size of your frame window, you will get it right.
16 Jan 2012 by OriginalGriff
Do you mean to ask questions about this article? ToDoList 6.3.9 - An effective and flexible way to keep on top of your tasks[^]I am guessing you are because of your second question about reminders.If so, then don't post this under Questions & Answers - if you got the code from an article,...
14 Mar 2012 by npdev13
Hi,I'm created toolbar using BHO and in C#. I put Toolstrip control and on that put different control.But what is my problem, I want to put HTML control also in that but Toolstrip not provide this.So can anybody guide me how to put HTML control on Toolbar.Thanks,
7 Apr 2012 by Srikanth. Vemulapalli
I think, you need to use SHDocVw.ShellWindows.WindowRegistered event to get notification when a new tab or IE instance is opened.
12 Apr 2012 by ZurdoDev
What is a toolbar exe for your site? Please write code to do it and then ask if you have a specific question.
29 Apr 2012 by Vladimir Silchanka
Hi everyone,What I need for my current project is to have a resizable toolbar in a QT application. I.e. the toolbar has to be resizable when in undocked more. But I don't see any way to add a usual 'resize' support to a toolbar widget (i.e. like any normal window that you can resize by...
22 May 2012 by Member 4584900
How can I create the horizontal toolbar for internet explorer. I have followed the following documents to create the toolbar... Pretty IE Toolbar in C#This code is working fine with the explorer bar only. if i am trying to use the same for the vertical explorer bar then it is not...
29 May 2012 by druscelli
Hello,I know how to add a toolbar separator on design, what if I need to add a toolbar separator on the fly at runtime?
29 May 2012 by LaxmikantYadav
Look For CToolBarCtrl::Customize()
26 Dec 2012 by Schehaider_Aymen
I found the answer, so this is how I proceeded ://header fileprivate: CImageList m_imagelist; CToolBar m_toolbar;&// source fileenum { width = 20, height = 20 }; // width and height of one button imagem_toolbar.Create(this);// create the image...
5 Feb 2013 by Roy Shoa
Hi,When i use "CKEDITOR.inline(myId)" its applying the editor instance to the object but its not apply the toolbar to it if i do not focus the object.In my case, I do not like to focus the object on start-up because its scroll the page to the start/end (IE browser focus to the end of the...
20 May 2013 by Kyudos
I'd like to be able to toggle the "Exclude from build" option for a file, without having to go through Right-Click|Properties.Is there any way to assign this to a button?
20 May 2013 by Ron Beyer
I think he's saying setting the Build Action to "None". I don't know that there is a way to do this without creating a VSIP. The only real way to do it is to edit the .csproj or .vbproj file and set the to none. You may want to look through the MSBuild documentation but I'm guessing that...
28 Oct 2013 by codingStar
hi alldoes anyone know how to resize the toolbar for the smart device project in vs2008. Since the icons used in the toolbar is 16*16, quite small. i would like to add some bigger image to the tool bar control. is this possible or not.thanks in advancestar
23 Jan 2014 by DFaeuster
Hi all,I try to create my own ActiveX Control that is shown as a toolbar. For that I used the VS2010 Wizard to create a MFC ActiveX Control.After the automatic generation of some classes I add the memberCToolBar m_toolbar and the message handler for the "WM_CREATE" message which...
23 Jan 2014 by KarstenK
your MFX app resources should be a bitmap and a toolbar resource, with your used ID auf 1278.Overview:[^]Toolbar Editor:[^]
28 Jan 2014 by DFaeuster
So, after playing around with new and clean projects I found the problem.As described, the creation of my toolbar was always successful but I never was able to see something. The cause of this was that my toolbar was drawn where I could not see it.You have to add the following bold marked...
24 Feb 2014 by DFaeuster
Hi,in my MFC application I do have a toolbar with some dropdown buttons. These buttons are created with SetExtendedStyle(TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS)So they have 2 parts the user can press:1. Main button part2. Arrow button partIn different situations I want to disable some of these...
24 Feb 2014 by karthik Udhayakumar
Hope this helps,[^]All the Best:)
29 Apr 2014 by nirmeets
I am trying to develop a toolbar such as google toolbar, yahoo mail toolbar, etc for a website. The user can use the toolbar to search on website.
1 Sep 2014 by delhiegle
Hello,I wan to create a Browser Toolbar/ Extension / Plugin for Chrome/ Firefox/ Explorer. I want to place a toolbar on the default browser of the user. Basically when the user install my software(written in C#/ i want a toolbar to get installed on the browser. This browser will...
1 Sep 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Quote:I hope its feasible.No it is not.Every browser has a different approach to how extensions should be (even Chrome supports FF style extensions...).The most you can do is to merge all the different extensions into a single installer, that way your toolbar will be in all supported...
19 Oct 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Google is you friend...[^]
6 Nov 2014 by jj0820
Hi! I just want to ask if how can I retrieve the dwData or the application defined value in a toolbar button clicking of that button, I read about using TB_SETBUTTONINFO and TB_GETBUTTONINFO, but I do not know where will I place those messages. The toolbar buttons that I have, has custom button...
27 Jan 2015 by Member 11125624
I' m new with MFC. I needed to create a floating toolbar (CToolBar) with no option of docking and save and restore its last pos.The toolbar also should be active all the time, but its NOT. When I'm openning a new child window (dialog for instance) from the mainframe, the floating tool bar...
2 Aug 2015 by Member 11402033
I am working on following code, but "import;" is not functioning ,the ",Toolbar" gets red colored as if it is an errorI want to get it donekindly get me through itimport android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import...
9 Sep 2015 by nakhodasokoot
helloi have an app with navigation drawer and toolbar and some menu items in toolbar.and the problem is that when we draging navigation and opening it the menu item toolbar reseting too default value. for example we have an item we icon1 as default, after running app we change the icon to...
26 Jan 2016 by Jerofad
Hello I have a layout for my ListView and it overlaps with my toolbar when I run the program. Please find below my codes. XML for my LIstView.
23 Mar 2016 by Member 12393859
I make a TrackBar in User control with two Thumbs . But if I drag in horizontal this component in form.Design , mess all , the thumbs go to rigth , the trackbar go to down, i need a command that keep this trackbar static.What I have tried:I tried put in properties the value false or true...
23 Mar 2016 by OriginalGriff
First off, don't use the word "static" to do with anything C# related - it has a very specific meaning which is nothing to do with your problem! :laugh:The problem is probably to do with the size of the user control, and how you have the Anchor and Dock properties set for the controls that...
18 Dec 2016 by sergiohlb
I have a navigation drawer with full width on screen and below the toolbar. It opens from right to left. I am not using fragments.In the activity calling it I need to have only the button toggle on the aligned ate end that opens it. It is OK.My problem is: when it is opened, I need to...
6 Jun 2017 by Blaato
Hi everyone, please, I know that there is a way how to set my applicatication desktop toolbar to autohide, but unfortunatelly I dont know how to use it properly. Can you someone give me an example please? I'm programming appBar in C# WinForm. Thank you very much What I have tried: There is a...
6 Jun 2017 by OriginalGriff
Try Form.ShowInTaskbar Property (System.Windows.Forms)[^] myForm.ShowInTaskbar = false;
29 Aug 2017 by Member 8833981
Hi, I have an issue with a toolbar tooltip with the UI in right to left mode. My toolbar shows correctly. The order of the icon are reversed, but the icons themselves aren't mirrored. However, when I pass the mouse over the icons, the tooltip shows incorrect. The image in the tooltip is...
13 Sep 2017 by Kyudos
It's a long time since I've done this in MFC... I made a custom toolbar class for a tool dialog, to which I've added some slider controls for various parameters. Now, in the dialog I want to know when the slider values are altered. How do I get at the CSlider events? (The CSlider is a child of...
13 Sep 2017 by Kyudos
So, the slider controls call OnHScroll in the toolbar - I simply have to repackage that message and send it on to the parent (the dialog) using SendMessage - easy! ;)
7 Jan 2018 by Bracefor
I am struggling how I could replicate the drop-down ToolbarItem from Xamarin.Forms when a ToolbarItem's order is set to Secondary for IOS, in order for it to look like it does for Android. What I have tried: How it works in Android: Code: ToolbarItem toolbarItem = new ToolbarItem() { Text =...
30 Sep 2015 by Ing. Alberto Tognacca
You will learn all the steps for programming a Thumbnail Toolbar with buttons.
8 Jun 2012 by
How to create cross-browser extensions with few lines in JavaScript
1 Jun 2011 by వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)
Check this with TBBS_DISABLED style,CMFCToolBar::SetButtonStyle.But this will use zero based button index.
26 Sep 2010 by Reinhard Ostermeier
This article describes how menus and toolbars in WPF can be automatically merged.
30 Mar 2013 by BeMy Friend
I'm interested in building an IE-8 and later toolbar and I could use some assistance in locating some information on how to do such a thing.I have a very mundane task of having to open a webpage and then manually clicking 50 different links with static identifiers -- only to open another...
25 Apr 2011 by sportsonpc
HiI'm creating a web browser for children using windows form application in visual studio 2010 in c#.I am trying to create a parental area where parents can control some featurs for the kids, i am having trouble getting these features to work.1. I need to make a button in the...
18 Sep 2010 by Tajwer Jalal
Data Entry Form made Easy, Enabled / Disabled controls on Data Entry Form
1 Jun 2011 by Chris___808
I would like to be able to "customize" my toolbar depending on what type of child frame becomes active in my MDI application. I have been using CMFCToolbar because they look nice and Visual Studio steers you in that direction.I could not determine how to do it automatically (like the menus...
24 Dec 2012 by Schehaider_Aymen
Hi all, I wanna make a large toolbar with support of icons with more colors depth than default in Visual Studio. I am using Visual Studio 2005. So people, hwo can I create a toolbar with support of 256 colors (for instance). NB: my toolbar is on a CDialog Window. I used the Code...
6 Nov 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
As with most Windows issues this just requires you to send a message to the component in question. So you send the TB_GETBUTTONINFO message to the toolbar, as described in the documentation for this message[^].
20 Nov 2013 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Hi,I wrote a extension for VS2010 some time ago. After learning that it may have still use, published it, even I'm not fully satisfied with it's look.I'm talking about a toolbar that has button for every web browser installed on your machine. You can push the button and next time your...
21 Aug 2011 by Armando de la Torre
How to activate a toolstrip button via a shortcut key
9 May 2011 by mat29100
Hello, I am here today to see you about a problem that I can't solve since many days...I created a toolbar integrated into the Windows taskbar (like windows media player).You will find an example here: The problem is that the toolbar should be able to communicate with...
30 May 2010 by Guilty85
i need to Right align A ToolBar Control i cant see any Right to left Property and even though my Form is right To left aligned but the ToolBar still not any help would be highly appreciated
28 May 2014 by sandra_tay
Hi,How can I get all the button from toolbar and press the button?I had using TB_BUTTONCOUNT to count got how many button inside my toolbar. The result return to me is correct.string sNotifyIconClass = "NotifyIconOverflowWindow";hwndNotify = FindWindow(sNotifyIconClass,...
30 May 2014 by Ahmed Bensaid[^][^]
12 May 2013 by iDebD
CMDIFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMainFrame;if (!pFrame) return FALSE;m_pMainWnd = pFrame;// create main MDI frame windowif (!pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) return FALSE;I have created MDI application which has one toolbar (With 5 buttons, coming through a Toolbar.bmp...