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by Chris Solutions
The implementation of a no-framework client application using high-level developer governance.
by Changming Wang
A complete event calendar, using trucking/shipping as an example, built with Visual Studio Community 2015, C# MVC and jQuery.Fullcalendar
by lakhdarr
Control and directives for address form auto completion using Google map V3 and JQuery/AngularJS
by Chris Solutions
With evidence in hand, no-framework is the perfect alternative to frameworks.

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by MattZand
Learn how to leverage the power of HTML5 audio and video tags
by madeas
A cross-browser collection of CSS box-shadow + Generator the file box-shadows.min.css + Box-shadow CSS Generator
by Changming Wang
A complete event calendar, using trucking/shipping as an example, built with Visual Studio Community 2015, C# MVC and jQuery.Fullcalendar
by V. Subhash
A simple Java class to enumerate fonts in your systems and create a text samples document

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18 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
The implementation of a no-framework client application using high-level developer governance.
10 Feb 2018 by Changming Wang
A complete event calendar, using trucking/shipping as an example, built with Visual Studio Community 2015, C# MVC and jQuery.Fullcalendar
1 Jul 2012 by OriginalGriff
The best way is: never concatenate strings to form SQL queries. If you always use parametrised queries, then you leave nothing open to SQL Injection attack, and you don't have to change any characters.Having said that, the way you are doing things is very inefficient:1) Use a StringBuilder...
24 Jan 2016 by lakhdarr
Control and directives for address form auto completion using Google map V3 and JQuery/AngularJS
16 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
With evidence in hand, no-framework is the perfect alternative to frameworks.
16 Jun 2012 by db7uk
This really (and I mean really!) depends on the actual requirements from the client. I am very bias towards Microsoft but can sometimes be very pricey for newcomers.Here are my thoughts.1) Which language. Microsoft have invested subsequent amounts of money in their ASP.NET platform....
11 Jul 2012 by R. Giskard Reventlov
Is this[^] what you mean?You might also need to read[^] this.
19 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's hard to find the functionality you describe on I think what you are trying to get is the tooltip. Here is one of the possible implementations (jQuery):[^].If you need to learn jQuery (highly recommended), please...
27 Jun 2013 by Yassin Souabni
How to conserve ratio and serve optimal fluid images in responsive design
7 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This problem has nothing to do with HTML5 or 4 (or any HTML version, as soon as it can use CSS). I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with embedding CSS style in the page and it won't confuse anything, whatsoever.As to the performance, it will be somewhat improved compared to the case...
17 Oct 2015 by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
3 Oct 2011 by killabyte
i would check the file you are modifying (site.css) is infacted the file being linked into the _Layout.cshtml (or whatever other root template youre using) ""also load the page in FireFox use...
1 Jul 2012 by Pankaj Nikam
In one line, to avoid SQL Injectioning use SqlParameter in queries. For a demo, you can check out the following video[^] it also has a sample source to download which you can have a look at.
1 Jul 2012 by DamithSL
Prevent SQL Injection use always SqlParameter instead of string validations like above.check below QnA related to above, all answers suggesting to use sqlparameters...
11 Jul 2012 by Manas Bhardwaj
There is nothing as free lunch my friend. ;)If it is for learning purpose, you can use the new/cool Windows Azure. They are offering 90 days free trial.[^]Else if it is real/business application, I would rather buy a hosting account...
11 Jul 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's not called "free uploading", this is "free Web hosting". Such things do exist. Mostly they are commercial services, but with free plan, mostly intended to attract try-before-you by users. Actually, any reasonable user is like that, all other are… I don't know who, probably just...