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Windows Phone


Great Reads

by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity
by Paulo Zemek
Small tip on how to use WriteableBitmap for Universal Apps in C#
by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to consume Webservice in Windows Universal App
by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.

Latest Articles

by Dirk Bahle
A quick guide to managing 100000'ish records efficiently with SQLite and C#/.Net.
by Piyush Manharlal
Numbers only textbox for Universal Windows App with options to allow negative numbers and set custom numeric pattern.
by Paulo Zemek
Small tip on how to use WriteableBitmap for Universal Apps in C#
by Keerat Singh
Customize the Microsoft Band Theme using the Band SDK and a UWP application

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Windows Phone 

4 Feb 2016 by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity
10 Nov 2016 by Paulo Zemek
Small tip on how to use WriteableBitmap for Universal Apps in C#
24 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to consume Webservice in Windows Universal App
20 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
22 Jul 2011 by Tomer Shamam
The Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Beta 2 formerly known as the Windows Phone Developer Tools has been released few hours ago, but more important, Microsoft pleased to announce the immediate availability of Windows Phone OS 7.1 codenamed Mango for registered Windows Phone developers.So if you have a Windows
21 Jan 2016 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 1)
11 Sep 2016 by Keerat Singh
Customize the Microsoft Band Theme using the Band SDK and a UWP application
27 Jan 2015 by Abhinav S
Use what you are more comfortable with.Textblock with StackPanel or List View both will do your job.
19 Apr 2015 by Member 11025096
I am trying this code from the given link[^] but I am not able to add third pivot.Need help?also when i add a new pivot page the default code isbut given code in link is thisMy page displays this code on adding...
29 Apr 2015 by sunay2c
i wants to convert image object to byte array or stream....please help me out...thanks
4 May 2015 by OriginalGriff
The problem is that when the form is minimised, it doesn't have the focus - so it doesn;t get any keyboard activity.If you want to catch keystrokes when minimized - and I'd advise against it, it annoys users if the keys are used by other apps like F3, F4, and F5 often are - then you have to...
18 May 2015 by vudesw
Myself new member to code project.I am trying to open a command prompt to access folders of a USB connected windows phone. I have tried several commands like the following but nothing is working.wmic logicaldisk get nameGET-WMIOBJECT win32_diskdrive | Where { $_.InterfaceType -eq 'USB'...
29 Jun 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
I have multiple latitude and Longitude I need each and every one location name.` foreach (var item in Item[0].user) { AutoResetEvent done = new AutoResetEvent(true); Uri uri = (new...
13 Jul 2015 by Hari-CodeBlogger
It would be great if some could guide me to obtain the navigation bar just like twitter app in windows phones.[^]I used following wayStackpanel with background as Gray and...
17 Jul 2015 by Member 11083505
I'm trying to implement I have already posted my question there, could you please help me to get a result? The problem is that inprivate void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ (new TestService()).StartService( resp => ...
22 Aug 2015 by 09hadi
Hello everyone, I would appreciate all sorts of help in this matter. I have to incorporate an audio stream into a windows phone application and I am failing to do so. Can you please help me out? Uptill now I have this:try { Uri src = new...
21 Sep 2015 by
I really want to record live audio that is currently streaming in the background audio player of the windows phone to an .mp3 file, simply the aim of the App is to record audio from internet radio stations. what i have done so far is thisprivate void Button_Click(object sender,...
6 Oct 2015 by 09hadi
Hello everyone, I would like to ask for guidance regarding augmented reality on windows phones. I have to develop an augmented reality navigation app on Windows Phone. I got to know about GART on WP8 but then again WP8 phones aren't being unlocked anymore. I need to go with a toolkit that goes...
16 Oct 2015 by David Rousset
In this article, I’ll show you how to test your WebGL experiences on these very fast Android emulators.
2 Nov 2015 by Dimple Kumar Sharma
I want to send real time notifications to the clients which includes ios, android, window phone & web application (chorme,edge,firefox,safari). Does Azure provide any single service that can push the notification to all of these platforms ? I looked into the Azure Notification hub service but it...
4 Nov 2015 by maq_rohit
As per my knowledge push notification only works for mobile notification however I have some other solution for push notification that could work both for mobile and Web. You can use SignalR for this purpose. I used it in past. (i am assuming your app is hybrid web app for mobile and web).
14 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I create a file named "Products.txt" on sdCard. When I open it first time its name is "Products[1].txt", second time the name is "Products[2].txt", third time again "Product[1].txt" and so on. I don't understand why because I don't have another file with the same name. My big problem is that I...
17 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
There is something seriously wrong, somewhere in your code. But the only way to find the root cause is to step through the code with your debugger and check exactly what is happening.
18 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I found the place for InnerException and I found out that problem was elsewhere.
29 Sep 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I have a TextBlock and a ContextMenu. When I hold TextBlock I open the ContextMenu. The context menu is opening because the UI behaves properly, but I can't see the ContextMenu on screen.This is my code:ContextMenu cm;TextBlock tb;private void BuildTB(){ cm = new ContextMenu(); ...
5 Nov 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I have a LongListSelector and its DataTemplate is like this: a Grid that has in left a TextBlock and in right a Button. When I press a button I want to get the text inside the TextBlock that is near the button.My idea is to get the row index of that button and with that index to access the...
10 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
We cannot fix this for you: we do not have access to your code, and you need this to fix it. LNK2001 and LNK1120 are both concerned with undefined symbols: your code is referring to a symbol which can't be found in the object files or libraries...
10 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
Without seeing your code, it's impossible to answer other than to say that you're using a symbol that's still undefined after all your code is linked. Linker tools error LNK1120 | Microsoft Docs[^] Linker Tools Error LNK2001 | Microsoft Docs[^]
20 Mar 2022 by Iris Koren
Here's my code: DataOutputStream dos; File _file= new File("description.rtf"); byte[] bytes1 = ("\\'20").getBytes(); try { dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_file)); ...
20 Mar 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
See What is the RTF syntax for a hyperlink? - Stack Overflow[^]
12 Mar 2015 by TarikHuber
SQL Table Toolkit is a Class Library offering a quite large amount of tools for fast and easy work with SQL Tables
3 Nov 2015 by Dirk_Strauss
This review will dig a little deeper under the hood and show what Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 can do for your development team.
4 Aug 2015 by syed shanu
Simple Name Puzzle game for WinMobile
25 Jun 2018 by Dirk Bahle
A quick guide to managing 100000'ish records efficiently with SQLite and C#/.Net.
22 Feb 2015 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to create Schedule Task in Universal Windows apps?
17 Dec 2014 by Simon Jackson
All Hail the Old and the New – The MonoGame Content Builder Tool
23 Mar 2015 by TarikHuber
Easy and fast integration of a TreeView menu using STT, with permission management and form opening in a tabcontrol.
24 Feb 2014 by Bogdan Bujdea
Windows Phone TDD Part 4: The proper way to do MVVM
24 Feb 2016 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 2)
10 Feb 2016 by Kouji Matsui
This library is simple and is a substitution of System.String.Format.
21 Nov 2016 by Piyush Manharlal
Numbers only textbox for Universal Windows App with options to allow negative numbers and set custom numeric pattern.
27 Jan 2015 by Aditya_Goud
hi everyone, I m developing a chat app for windows phone , for the conversation view in chat app .. do i need to use a Textblock in Stackpanel or else a list view .. or do i need to know any new way .. i am new here. plz let me know
21 Jan 2021 by Member 11444399
I created one windows form keypress application.And I am using F3,F4,F5 keypress for some operation. But keypress is not working while form is minimised. It should work when form is minimised.How to fix this problem in C#.protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys...
4 Jul 2015 by Ashraf Sada
See this answer on stackoverflow, it should give you some guide-lines.
10 Mar 2022 by Vishalport
I have been try many time to resolve this Error. but still I am not able to solve this problem. there is not problem form Linker. the problem come form Linker. I am not able to resolve the Error. Thank...
8 May 2015 by Member 11635870
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int snooze; string audioSrc; int year = datepicker.Date.Year; int month = datepicker.Date.Month; int day =...
4 Jul 2015 by Hari-CodeBlogger
If someone could guide on the following1. I need to pick the User's Mobile Number and display in textbox when my app starts.2. How can I POST a JSON data to Web API. Json Object: { "UserName": "Name", "MobileNumber": "Number" } Request Type :...
25 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
I have bulk amount of data. How to get data from JSON and XML using Restsharp or HTTPWebRequest.
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
var client = new RestClient("your url"); var request = new RestRequest("request url ", Method.POST); request.AddParameter("email", txtEmail.Text.ToString()); request.AddParameter("password", txtPassword.Password.ToString()); ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
string authKey = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["authKey"] as string; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("web service url"); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
XML Document Execution using Restsharp.var client = new RestClient("Web service url/"); string url = string.Format("MobileApp/api/JobSeeker/Interview/SessionID/{0}/lng/{1}", sessionID,language); var request = new RestRequest(url, Method.GET); ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
HttpWebRequest listRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("web service url"); listRequest.Method = "GET"; listRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml"; listRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry"; ...
7 Oct 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
2 Mar 2016 by Member 11478439
Please Help me to build my final year project.i am making my windows store app(C#) that name is "Account manager" their major two component 1.Income 2.ExpenseMy income table having this fieldField Name Data Type...
18 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
19 May 2017 by abdou_31
Problem Solved , I reset my PDA and after that all works fine