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1. Difference between Random, SecureRandom and ThreadLocalRandom
Examining the differences between java.util.Random,, and java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom to generate random numbers
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
Security » »
Divya Ulasala Updated: 12 Feb 2023
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
2. How to Convert an Instant to LocalDateTime or LocalDate or LocalTime in Java
Convert Instant to LocalDateTime/LocalDate/LocalTime
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
Divya Ulasala Updated: 8 Feb 2023
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
3. How to Check out a Remote GIT Branch, Which Doesn't Exist on Your Local Clone?
Check out remote Git branch that does not exist on local clone
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
DevOps » Git »
Divya Ulasala Updated: 2 Feb 2023
Rating: ( (No votes))
4. Software Development Principle - Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
DRY principle in software development
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
Divya Ulasala Updated: 19 Jan 2023
Rating: 2.20/5 ( (2 votes))
5. Java HashMap computeIfAbsent() - How to Use?
HashMap computeIfAbsent() in Java 8
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
Divya Ulasala Updated: 16 Jan 2023
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
6. How to Set a Different Username and Email for Each Repository in Git?
This blog entry explains how to set up a different username and email id for a personal project.
(The Code Project Open License (CPOL))
DevOps » Git »
Divya Ulasala Updated: 2 Oct 2022
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))