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Technical Blogs

1. Building a Table of Contents in JavaScript
Building a table of contents in JavaScript
Programming Languages » Javascript »
Qwertie Updated: 13 Jan 2016
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
2. .NET Just Keeps Getting More Annoying
.NET just keeps getting more annoying
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Qwertie Updated: 12 Sep 2014
Rating: 4.62/5 ( (9 votes))
3. Open Letter to Whom It May Concern
This is a letter that I would like to send to relevant leaders at Google and Mozilla, but I'm not sure to whom I should send it.
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Qwertie Updated: 22 Apr 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
4. Grammars: theory vs. practice
I decided to write this post to help people understand the theoretical representation of grammars.
» »
Qwertie Updated: 23 Nov 2013
Rating: 4.83/5 ( (3 votes))
5. D-style ranges in C# (.NET)
Ranges are the most important concept in the design of modern D collection code, and I want them to be included under the Loyc umbrella (but for now, don't worry what Loyc is.) As I wrote in an as-yet unpublished article on about the design of my new language, Enhanced C#:
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Qwertie Updated: 9 Jun 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
6. I Want A Conditional Dot Operator
I want a conditional dot operator
Qwertie Updated: 27 Jul 2011
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
7. Update Controls
UpdateControls not only keeps your GUI up-to-date, but it also separates the GUI from the rest of the code better than any framework I have seen before.
Desktop Programming » Windows Forms »
Qwertie Updated: 9 Apr 2011
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (2 votes))
8. DI and Pervasive services
Dependency Injection aids loose coupling. But there are some services that are pervasive, services that you would have to pass to a hundred different constructors if you want to use DI "properly". Is there an alternative?
Qwertie Updated: 12 Aug 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
9. New features the .NET framework should have
I recently wrote a class called CPTrie that stores a sorted collection of strings or integers in less space than a Dictionary or SortedDictionary. It took a long time to develop this data structure in .NET while minimizing memory and CPU usage. I am fairly convinced that without some of .NET's restr
Qwertie Updated: 25 May 2010
Rating: 4.00/5 ( (4 votes))