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1. Java Thread Pool: How to Efficiently Manage Threads
Thread pools in Java provide a mechanism to manage and reuse a set of threads for executing tasks, thereby improving the performance and resource management of multi-threaded applications.
General Programming » Performance »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 22 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
2. 5 Easy Tricks to Concatenate Strings in Java
String concatenation is a fundamental operation in Java programming. Whether you’re building complex logic, formatting output, or generating dynamic content, knowing the best methods to concatenate strings efficiently can make a significant difference in performance and readability.
General Programming » Performance »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 21 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
3. What is the difference between PaaS and SaaS
In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, understanding the difference between PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) is crucial for making informed decisions about cloud computing solutions.
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Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 20 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
4. What Is a Lambda Function in Java and Example.
Lambda functions are a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 that revolutionize how you write and manage code. They allow for more concise and readable code, especially when dealing with functional interfaces.
Programming Languages » Basic »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 19 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
5. Factory or Simple Factory Design Pattern
General Programming » Algorithms »
Divya Ulasala Updated: 18 Sep 2024
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6. Why Singleton Bean Scope Can Handle Multiple Parallel Requests And Key Considerations
In Spring Framework, the singleton bean scope is the default and most commonly used scope. Despite its widespread use, many developers wonder how a singleton bean can handle multiple parallel requests in a multi-threaded environment without running into concurrency issues.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 18 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
7. Difference Between @RequestParam and @PathVariable Annotations in Spring
In Spring, handling request parameters is a fundamental task that developers often encounter. Two commonly used annotations to achieve this are @RequestParam and @PathVariable. Though they may seem similar, they serve different purposes.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 17 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
8. What is the Difference Between @Controller and @RestController in Spring MVC?
When developing web applications with Spring MVC, understanding the differences between @Controller and @RestController is crucial. This article will guide you through these two annotations, showcasing their distinctions, use cases, and examples to solidify your understanding.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 16 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
9. What is DispatcherServlet, its importance and how to implement it?
In this article, we'll explore the core component of the Spring MVC framework: DispatcherServlet. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of what DispatcherServlet is, how it works, and how to configure it in your Spring applications.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 15 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
10. How to Handle Cyclic Dependency Between Beans in Spring?
Cyclic dependencies can be a challenging issue in Spring applications, especially when working with dependency injection. This article will guide you through understanding, identifying, and resolving cyclic dependencies between beans in Spring.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 14 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
11. .NET Maui, Android Emulator, Fiddler – watch only emulator traffic
.NET MAUI, REST APIs, Android and Fiddler: Insights on the use of Fiddler How to configure development environment to use fiddler to monitor only the traffic from your android emulator and use fiddler to develop a deeper understanding of the API’s you are using.
Mobile Apps » Android »
bradyguy Updated: 13 Sep 2024
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12. What and How to Configure Spring Profiles?
Configuring Spring Profiles is a crucial aspect of managing multiple environments, such as development, testing, and production, in a Spring Boot application. In this article, we'll explore what Spring Profiles are, how they work, and how you can configure them effectively.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 13 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
13. What is @Configuration Annotation in Spring?
The @Configuration annotation is a powerful feature in Spring Framework that plays a crucial role in defining and managing the beans in a Spring application context. In this article, we'll explore what @Configuration does, how it works, and why it’s essential for your Spring-based applications.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 12 Sep 2024
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14. What is the Spring Bean Lifecycle?
In Spring Framework, managing beans effectively is crucial for building robust and maintainable applications. The Spring Bean Lifecycle is a key concept that helps developers understand how beans are created, initialized, and destroyed within a Spring container.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 11 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
15. 4 Ways to Prevent XSS Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities in web applications. It occurs when an attacker injects malicious scripts into content that users can view on a web page. These scripts can steal data, hijack user sessions, or perform other harmful actions.
Security » »
Updated: 10 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
16. How Component Scanning Works in Spring Framework?
Component scanning is a core feature of the Spring Framework that simplifies the management of beans and their lifecycle. Understanding how @ComponentScan works can significantly enhance your ability to manage Spring applications effectively.
Web Development » Spring »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 10 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
17. What Is a Shutdown Hook in Java and How Can You Use It Effectively?
In Java, a shutdown hook is a feature that allows you to perform cleanup operations before your application terminates. This can be particularly useful for releasing resources, saving state, or ensuring that certain tasks are completed properly before the program exits.
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 9 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
18. What is Inversion of Control?
Inversion of Control (IoC) is a fundamental principle in software design that aims to decouple components and manage their dependencies more effectively.
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Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 9 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))
19. Reasons to Use Database Partitioning: What Is It and Why It Matters?
Database partitioning is a technique used to divide a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces while still being treated as a single entity. This method can drastically improve performance, maintainability, and scalability of a database, especially as the amount of data grows.
Desktop Programming » System »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 8 Sep 2024
Rating: 4.20/5 ( (2 votes))
20. Handling Multithreading in Java with Completable Future
In modern Java applications, handling concurrent tasks efficiently is crucial for performance and responsiveness. CompletableFuture, introduced in Java 8, provides a powerful and flexible way to manage asynchronous operations.
General Programming » Exceptions »
Trần_Tuấn_Anh Updated: 8 Sep 2024
Rating: ( (No votes))

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