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Page 269 of 493

5361. Extension methods are awesome, but that dang namespacing…
A useful utility.
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 2.92/5 ( (7 votes))
5362. Creating .netitude, for Windows Phone
How to create .netitude for Windows Phone
All Topics » »
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
5363. C# equivalent of Python’s list slicing (list[:])
A useful extension method.
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.67/5 ( (4 votes))
5364. Creating Link Extractor and Filter in C#: Part2
Creating Link Extractor and Filter: Part 1 In this article I will complete my previous article Creating Link Extractor and Filter.
Arpit Jain Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.14/5 ( (5 votes))
5365. Creating Link Extractor and Filter in C#: Part 1
How to extract all the links from a webpage using a web client.
Arpit Jain Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.22/5 ( (7 votes))
5366. Add *subdomains* to the Compatibility View List
How to add subdomains to the compatibility view list
Operating Systems » Windows »
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
5367. Constraining Generic Types to Parameterized Constructors
How to constrain generic types to parameterized constructors
Generics » »
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
5368. LINQ and Lazy, Frenemies
LINQ is awesome and Lazy is handy as heck, but using them together requires some thought.
BC3Tech Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.88/5 ( (6 votes))
5369. Difference between && and &, || and |
In this article we will learn a very important and basic part of the AND and OR operators.
Arpit Jain Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.26/5 ( (32 votes))
5370. How Programming Accidentally Runs Companies
And without proper recognition, software development can accidentally slide into the driver's seat. When does this happen? When developers start making decisions and recommendations that stray too far from a company's vision.
» »
Zac Gery Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: ( (No votes))
5371. The Rules of Minimalist Programming
Rules of minimalist programming
Operating Systems » Windows »
ocoudert Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.55/5 ( (5 votes))
5372. Building Accordion With CSS3 Without Using Any jQuery or JS
This tutorial explains how to build Accordion with CSS3 without using any JS or jQuery.
Web Development » CSS »
Arpit Jain Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.60/5 ( (3 votes))
5373. jQuery Code Not Working - A Daily Battle
jQuery code not working - a daily battle
jQuery » »
Talking Dotnet Updated: 3 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.91/5 ( (6 votes))
5374. Working With JavaScript Events
How to add event listeners, how to handle the events, and how to control them.
Programming Languages » Javascript »
Arpit Jain Updated: 2 Oct 2013
Rating: ( (No votes))
5375. Creating a custom context menu using jQuery
Creating a custom context menu using jQuery.
Programming Languages » Javascript »
Arpit Jain Updated: 2 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
5376. Creating WCF Service without SVC File
How to create a WCF service without SVC file
Mithun Pattankar Updated: 2 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.13/5 ( (10 votes))
5377. Getting Started with Unity – A Review
Getting started with Unity
Unity3D » »
Simon Jackson Updated: 2 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.80/5 ( (3 votes))
5378. glGenerateMipmap Plus SOIL library, OpenGL
glGenerateMipmap Plus SOIL library
Multimedia » OpenGL »
Bartlomiej Filipek Updated: 1 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
5379. A Few Thoughts About Method Implementation
Practices in development that, while they don’t explicitly violate any standards (whether unwritten or not), they leave behind a "stench" of inexperience or lack of discipline.
» »
Keyhole Software Updated: 1 Oct 2013
Rating: ( (No votes))
5380. Passing Anonymous Types with Dynamic Lists
With the dynamic keyword C# is one step ahead of me allowing a future of amazing code determined by an unlimited number of factors at runtime.
Chris_Green Updated: 1 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))

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