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4981. Error Handling in WCF RESTful Service
Error Handling in WCF RESTful Service
WCF » »
Imran Abdul Ghani Updated: 21 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.44/5 ( (8 votes))
4982. NuGet 2 Essentials: a review
codeproject If you are a .Net developer, there's no way you've never used, or at least heard about, NuGet. Unless you don't use any external dependencies, this package manager is a must have tool.
All Topics » »
Artem Smirnov Updated: 21 Jan 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
4983. Proof-of-Concept Using Spring Roo
Here is a proof of concept using Spring Roo
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Keyhole Software Updated: 21 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.00/5 ( (1 vote))
4984. SQL Server – What Exactly is COALESCE Function?
What exactly is COALESCE function in SQL Server?
Arun Ramachandran India Updated: 20 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.43/5 ( (4 votes))
4985. Python’s namedtuple… for .Net!
One of the things I have seen people applaud about Python is its “namedtuple” class.
Programming Languages » Python »
BC3Tech Updated: 20 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.88/5 ( (8 votes))
4986. Creating a Wireless Router / Access Point with #raspberrypi and #raspbian #linux
How to create a wireless router/access point with #raspberrypi and #raspbian #linux
Internet of Things » Raspberry-Pi »
aetheon Updated: 20 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.50/5 ( (2 votes))
4987. Send Email to Selected Recipients from your ASP.NET MVC Web Application Part II
This is the second part of an article demonstrating how to build out an application for sending personalized email to recipients selected from a list. In the first part, we put together the basic structure of our ASP.NET MVC application, according to a simple list of requirements.
John Atten Updated: 19 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.00/5 ( (2 votes))
4988. Send Email to Selected Recipients from your ASP.NET MVC Web Application Part I
I recently had to throw together an application for work allow users to send email to recipients selected from a list.
Security » »
John Atten Updated: 19 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4989. Local Binary Pattern
In this article, we will look at the concept of Local Binary Pattern and computation of LBP image.
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pi19404 Updated: 19 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4990. Making your Unit-tests Readable
How to make your unit tests readable with StoryQ
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PavelFedulov Updated: 18 Jan 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
4991. Followup: DNS Lookup and Ping in Excel
Steve asked on my previous posting in regards to DNS Lookup in Excel if forward lookup could be done. (Find …Continue reading »
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C. M. Stephan Updated: 18 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.50/5 ( (2 votes))
4992. Integral Image for Mean and Variance Computation
Integral image for mean and variance computation
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pi19404 Updated: 17 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4993. Agile's Secret Sauce: A Three Letter Word
Agile's secret sauce
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Zac Gery Updated: 17 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4994. Getting Started with a Team Explorer Plugin for VS 2013 - Part 4
How to get started with a Team Explorer Plugin for VS 2013
All Topics » »
Gordon Beeming Updated: 16 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4995. C#: Web browser control print line break
I was updating an old project for a client today. I needed to print a simple list and figured that the easiest way should be to format the data in HTML. Most developers out there has built webpages now days and we all know that it is a quick way to format the information and […]
Kristofer Kallsbo Updated: 16 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4996. Prepared Statements for Database Driven Application
Prepared statements for database driven application
Vivek Goyal Updated: 15 Jan 2014
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (4 votes))
4997. Book Review: Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API
This is a book review about Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API.
Programming Languages » Javascript »
Sampath Lokuge Updated: 14 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
4998. Performing CRUD operations using ASP.NET Web API - Part 2
Performing CRUD operations using ASP.NET Web API - Part 2
Web Development » HTML »
Imran Abdul Ghani Updated: 14 Jan 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))
4999. .LESS Web.config/DotlessConfiguration Options
Many options of the .LESS CSS parser can be set directly from the Web.config file, but many of them are not clearly described. Here is my attempt to document them.
Web Development » LESS »
Cindy Potvin Updated: 14 Jan 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
5000. Adding a Favicon to a Site
How to add a favicon to a site
Web Development » HTML »
Cindy Potvin Updated: 14 Jan 2014
Rating: 4.60/5 ( (4 votes))

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