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Desktop Programming
22 Aug 2018   Updated: 24 Aug 2018   Rating: 3.69/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 3.84
Licence: CPOL    Views: 18,658     Bookmarked: 13   Downloaded: 7
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LED (for example, traffic light) control in code behind. Custom colors, opacity and sizeable.

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Software Developer (Senior) KALINK GmbH
United States United States
Pascal has been a passionate software engineer for over 20 years. A native of Switzerland and United States Of America Permanent Resident, he has worked around the world, from Ireland, England and Germany to as far afield as USA, Australia and China.

Having started in C/C++ and moved on to C# on .NET he now completes the SDLC by also defining architectures, designs, requirement analyses, project management and definition of agile issue tracking items like Epics, Features, Stories, Tasks, Change Requests. He is versatile and also implements Ops-Servers, CI/CD pipelines, code analysis and vulnerability scans. Pascal always does his best to keep up with new technologies, processes and methodologies.

He is interested in networking with like-minded engineers around the world.