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Articles by egozi13 (Tip/Trick: 1)

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Web Development
28 Feb 2011   Updated: 10 Mar 2011   Rating: 3.67/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 1.75
Licence: CPOL    Views: 17,521     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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The actual difference between Javascript's == and === operators is that the == operator is less strict when comparing the operands. For example, 1=="1" evaluates to true while 1==="1" evaluates to false.Full description can be found on ECMAScript standard, at...

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Web Developer
Israel Israel
Currently a .NET Team Leader at a mid-sized software company, I've started coding at the age of 5, using BASIC on a ZX-Spectrum 48 computer.
Gradually i've moved up the generations, from ZX assembly language, through c and Pascal, I've became an IS programmer on VB6 and SQL-Server, eventually upscaling to c#, and doing OOD stuff for a living.

I'm about to get my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science this semester, and looking forward to go on with M.Sc. in the area of Algorithmics.

So I work in Information Systems, and my hobby is "learning and developing algorithms". Can you get more geeky than that ?