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Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 22
Views: 68,706
Popularity: 6.61
24 Apr 2012 by Ana Carolina Zambon
This is a demonstration of how to use the basics of Mono.Cecil by adding method calls to existing assemblies.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 71,832
Popularity: 6.51
30 Jul 2012 by Dave Kerr
Manage the Global Assembly Cache with this handy tool - or roll your own with the provided API!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 74,221
Popularity: 6.51
19 Mar 2012 by NuttingCDEF
VS2010 *was* painfully slow - now fixed!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 57,792
Popularity: 6.51
13 Nov 2011 by Anoop Pillai
This post is about implementing Chain Of Responsibility design pattern, and few possible extensions to the same using Managed Extensibility Framework or MEF
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 19
Views: 98,647
Popularity: 6.39
10 Jun 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 61,960
Popularity: 6.28
4 Nov 2011 by Elvin Cheng
How to implement UI element authorization/access control in WPF using the ICommand interface and Markup Extension
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 261,370
Popularity: 6.28
13 Mar 2012 by Tecfield
This tip shows how to rename a database and its MDF and LDF files in SQL Server.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 34,576
Popularity: 6.28
8 Mar 2012 by CodeProject, Lynn Langit
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Lynn Langit, world traveller and tireless developer evangelist and trainer.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 128,061
Popularity: 6.28
6 Mar 2012 by Chandrakantt
Registering a custom URL protocol for invoking an application
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 45,679
Popularity: 6.15
28 Nov 2011 by Akos Orban
Set Owner of a WPF Window to a Form
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 115,574
Popularity: 6.15
30 Jul 2012 by Imran Abdul Ghani
Existing bindings available in WCF
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 65,125
Popularity: 6.15
29 Mar 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This is an alternative for "Making a Borderless Form Movable in C++"
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 227,708
Popularity: 6.15
21 May 2012 by Zimin Max Yang
Dynamic table mapping for LINQ-to-SQL, suitable for data horizontal partitioning (Shard).
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 96,896
Popularity: 6.15
6 Mar 2012 by Orekaria
Lightweight .Net library for UDP LAN broadcasting.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 67,629
Popularity: 6.15
9 Mar 2012 by Barry Lapthorn
A XAML-only font combobox.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 16
Views: 65,994
Popularity: 6.02
21 May 2012 by Dave Kerr
Write your first MVVM application in ten minutes using the Apex SDK!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 16
Views: 58,481
Popularity: 6.02
3 Dec 2011 by Monjurul Habib
How to: ASP.NET 4.0 Routing and Ext.NET.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 64,084
Popularity: 6.02
19 Apr 2012 by Deepak_Sharma_
This article will show how to create an auto-suggest TextBox that will suggest data from a SQL Server database column.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 16
Views: 55,226
Popularity: 6.02
13 Jun 2012 by Tefik Becirovic
This article describes the SlidingPanoramaControl, a custom WPF control developed to view and rotate 360° panoramic images all around.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 90,808
Popularity: 5.88
23 May 2012 by wim4you
This article describes one way of using the WPF TreeView to create tabbed Navigational Trees using MVVM for use in a File Explorer. In a next planned article a Tabbed Folder Plane will be added.

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Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.