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Popularity: 10.16
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 117
Views: 148,498
17 Jun 2012 by Kamran Bilgrami
Better prepare yourself for threats against storing sensitive data in string data type
Popularity: 10.10
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 107
Views: 257,607
30 Dec 2012 by Marius Bancila
This article proposes a list of debugging tips for native development with Visual Studio.
Popularity: 10.09
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 110
Views: 214,444
28 Sep 2012 by Burak Ozdiken
A custom .NET tab control for WinForms applications with add-in renderer support.
Popularity: 10.08
Rating: 4.94/5
Votes: 116
Views: 236,335
19 Sep 2012 by Chris Maunder
Rethinking the design and layout of using the design language formerly known as Metro.
Popularity: 9.99
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 100
Views: 506,123
4 Jan 2013 by Mark Heath
A comprehensive guide to decoding and encoding audio files in .NET using NAudio.
Popularity: 9.86
Rating: 4.82/5
Votes: 121
Views: 517,292
11 Oct 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This article discusses how to implement IEnumerable interface and using yield keyword.
Popularity: 9.83
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 101
Views: 337,346
6 Mar 2012 by Ido Flatow
Popularity: 9.76
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 93
Views: 409,048
7 Jun 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
How to create OData services using the WCF Data Services and use them
Popularity: 9.75
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 90
Views: 161,718
9 Mar 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the creation of a circular relationship graph, which plots a network of interconnected nodes as a circle.
Popularity: 9.69
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 90
Views: 498,007
9 Jul 2012 by Florian Rappl
Let's build a sample project with a Google like image uploader embracing jQuery, AJAX, and MVC.
Popularity: 9.69
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 92
Views: 302,438
10 Feb 2012 by alexy.shelest
This project is a real-time multi-threaded trading application framework developed with WPF / MVVM
Popularity: 9.61
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 85
Views: 335,359
4 May 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
I am trying to amass a list of programming books that are freely available on the Internet. The books can be about a particular programming language or about computers in general. Which are some freely available programming books on the Internet.
Popularity: 9.60
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 88
Views: 176,711
26 Nov 2012 by Munir Hassan
How to use DI without DI containers
Popularity: 9.58
Rating: 4.83/5
Votes: 105
Views: 599,540
10 Jun 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
Understanding the need for a web service, the benefits of having a web service and how we can create a basic web service and consume it.
Popularity: 9.58
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 86
Views: 308,141
17 Jan 2012 by Halil ibrahim Kalkan
Real time, asynchronous web pages using jTable, SignalR and ASP.NET MVC
Popularity: 9.56
Rating: 4.90/5
Votes: 92
Views: 302,658
7 Mar 2012 by Mahmud Hasan
When you start a complex application, you always should design your object model first. Domain Driven Design guides you towards that.
Popularity: 9.56
Rating: 4.85/5
Votes: 95
Views: 101,614
19 Apr 2012 by Peter_Olson
jQuery is a wonderful library that makes web development with JavaScript a much better experience--but there are some common pitfalls that you should avoid.
Popularity: 9.54
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 83
Views: 448,370
15 May 2012 by Pete O'Hanlon, Sacha Barber
A distributed code-snippet storage tool.
Popularity: 9.51
Rating: 4.88/5
Votes: 92
Views: 404,243
9 Oct 2012 by Huseyin Atasoy
Let's build a simple web server and make it accessible from the internet
Popularity: 9.46
Rating: 4.85/5
Votes: 91
Views: 567,150
11 Sep 2012 by Ws Hu
This article tries to introduce a decoupled, unit-testable, deployment-flexible, implementation-efficient and validation-flexible N-Tier architecture in .NET

Page 2 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.