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Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 23
Views: 113,750
Popularity: 6.71
2 Mar 2012 by Osman Kalache
A simple video-security application that allows video capture from PC webcams, detect motion, record videos on local storage using .NET 3.5, AForge and FFMpeg
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 22
Views: 64,946
Popularity: 6.71
3 Jul 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Learn how to create a Windows Phone crosswords game taking advantage of online internet resources
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 22
Views: 95,499
Popularity: 6.61
20 Sep 2012 by Marius Bancila
This article proposes a C++ implementation for computing hashes (SHA1, MD5, MD4 and MD2) on Windows with the Microsoft CryptoAPI library.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 21
Views: 170,212
Popularity: 6.61
15 Jul 2012 by Arpan Jati
RSA encryption library with full OAEP padding and private key encryption support
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 21
Views: 52,059
Popularity: 6.61
17 Sep 2012 by Chris Maunder, Pete O'Hanlon
The Fake Project - The first two days of a Code Project redesign.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 22
Views: 68,616
Popularity: 6.61
24 Apr 2012 by Ana Carolina Zambon
This is a demonstration of how to use the basics of Mono.Cecil by adding method calls to existing assemblies.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 71,722
Popularity: 6.51
30 Jul 2012 by Dave Kerr
Manage the Global Assembly Cache with this handy tool - or roll your own with the provided API!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 74,201
Popularity: 6.51
19 Mar 2012 by NuttingCDEF
VS2010 *was* painfully slow - now fixed!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 20
Views: 46,083
Popularity: 6.51
27 Nov 2012 by Yuriy Zanichkovskyy
Layout to layout transitions made easy
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 19
Views: 98,527
Popularity: 6.39
10 Jun 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 19
Views: 41,944
Popularity: 6.39
10 Oct 2012 by Andrew Rissing
An intuitive-fluent API for generating Linq Expressions.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 127,971
Popularity: 6.28
6 Mar 2012 by Chandrakantt
Registering a custom URL protocol for invoking an application
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 261,190
Popularity: 6.28
13 Mar 2012 by Tecfield
This tip shows how to rename a database and its MDF and LDF files in SQL Server.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 65,075
Popularity: 6.15
29 Mar 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
This is an alternative for "Making a Borderless Form Movable in C++"
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 115,544
Popularity: 6.15
30 Jul 2012 by Imran Abdul Ghani
Existing bindings available in WCF
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 216,310
Popularity: 6.15
6 Nov 2012 by Kurt Swaim
Describes an OPC wrapper DLL and an example of how to use it for communication to a device through an OPC server.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 42,378
Popularity: 6.15
9 Nov 2012 by KenBeckett
Creating a CodeDOM for C#
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 96,846
Popularity: 6.15
6 Mar 2012 by Orekaria
Lightweight .Net library for UDP LAN broadcasting.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 17
Views: 227,578
Popularity: 6.15
21 May 2012 by Zimin Max Yang
Dynamic table mapping for LINQ-to-SQL, suitable for data horizontal partitioning (Shard).
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 18
Views: 67,569
Popularity: 6.15
9 Mar 2012 by Barry Lapthorn
A XAML-only font combobox.

Page 2 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.