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Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 10,959
Popularity: 5.00
1 Nov 2023 by adriancs
An insight of doing files backup solution in C#
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 23,610
Popularity: 5.00
21 Nov 2023 by deangi
DIY GPS Location Tracker
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 32,489
Popularity: 5.00
13 May 2023 by Dmitrii Nemtsov
A way to build a finite-state machine identifying predefined sequences in a stream of characters
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 23,535
Popularity: 5.00
27 Jun 2023 by Ev Uklad
Add ability to track changes in a model class; use a proxy interceptor to execute a rule attached to a model property
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 12,491
Popularity: 5.00
12 Aug 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
Batching is a nice technique that allows you to handle big amounts of data gracefully. Directory.EnumerateFiles is the API that allows you to organize batch processing for the directory with a large number of files.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 12,491
Popularity: 5.00
26 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
Generic Avalonia controls located within NP.Ava.Visuals open source library
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 10
Views: 42,081
Popularity: 5.00
27 Aug 2024 by Akram El Assas
TDD in C# through a simple example
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 8,350
Popularity: 4.77
27 Sep 2023 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
How to generate C# code from XAML? But why? Anyway, this question is answered, but this is not the main part…
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 5,048
Popularity: 4.77
13 Oct 2023 by Maxim Kartavenkov
This is a guide on how to configure your application, service or driver to handle appearing the new devices or device removal avoiding reboot request.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 9,247
Popularity: 4.77
1 Nov 2023 by Ivan Yakimov
The article contains comparison of pure HttpClient with RestSharp and Refit.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 13,487
Popularity: 4.77
22 Jan 2024 by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to write resilient .NET applications ?
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 8,987
Popularity: 4.77
28 Feb 2024 by Chris Boss
BASIC: A powerful language often underestimated and undervalued
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 32,750
Popularity: 4.77
16 Apr 2024 by Mishael Ogo
A look at a simple SQL builder for Dapper
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 12,806
Popularity: 4.77
13 May 2023 by ToughDev
Exploring PCx86 - IBM PC emulator written in JavaScript
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 20,750
Popularity: 4.77
1 Jul 2023 by Ryan Scott White
A fast, possibly the fastest, square root function for Big Integers and Floats in C# and Java.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 15,486
Popularity: 4.77
15 Nov 2023 by honey the codewitch
Generate tight C code to match text based on regular expressions
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 20,113
Popularity: 4.77
9 Jan 2024 by Ammar Albush 1997
Network Sniffer and Analyzer Program written in C# .NET 6.0 Windows Form (Sharppcap, PacketDotNet)
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 19,612
Popularity: 4.77
8 Nov 2023 by Sean Ewington
In this article, I guide you through installing Docker, then running CodeProject.AI Server in Docker.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 25,452
Popularity: 4.77
3 Mar 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Lee Algorithm Mazesolver in MFC and Direct2D
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 9
Views: 17,686
Popularity: 4.77
12 Jul 2024 by Zijian
Reusable codes for OAuth security in business applications

Page 4 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.