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Popularity: 6.03
Rating: 4.90/5
Votes: 17
Views: 8,060
14 Feb 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Learn 30 Windows Multithreading Mistakes and Solutions to Avert Them
Popularity: 6.02
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 16
Views: 23,182
21 Oct 2023 by Dev Leader
Change a picture into ASCII art using your own C# program
Popularity: 6.02
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 16
Views: 24,996
26 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
This article describes embedding native Windows and Linux control into an Avalonia application.
Popularity: 5.99
Rating: 4.87/5
Votes: 17
Views: 39,183
9 Oct 2023 by Mircea Neacsu
This is (yet another!) article on how to handle UTF-8 encoding on a platform that still encourages the UTF-16 encoding.
Popularity: 5.99
Rating: 4.97/5
Votes: 16
Views: 40,075
4 Sep 2023 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
A cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file
Popularity: 5.94
Rating: 4.83/5
Votes: 17
Views: 31,004
20 Jan 2024 by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
The article discusses the concept of cryptography and its application in ensuring data security.
Popularity: 5.88
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 14,065
11 Sep 2023 by Aram Tchekrekjian
More about pattern matching types with a usage example for each type
Popularity: 5.88
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 14,044
23 Oct 2023 by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
Popularity: 5.88
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 7,093
4 Jun 2023 by GeorgeDS
An anecdotal report describing issues encountered in coding a minimal perceptual hash capability, in plain old C, in to 35 year old rolling development, with the goal of running on a noob Win 10/11 installation.
Popularity: 5.88
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 38,966
15 Aug 2023 by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
Reduces/evaluates a real/complex math expression
Popularity: 5.88
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 15
Views: 87,687
9 Jun 2023 by Kashif.Mushtaq.Ca
Cross Platform AES 256 GCM Encryption and Decryption (C++, C# and Java)
Popularity: 5.83
Rating: 4.84/5
Votes: 16
Views: 24,723
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
This article describes basic functionality of Avalonia XAML providing easy to understand samples
Popularity: 5.83
Rating: 4.84/5
Votes: 16
Views: 14,942
29 Nov 2023 by vickyqu115
This article provides a detailed explanation and analysis of developing a PLAY button inspired by the game "League of Legends" using pure WPF technology.
Popularity: 5.82
Rating: 4.64/5
Votes: 18
Views: 55,176
26 Apr 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Tutorial on a cross-platform C++ XML DOM library
Popularity: 5.79
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 15
Views: 9,745
6 Feb 2024 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This is a tale of a professional developer.
Popularity: 5.73
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 14
Views: 19,896
18 Feb 2024 by Shao Voon Wong
Two C++ features win over C equivalents in performance
Popularity: 5.73
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 14
Views: 20,190
19 Sep 2023 by sebjameswml
morph::vvec allows you to do vector math without any external libraries
Popularity: 5.69
Rating: 4.84/5
Votes: 15
Views: 62,120
21 Nov 2023 by Federico Di Marco
Create quickly VPN connections in Windows according to a XML configuration file
Popularity: 5.67
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 14
Views: 8,033
27 Jun 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
A look at what dynamic polymorphism is and how it is crucial to mastering OOP
Popularity: 5.63
Rating: 4.49/5
Votes: 18
Views: 37,223
27 Apr 2023 by DavesApps
Why use volatile keyword with double check lock pattern

Page 5 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.