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Popularity: 12.08
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 264
Views: 402,958
21 May 2012 by Tim Corey
Learn how to go from being an absolute beginner in the Managed Extensibility Framework to being an advanced user.
Popularity: 11.73
Rating: 4.87/5
Votes: 265
Views: 1,193,500
19 Apr 2012 by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Many Windows C++ programmers get confused over what bizarre data type identifiers like TCHAR and LPCTSTR are. Here, in brief, I will try to clear out the fog.
Popularity: 11.68
Rating: 4.91/5
Votes: 242
Views: 530,058
28 Aug 2012 by Kanasz Robert
In this first article about design patterns I will discuss about creational design patterns and I will show on real examples how to implement them.
Popularity: 11.62
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 223
Views: 441,115
15 Mar 2012 by Marc Clifton
A description of the new language features starting from C# 2.0, going through to version 4.0
Popularity: 11.41
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 196
Views: 553,009
10 Jun 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
This article explains how you can use functional programming in C#.
Popularity: 11.39
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 214
Views: 1,063,105
19 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Simple tutorial to create first MVC app
Popularity: 11.31
Rating: 4.92/5
Votes: 199
Views: 482,938
23 Jan 2012 by Pankaj Chamria
Learn the tips and tricks of advanced debugging in Visual Studio
Popularity: 11.26
Rating: 4.74/5
Votes: 248
Views: 1,030,218
9 Apr 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
An introduction to Entity Framework for absolute beginners.
Popularity: 11.10
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 168
Views: 689,141
4 Jun 2012 by Florian Rappl
Recreating a famous jump and run game for playing and creating own levels in the webbrowser.
Popularity: 10.76
Rating: 4.88/5
Votes: 161
Views: 278,003
23 Nov 2012 by Marla Sukesh
This article will tell about the very known design pattern "Factory Pattern" used in the programming.
Popularity: 10.62
Rating: 4.89/5
Votes: 153
Views: 529,193
23 Nov 2012 by Ansel Reynard
Add copy protection to your .NET applications with very few investments
Popularity: 10.56
Rating: 4.94/5
Votes: 138
Views: 464,136
2 Jan 2012 by Mark J. Caplin
Developing an Order Entry application with MVC.
Popularity: 10.55
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 137
Views: 515,083
17 Oct 2012 by Andrew Phillips
Open-source hex editor with powerful binary templates
Popularity: 10.50
Rating: 4.94/5
Votes: 134
Views: 284,618
16 Oct 2012 by Kanasz Robert
In this second article about design patterns I will discuss about structural design patterns and I will show on real examples how to implement them.
Popularity: 10.49
Rating: 4.97/5
Votes: 131
Views: 487,754
15 Jul 2012 by Florian Rappl
A list of tips, involving Entity Framework, Extension Methods, programming patterns and others, that has been built up from recent ASP.NET MVC 3 programming journeys.
Popularity: 10.48
Rating: 4.79/5
Votes: 163
Views: 405,021
18 Apr 2012 by Ivan Shcherbakov
The article describes 10 time-saving debugging techniques available in Visual Studio.
Popularity: 10.27
Rating: 4.89/5
Votes: 133
Views: 643,288
25 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Most important LINQ queries explained
Popularity: 10.27
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 115
Views: 229,900
12 Aug 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
A facebook-like application implementing KnockoutJs and SignalR
Popularity: 10.21
Rating: 4.97/5
Votes: 114
Views: 494,830
19 Apr 2012 by Sacha Barber
A look at designing a service layer using good practices, and the MSFT technology stack.
Popularity: 10.20
Rating: 4.76/5
Votes: 148
Views: 1,125,942

Page 1 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.