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Popularity: 16.40
Rating: 4.85/5
Votes: 2,395
Views: 70,684,663
17 Sep 2023 by .dan.g.
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting
Popularity: 14.09
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 694
Views: 3,436,214
17 Aug 2023 by Jani Giannoudis
Extensive time period calculations and individual calendar periods
Popularity: 12.72
Rating: 4.95/5
Votes: 373
Views: 1,117,844
2 Jan 2024 by Jacques Fournier
SrcChess is a chess program built in C#
Popularity: 11.44
Rating: 4.91/5
Votes: 213
Views: 657,145
17 Dec 2023 by Evgeny Pereguda
This article presents my project for capturing of video and audio sources on Windows OS by Microsoft Media Foundation.
Popularity: 11.43
Rating: 4.88/5
Votes: 219
Views: 399,963
7 Jan 2024 by yuvalsol
POCO generating application for SQL Server
Popularity: 11.18
Rating: 4.91/5
Votes: 189
Views: 1,811,173
7 Aug 2023 by DomGries
Download and install any dependency such as .NET, Visual C++ or SQL Server during your application's installation!
Popularity: 9.44
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 79
Views: 174,250
5 Dec 2023 by Patrick Eckler
Example of a TCPIP server that listens and can serve multiple client connections
Popularity: 9.25
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 71
Views: 123,862
23 Apr 2024 by Hatem Mostafa
Artificial Neural Network C++ class with two use cases: Counter and Handwritten Digits recognition
Popularity: 9.20
Rating: 4.81/5
Votes: 82
Views: 821,300
20 Dec 2023 by Shivprasad koirala
This article discusses the top 50 AngularJS interview question with answers.
Popularity: 9.12
Rating: 4.90/5
Votes: 73
Views: 202,622
1 Feb 2024 by Orphraie
Study of 3D graphics in video games with minimal prior knowledge of mathematics
Popularity: 9.04
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 65
Views: 101,222
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
Avalonia is a great new multiplatform UI package similar but in many respects better than WPF. This is an introductory tutorial article.
Popularity: 9.04
Rating: 4.93/5
Votes: 68
Views: 200,733
11 Jul 2023 by Steve Hageman
DSPLib is a complete DSP Library that is an end to end solution for performing FFT's with .NET 4
Popularity: 8.86
Rating: 4.98/5
Votes: 60
Views: 154,372
17 Feb 2024 by Higty
A DAL generator that generates StoredProcedure client class and creates Table and Record classes
Popularity: 8.76
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 57
Views: 56,130
11 Jul 2023 by Marco-Hans Van Der Willik
This article explores the performance, scalability and limitations of the various .NET Threading Implementations.
Popularity: 8.32
Rating: 4.74/5
Votes: 57
Views: 190,380
21 Feb 2024 by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
You can use IntelliPort to transfer large files from a computer onto your portable computer using a serial port rather than going through the process of setting up your portable computer on a network.
Popularity: 8.31
Rating: 4.89/5
Votes: 50
Views: 179,009
23 Apr 2024 by Yevgeniy Shunevych
An introduction to Atata C#/.NET web UI test automation full-featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver
Popularity: 8.30
Rating: 4.97/5
Votes: 47
Views: 235,167
2 Oct 2023 by DrABELL
YouTube™ API for ASP.NET, AJAX-extended (C#)
Popularity: 8.30
Rating: 4.96/5
Votes: 47
Views: 188,381
26 Jan 2024 by Gerardo Recinto
In-memory B-Tree sorted dictionary
Popularity: 8.25
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 45
Views: 64,994
25 Apr 2023 by Shao Voon Wong
Bring your animations to H264/HEVC video using C++ and C# with h/w acceleration
Popularity: 8.15
Rating: 4.99/5
Votes: 43
Views: 43,624
22 Jul 2023 by Robert van Engelen
Classic globbing and modern gitignore-style globbing algorithms can be fast, whereas recursive implementations are known to blow up exponentially; why some freely available source code should not be used.

Page 1 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.