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Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 82
Views: 41,848
Popularity: 9.57
15 Jan 2013 by Wonde Tadesse
This tip/trick helps to set a default value for blob data type such as Image, VarBinary.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 51
Views: 146,746
Popularity: 8.49
9 Dec 2012 by Higty
This article describes the mail sending process using the SMTP mail protocol.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 45
Views: 139,591
Popularity: 8.22
3 Sep 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 45
Views: 127,396
Popularity: 8.17
13 Mar 2012 by Fredrik Bornander
WPF Implementation of the spinning panel frequently used on the iPhone
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 39
Views: 574,410
Popularity: 7.96
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to create virtual video capture source directshow filter in pure C#
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 36
Views: 137,171
Popularity: 7.78
23 Aug 2012 by Nicolas Dorier
Configure the HTTP traffic on your local machine. A nice alternative for netsh http.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 36
Views: 228,215
Popularity: 7.78
16 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 35
Views: 134,984
Popularity: 7.72
20 Apr 2012 by OriginalGriff
There is a common theme in development: storing data files in the application folder. This is bad, and wrong, and should be stamped on!
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 34
Views: 96,665
Popularity: 7.66
7 Jan 2013 by Adam David Hill
All the juicy tricks and scandalous shortcuts which helped us ship our competition game on time
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 33
Views: 149,087
Popularity: 7.53
13 Feb 2012 by StevenLJackson1
How you can structure your solution and project files in Visual Studio to make updating your assemblies' version number much easier
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 25
Views: 98,524
Popularity: 6.99
10 Aug 2012 by PavolSatala
How to create an air hockey game for one player against the artificial intelligence for three mobile platforms with only one code?
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 27
Views: 46,509
Popularity: 6.99
29 Aug 2012 by CodeProject, Iris Classon
Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Iris Classon.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 26
Views: 117,834
Popularity: 6.90
23 Aug 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simplest and quickest way to automatically bind array of image bytes to asp:Image object.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 25
Views: 76,374
Popularity: 6.90
23 May 2012 by Shweta Lodha
Reducing flicker and blinking in DataGridView.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 25
Views: 42,243
Popularity: 6.90
27 Dec 2012 by WebMaster
Some simple examples of how to apply affine transformations in computer graphics.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 23
Views: 60,345
Popularity: 6.81
4 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 23
Views: 65,947
Popularity: 6.81
29 Nov 2012 by Florian Rappl
Creating a touch enabled sensor numerical application for the latest generation of Ultrabooks
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 25
Views: 193,978
Popularity: 6.81
23 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 23
Views: 113,177
Popularity: 6.81
12 Nov 2012 by HoshiKata
Practical on the fly fast mesh generation from arbitrary points.
Rating: 5.00/5
Votes: 23
Views: 140,934
Popularity: 6.81
3 Dec 2012 by DotNetMastermind
Login Overlay for WPF applications with a styling similar to the Windows 8 Login Screen.

Page 1 of 5

Rating is the sum of all votes divided by the number of votes. Voting can only be done by registered members and a person's vote is weighted by their level.

Popularity is a measure of how much interest an article generates once it's been read. It's calculated as Rating x Log10(# Votes), where Rating is the filtered rating. See the FAQ for details.

Page views are cumulative from Feb 5, 2002.