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CurionLib Dynamic Data Entry Forms

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Dynamic data forms.
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Dynamic
Imports Curion.WPF.Controls
Imports Curion.WPF.Data
Imports System.Windows.Controls.Primitives

Public Module mGlobal
	Private dataDataTable As DataTable = Nothing
	Private dataCurionList As Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList = Nothing
	Private dataExpando As New List(Of ExpandoObject)
	Private dataList As New List(Of ExampleClass)
	Private dataDictionary As New List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))

	Sub New()
		Call LoadDt()
	End Sub
	Public ReadOnly Property DataTable As DataTable
			Return dataDataTable
		End Get
	End Property
	Public ReadOnly Property CurionList As Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList
			Return dataCurionList
		End Get
	End Property
	Public ReadOnly Property Expando As List(Of ExpandoObject)
			Return dataExpando
		End Get
	End Property
	Public ReadOnly Property List As List(Of ExampleClass)
			Return dataList
		End Get
	End Property
	Public ReadOnly Property Dictionary As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
			Return dataDictionary
		End Get
	End Property
	Public Sub ShowResults(form As Form.ItemForm)
		Dim sb As New StringBuilder
		Dim parent As FrameworkElement = Nothing
		Dim grid As Grid = Nothing
		If form IsNot Nothing Then parent = form.Parent
		While parent IsNot Nothing And Not TypeOf parent Is UserControl
			parent = parent.Parent
		End While
		If parent IsNot Nothing Then grid = TryCast(parent.Parent, Grid)
		Dim list As New List(Of String)
		For Each column In form.ColumnNames
			Dim val = form(column)
			If TypeOf val Is [Enum] Then
				val = [Enum].GetName(val.GetType, val)
				val = "" & val ' Convert to string
			End If
			list.Add(String.Format("{0} = {1}", column, val))
		If list.Count = 0 Then
			list.Add("{ None }")
		End If

		If parent Is Nothing OrElse grid Is Nothing Then
			' In case there's some special layout
			MsgBox(Join(list.ToArray, ", "), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Current Values")
			' UI Sleight of Hand
			Call MessWithTheNatives(form, list)
		End If
	End Sub

#Region " Single Object "
	Public Function SingleObject(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupSingle("Single Object", dataList(RowNumber), style)
	End Function
	Public Function SingleDataRow(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupSingle("Single Data Row", dataDataTable.Rows(RowNumber), style)
	End Function
	Public Function SingleExpando(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupSingle("Single Expando Object", dataExpando(RowNumber), style)
	End Function
	Public Function SingleDictionary(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupSingle("Single Dictionary Object", dataDictionary(RowNumber), style)
	End Function
	Public Function SingleCurionRow(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupSingle("Single Curion Row", dataCurionList.Rows(RowNumber), style)
	End Function
#End Region
#Region " Button Nav Lists "
	Public Function ButtonNavObject(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupButtonNav("List of Objects", dataList, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ButtonNavDataTable(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupButtonNav("Show DataTable", dataDataTable, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ButtonNavExpando(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupButtonNav("Expando List", dataExpando, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ButtonNavDictionary(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupButtonNav("Dictionary List", dataDictionary, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ButtonNavCurionList(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupButtonNav("Curion List", dataCurionList, style)
	End Function
#End Region
#Region " List Nav Lists "
	Public Function ListNavObject(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupListNav("List of Objects", dataList, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ListNavDataTable(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupListNav("Show DataTable", dataDataTable, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ListNavExpando(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupListNav("Expando List", dataExpando, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ListNavDictionary(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupListNav("Dictionary List", dataDictionary, style)
	End Function
	Public Function ListNavCurionList(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Return SetupListNav("Curion List", dataCurionList, style)
	End Function
#End Region
#Region " Madness "
	Function Madness(bonus As Object) As UserControl
		' List of random objects
		Dim list As New List(Of Object)
		For i = 0 To 10
			list.Add(New Person With {.Name = "Person " & (list.Count + 1), .Age = CInt(Rnd() * 20) + 10})
			list.Add(New Posts With {.Title = "Post " & (list.Count + 1), .IsActive = CBool(Fix(Rnd() * 2)), .Added = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -Rnd() * 5, Today)})
			list.Add(New Windows With {.Name = "Window " & (list.Count + 1), .Description = "A simple window number " & (list.Count + 1)})
			list.Add(New Thickness With {.Left = Fix(Rnd() * 40) / 10, .Top = Fix(Rnd() * 40) / 10, .Right = Fix(Rnd() * 40) / 10, .Bottom = Fix(Rnd() * 40) / 10})
			Dim value = dataList(RowNumber)

		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.ContextDefaults
			Curion.WPF.Controls.mGlobal.Defaults("Command.Width") = 150
			Dim show = New ucButtonNav
			Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
				' Add a default button to our user control to display any missing properties
				CType(show.ctlStack.Children(0), Button).IsDefault = False ' Remove default attribute since we're messing with the form and adding a new default
				Dim btn As New ToggleButton
				Dim act As New Curion.WPF.Controls.ActionStack
				act.CommandHeight = 30
				act.CommandWidth = 100
				act.CommandSpacing = New Thickness(0)
				act.Margin = New Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0)
				act.Add("Props", "Missing", Sub() GetMissingProps(show.ctlForm))
				DirectCast(act.Children(0), Button).IsDefault = True
				show.ctlStack.Children.Insert(0, act)	' Add missing properties button
				AddHandler show.ctlForm.DataContextChanged, AddressOf Madness_DataContextChanged ' Let's set the Title!
				show.FormItemsSource = list	' Wild and whacky list of, well whatever
			End Using
			Return show
		End Using
	End Function
	Sub Madness_DataContextChanged(sender As Object, e As Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.DataContextChangedEventArgs)
		' When the data context changes, lets put the type name of the new object in the Title
		Dim frm = TryCast(sender, Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.ItemForm)
		If frm Is Nothing Then Return
		If e.ChangedTo Is Nothing Then Return
		frm.Title = New TextBlock With {.Text = Curion.WPF.Controls.CamelToName(e.ChangedTo.GetType.Name),
																		.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left,
																		.Style = frm.TryFindResource("Heading1")}
	End Sub
	Sub GetMissingProps(form As Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.ItemForm)
		' Find properties that did not make it onto the form
		' ReadOnly, WriteOnly, and Classes that we don't have some form of mapper for
		Dim cols = form.ColumnNames
		Dim hs As New HashSet(Of String)
		For Each col In cols
		Dim obj = form.DataContext
		Dim missing As New List(Of String)
		For Each prop In obj.GetType.GetProperties
			Dim sb As New StringBuilder
			Dim cnt = 0
			If prop.CanRead Then
				cnt += 1
			End If
			If prop.CanWrite Then
				If sb.Length Then sb.Append("/")
				cnt += 1
			End If
			If cnt = 2 Then
				sb.Append(" Only ")
			End If
			If Not hs.Contains(prop.Name) Then
				missing.Add(String.Format("{0}{1} As {2}", sb.ToString, prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name))
				If form.Column(prop.Name) Is Nothing Then
					missing.Add(prop.Name + " As" + prop.PropertyType.Name)
				End If
			End If
		If missing.Count = 0 Then missing.Add("[None!]")

		Call MessWithTheNatives(form, missing) ' Do an in-place swap, shhhh
	End Sub
#End Region
#Region " Potpurri "
	Function Potpurri() As UserControl
		' Prep columnMaker for form (doing custom column info)
		Dim makeColumns = New Form.MakeSimpleColumns
		makeColumns.ColumnMapperExceptions.Add("State", Function(obj, header, path) New Form.ComboBoxColumnFactory With {.Header = CamelToName(header), .Path = GetPath(obj, path), .ItemsSource = GetStates(), .DisplayPath = "Value", .ValuePath = "Key"})
		makeColumns.ColumnMapperExceptions.Add("Option", Function(obj, header, path) New Form.ListBoxColumnFactory With {.Header = CamelToName(header), .Path = GetPath(obj, path), .Height = 65, .Width = 60, .ItemsSource = GetOptions(), .DisplayPath = "Value", .ValuePath = "Key"})
		makeColumns.ColumnMapperExceptions.Add("Option2", Function(obj, header, path) New Form.ListBoxColumnFactory With {.Header = CamelToName(header), .Path = GetPath(obj, path), .Height = 65, .Width = 60, .StyleName = "RadioButtonList", .ItemsSource = GetOptions(), .DisplayPath = "Value", .ValuePath = "Key"})
		makeColumns.ColumnMapperExceptions.Add("Option3", Function(obj, header, path) New Form.ListBoxColumnFactory With {.Header = CamelToName(header), .Path = GetPath(obj, path), .Height = 23, .Width = 60, .StyleName = "RadioButtonList", .Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, .ItemsSource = GetOptions(), .DisplayPath = "Value", .ValuePath = "Key"})
		makeColumns.ColumnMapperExceptions.Add("Card", Function(obj, header, path) New Form.ListBoxColumnFactory With {.Header = CamelToName(header), .Path = GetPath(obj, path), .Height = 65, .Width = 100, .StyleName = "RadioButtonList", .ItemsSource = obj.Card})

		' Prep FormMaker (Creating a CSV layout)
		Dim layoutForm As New Form.MakeCsvForm
		layoutForm.HeaderWidth = 0
		layoutForm.Lines.Add("#Single Stretch")
		layoutForm.Lines.Add("#Stretch and Fixed")
		layoutForm.Lines.Add("#Multi Stretch")

		Dim uc As New ucSingle
		Dim form = uc.ctlForm
		Using New Form.SuspendFormGeneration(form)
			form.LineSpacing = 10
			form.HeaderMaker.Width = 60
			form.Title = StringTitle("Potpurri", HorizontalAlignment.Left)
			form.FormMaker = layoutForm
			form.ColumnMaker = makeColumns
			form.DataContext = CustomData()
			form.Column("City").Width = 100
			form.Column("IsActive").SuppressHeading = True
			form.Column("Phone").Width = 100
			form.Column("Color").Width = 100
		End Using
		Return uc
	End Function
	Function CustomData() As ExpandoObject
		Dim expando As New ExpandoObject
		Dim data As Object
		data = expando
		' For CSV Forms the order of the fields makes no difference
		data.Address = "1212 Main St"
		data.City = "Neverville"
		data.Color = "Red"
		data.Hired = Today
		data.IsActive = True
		data.Name = "Larry"
		data.Phone = "555-1212"
		data.State = "NV"
		data.Zip = "98321"
		data.Left = "Left"
		data.Mid = "Mid"
		data.Right = "Right"
		data.Option = "R"
		data.Option2 = "G"
		data.Option3 = "B"
		data.Card = CardType.MasterCard
		Return expando
	End Function
	Iterator Function GetStates() As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String))
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("AL", "Alabama")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("AK", "Alaska")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("AZ", "Arizona")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("AR", "Arkansas")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("CA", "California")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("CO", "Colorado")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("CT", "Connecticut")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("DE", "Delaware")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("FL", "Florida")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("GA", "Georgia")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("HI", "Hawaii")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("ID", "Idaho")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("IL", "Illinois")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("IN", "Indiana")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("IA", "Iowa")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("KS", "Kansas")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("KY", "Kentucky")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("LA", "Louisiana")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MN", "Maine")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MD", "Maryland")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MA", "Massachusetts")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MI", "Michigan")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MN", "Minnesota")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MS", "Mississippi")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MO", "Missouri")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("MT", "Montana")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NE", "Nebraska")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NV", "Nevada")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NH", "New Hampshire")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NJ", "New Jersey")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NM", "New Mexico")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NY", "New York")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("NC", "North Carolina")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("ND", "North Dakota")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("OH", "Ohio")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("OK", "Oklahoma")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("OR", "Oregon")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("PA", "Pennsylvania")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("RI", "Rhode Island")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("SC", "South Carolina")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("SD", "South Dakota")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("TN", "Tennessee")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("TX", "Texas")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("UT", "Utah")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("VT", "Vermont")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("VA", "Virginia")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("WA", "Washington")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("WV", "West Virginia")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("WI", "Wisconsin")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("WYs", "Wyoming")
	End Function
	Iterator Function GetOptions() As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String))
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("R", "Red")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("G", "Green")
		Yield New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("B", "Blue")
	End Function
#End Region
	Function Dependency() As UserControl
		Return New CreateDP
	End Function
	Public Function Separation(style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Dim show = New ucLonely
		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
			' Set up button mappers to get custom content on the buttons
			Dim butFact As New Curion.WPF.Controls.MappedContentButton
			butFact.Mapper.Add("First", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M 10,0 L10,10 2,5 z M 0,0 L 0,10 2,10 2,0 z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Prior", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M 10,0 L10,10 0,5 z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Next", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,0 L 0,10 10,5 z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Last", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,0 L 0,10 8,5 z M 10,0 L 10,0 10,10 8,10 8,0 z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Add", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M19.833,0L32.5,0 32.5,19.833999 52.334,19.833999 52.334,32.500999 32.5,32.500999 32.5,52.333 19.833,52.333 19.833,32.500999 0,32.500999 0,19.833999 19.833,19.833999z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black, .Width = 10, .Height = 10, .Stretch = Stretch.Uniform})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Delete", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("M51.527958,0L64,12.4741 44.47221,32.001027 64,51.52871 51.528,64.000001 32.000016,44.472668 12.471823,64.000001 0.0010004044,51.528802 19.528015,32.001088 0,12.473726 12.472,0.0010004044 31.999884,19.528773z"), .Fill = Brushes.Black, .Width = 10, .Height = 10, .Stretch = Stretch.Uniform})
			butFact.Mapper.Add("Show", New Path With {.Data = Geometry.Parse("F1M1937.77,2316.51L1924.92,2300.18C1929.1,2294.35 1929.14,2286.25 1924.48,2280.33 1918.84,2273.15 1908.45,2271.92 1901.27,2277.56 1894.1,2283.2 1892.86,2293.59 1898.5,2300.77 1903.23,2306.77 1911.26,2308.6 1917.96,2305.74L1930.77,2322.02 1937.77,2316.51z M1903.81,2296.59C1900.48,2292.35 1901.21,2286.21 1905.45,2282.87 1909.69,2279.53 1915.84,2280.26 1919.17,2284.51 1922.51,2288.75 1921.78,2294.89 1917.54,2298.23 1913.29,2301.57 1907.15,2300.84 1903.81,2296.59z"), .Stretch = Stretch.Uniform, .Fill = Brushes.Black, .Width = 10, .Height = 10})
			' Routine  to make buttons configured a fixed button list and our custom button content mapper
			Dim buttonMaker = Function(obj As Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.ItemForm)
														 Return New Curion.WPF.Controls.CommandStack With {.CommandSource = obj.CommandSource,
																																							 .CommandWidth = 23,
																																							 .CommandHeight = 23,
																																							 .Buttons = "First,*Prior,*Next,Last,,Add,Delete,,Show",
																																							 .CommandSpacing = New Thickness(0),
																																							 .ButtonMaker = butFact}
													 End Function
			show.ctlForm.ButtonMaker = buttonMaker ' Use the custom button maker

			show.ctlForm.CommandSource = New SeparateCommands(show.ctlForm)	' Set command source to use SeparateCommands class
			show.ctlForm.FormMaker = FormMaker(style)	' Create a simple, csv, or xml form

			show.ctlForm.ItemsSource = dataList	' Where does the data come from?
			show.ctlForm.Title = Curion.WPF.Controls.StringTitle("Using Separate Command Object", System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left)
			Return show
		End Using
	End Function
	Function NoPrompts() As UserControl
		Dim show As New ucSingle
		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
			show.ctlForm.HeaderMaker = Nothing ' No headers
			show.ctlForm.ButtonMaker = Nothing ' No buttons
			show.ctlForm.DataContext = New ExampleClass
			show.ctlForm.ShowTooltips = True
		End Using
		Return show
	End Function
#Region " Common Setup Layout Routines "
	Private Function FormMaker(style As FormStyle) As Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.IMakeForm
		Select Case style
			Case FormStyle.simple : Return New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.MakeSimpleForm
			Case FormStyle.csv : Return New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.MakeCsvForm With {.LayoutText = My.Resources.csvLayout}
			Case Else : Return New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.MakeXmlForm With {.LayoutXML = My.Resources.xmlLayout}
		End Select
	End Function
	Private Function SetupListNav(title As String, source As Object, style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Dim show = New ucListNav
		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
			show.ctlForm.FormMaker = FormMaker(style)	' Assign new layout to form
			If Not TypeOf source Is DataTable AndAlso Not TypeOf source Is Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList AndAlso TypeOf source(0) Is Dictionary(Of String, Object) Then
				show.DisplayMemberPath = "[name]"
				show.DisplayMemberPath = "name"
			End If
			show.FormItemsSource = source
			show.Title = title
		End Using
		Return show
	End Function
	Private Function SetupButtonNav(title As String, source As Object, style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Dim show = New ucButtonNav
		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
			show.ctlForm.FormMaker = FormMaker(style)	' Assign new layout to form
			show.FormItemsSource = source
			show.Title = title
		End Using
		Return show
	End Function
	Private Function SetupSingle(title As String, source As Object, style As FormStyle) As UserControl
		Dim show = New ucSingle
		Using New Curion.WPF.Controls.Form.SuspendFormGeneration(show.ctlForm)
			show.ctlForm.FormMaker = FormMaker(style)
			show.FormDataContext = source
			show.Title = title
		End Using
		Return show
	End Function
#End Region
#Region " Support Routines "
	Private Function RowNumber() As Integer
		Return Fix(Rnd() * dataDataTable.Rows.Count)
	End Function
	Private Function CopyToExampleClass(index As Integer) As ExampleClass
		Dim ex As New ExampleClass
		With dataDataTable.Rows(index)
			ex.customerId = .Item("customerId") = .Item("Name")
			ex.address = .Item("Address") = .Item("City")
			ex.state = .Item("State")
			ex.zipcode = .Item("Zipcode") = .Item("Phone")
			ex.isActive = .Item("IsActive")
			ex.balance = .Item("Balance")
			ex.added = .Item("Added")
		End With
		Return ex
	End Function
	Private Function CopyToExpando(index As Integer) As ExpandoObject
		Dim dr = dataDataTable.Rows(index)
		Dim ex As New ExpandoObject
		Dim dict = DirectCast(ex, IDictionary(Of String, Object))
		For Each k As DataColumn In dataDataTable.Columns
			dict.Add(k.ColumnName, dr(k.ColumnName))
		Return ex
	End Function
	Private Sub CopyToCurionRow(list As Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList, index As Integer)
		Dim dr = dataDataTable.Rows(index)
		Dim newRow = list.Rows.NewRow
		For i = 0 To dataDataTable.Columns.Count - 1
			newRow(i) = dr(i)
	End Sub
	Private Function CreateCurionList() As Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList
		Dim list As New Curion.WPF.Data.List.DataList
		For Each c As DataColumn In dataDataTable.Columns
			list.Columns.Add(c.ColumnName, c.Caption, c.DataType)
		Return list
	End Function
	Private Function CreateDictionary(index As Integer) As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
		Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
		For i = 0 To dataDataTable.Columns.Count - 1
			dict.Add(dataDataTable.Columns(i).ColumnName, dataDataTable.Rows(index)(i))
		Return dict
	End Function
	Private Sub LoadDt()
		Dim ds As New DataSet
		Dim location = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetParentPath(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType(ExampleClass)).Location) + "\Customers.xml"
		dataDataTable = ds.Tables(0)
		dataCurionList = CreateCurionList()
		For i = 0 To dataDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
			Call CopyToCurionRow(dataCurionList, i)
	End Sub
	Private Sub MessWithTheNatives(form As Form.ItemForm, list As List(Of String))
		' Build a listbox with missing properties and button to navigate back
		Dim parent As FrameworkElement = form.Parent
		While parent IsNot Nothing And Not TypeOf parent Is UserControl
			parent = parent.Parent
		End While
		Dim uc = CType(parent, UserControl)
		Dim container = CType(uc.Parent, Grid)

		Dim stack As New Grid
		stack.Margin = New Thickness(10)
		stack.RowDefinitions.Add(New RowDefinition With {.Height = New GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)})
		stack.RowDefinitions.Add(New RowDefinition With {.Height = New GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto)})
		Dim act As New Curion.WPF.Controls.ActionStack
		act.CommandHeight = 30
		act.CommandWidth = 100

		act.Add("Back", "Back", Sub()
															End Sub)
		With DirectCast(act.Children(0), Button)
			.IsDefault = True
			.IsCancel = True
		End With
		Grid.SetRow(act, 1)
		Dim lst As New ListBox
		lst.ItemsSource = list
		lst.Margin = New Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)

		' Replace ucButtonNav madness form with list of missing properties and a Back button
	End Sub
#End Region
End Module

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Written By
United States United States
I enjoy my wife, living in the woods, my 7 dogs, and learning new things. I like to play with UI stuff and model based coding.

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