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Great Reads

by Nilay M Joshi
Multiselect Combobox - Custom control for WPF
by Magnus_
public static void RemoveSelected(this ListControl source){ foreach (var item in source.Items.Cast().Where(li => li.Selected).ToList()) source.Items.Remove(item);}protected void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ lstCity.RemoveSelected();}
by Evren Yortuçboylu
A checkbox list jQuery UI widget with real time filtering functionality explained
by Paul_Williams
The difference between ListBox and CheckedListBox DataBinding.

Latest Articles

by Martin Henke (1971)
Edit Metadata for folders by using desktop.ini features
by Nilay M Joshi
Multiselect Combobox - Custom control for WPF
by Michael Shpilt
A WPF tutorial on how to create FilteredListView: A ListView custom control with search filter that uses Throttling.
by davekahn
An easy way to control the lists of options in multiple related SELECT controls

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26 May 2021 by Nilay M Joshi
Multiselect Combobox - Custom control for WPF
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The ListBox control is used to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. Use the Rows property to specify the height of
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Concept A very common question asked on the ASP.NET Forums is how to bind a ListControl's DataTextField or DataValueField to multiple Columns. The
20 Mar 2012 by Nilay M Joshi
Provides functionality of paging to DataGrid / ListBox control.
19 Oct 2010 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
Simple parsing of VS_VERSIONINFO version information strings displayed in an XP-style file-properties "Version" tab
30 Jan 2012 by synek317
A listbox control that allows reordering of items using drag'n'drop.
23 Feb 2024 by Martin Henke (1971)
Edit Metadata for folders by using desktop.ini features
23 Jul 2014 by davekahn
An easy way to control the lists of options in multiple related SELECT controls
2 Dec 2013 by Gerald Gomes
Starting modular application development using Prism, WPF, and Unity container.
30 Nov 2018 by Michael Shpilt
A WPF tutorial on how to create FilteredListView: A ListView custom control with search filter that uses Throttling.